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  1. M

    Need sum help from the older DJ's i posted this in the high school forum

    aight so check this Firstly just wanna say hope yall had a good 4th of july Secondly heres my story....i went to see fireworks with my girlfriend we have just started a new relationship (this is our second week into it). So anywase i do tease her quiete often and she always says "oh your sooo...
  2. M

    I think i did the right thing...What do yall think?

    aight so check this Firstly just wanna say hope yall had a good 4th of july Secondly heres my story....i went to see fireworks with my girlfriend we have just started a new relationship (this is our second week into it). So anywase i do tease her quiete often and she always says "oh your sooo...
  3. M

    Cuckblockers unintentional

    Ha yea your right about that lol i cant argue with that.. But sometimes u dunt know this until you have already approached her
  4. M

    She's Teasing me

    I woulda just stopped kissing her and act like i was watching the movie thenshe would think :WTF?!?!" Trust me she would think twice before teasing her...You need to make sure YOU are in control of the situation not her
  5. M

    6 months ago...

    See where u messed up wit it man is where you said "TRY" You shouldnt try...If u got the ****y funny game down you can bust on her and flirt a little but dont put to much effort in it
  6. M

    Need some MAJOR advice about my girlfriend

    Yea use the 15 minute rule with women on the fone no more then 15 minutes. This will make it seem like you are busy and you have a life. Also act like it wont bother you if she talks about other guys..Talk about other women!
  7. M

    a bit freaked out here

    Dont ever fight over a women unless shes your wife or something!! But if your fighting just to get with her ..forget it ..there are to many vaginas on this planet to worry bout that lil homie
  8. M

    Cuckblockers unintentional

    Random variable - Think it up and you got it, just something that doesn’t go your way. Like locking yourself out of your room or something like that. Usually something you cannot prepare for or counter, just got to roll with the punch. Mechanic - Yes the dreaded dead car battery. OR perhaps...