Date Report

Aug 24, 2007
Reaction score
Been out in the field lately, Got one F close which would make it my first hispanic chick I ever been with (the lame part is I'm like 8 years behind my friends in terms of hispanics.. well the non AFCs) but I got the f close on the saturday after I met her..

Now on the other hand HB burma...shes hot.. but man we talked about some weird topics on the date.. and she was sometimes cool laying on the grass with me in my arms.. but then when I tried to escalate to make out she told me we shouldnt kiss without a reason.. wtf? I guess that is girl for saying "Im a cold *****".. and the end of the date was alright just chilling but then I told her i had to take her back home cause I had some matters to attend to.

On the way back I take a different freeway route: she got confused and thought I was driving her out of town to a forest.. she got scared, maybe that I was gonna do something... that was such an insult I just stopped talking to her after that. she was like dont u have anything to talk about? guess she doesnt like silence so much

-- So i drive her to the subway, a station closer to her house.. on the way back she says u can can just drop me off at any station even this one (that was a lot farther).. gets out of car before I turned it off.. walk her to elevator.. it opens as we get there (ghosts? ha) she walks in.. I make the decision to not walk in with her.. she giggles and waves.. I just say bye and walk off.. not even a hug.. she said burmese people dont hug much earlier.. ya right...
Guys what you think of the situation?


Master Don Juan
Jun 19, 2006
Reaction score
Burmese as in "from Burma"?

Dude, for a guy who lives in Taiwan and the US, you don't have much appreciation of different cultures.

I've had Asian women not hug me on the 1st date, then we bang later.

Don't be fooled by the desperate/starving ultra-friendly SE Asian girls you meet: most of the society is directed against displays of physical affection. You could have been more patient.
Aug 24, 2007
Reaction score
hmm -- well there is always next time I suppose.. I'm just trying to get the action before I get back to Taiwan.. I dont believe in the asian conservative thing that much but I will take that to mind.. thanks for your help