Need some MAJOR advice about my girlfriend


Master Don Juan
May 12, 2007
Reaction score
Hey guys, a problem I just started having with my new girlfriend. I'll try my best to keep it as short as possible, but it is very complicated.

Information you should know before I ask my questions:
I started going out with a girl last week, first 4 days were great! However, there is some history with this girl that should be noted. 3 months ago, I liked this girl and this girl liked me; however, she did not know I liked her, so she went out with this other guy in attempt to get me jealous. She liked this guy a bit, but everybody knew she REALLY liked me at this time.

Anyway, she went out with this guy for 2 months, and than she ended it with him because he got touchy, etc.
NOW, I still liked this girl, and I found out that she only went out with him to get me jealous 2 weeks AFTER she broke up with him.
What did I do? I started talking to her again, she still liked me, I still liked her. So we hooked up. (We hooked up a month after she broke up with him.)

Now, I'll get to my questions...
First question:
Now, we have been talking on the phone ALOT since it is the summer and I cannot see her in school; we only go out to see each other once every 2 weeks. She ALWAYS calls me, and I've noticed we talk on the phone too much that we almost run out of things to say... how do I just cut this down? Do I stop picking up my phone? Because our conversations are starting to get dull... I don't want to attraction to get lost.. this leads onto my next question.

Second question:
Just today, she sent a text to one of her close friends, BUT she sent it to me by accident.. it read this:
"Jenna, I don't know if I do like him enough to go out with him... I just don't want things to end up like me and Joe... I miss him... but as a best friend."

Jenna = Her close friend
Joe = My girlfriends ex-boyfriend
Him = Referring to me.

No idea how to deal with this situation and I need some mixed views.
Would appreciate fast responses,


Master Don Juan
Apr 26, 2006
Reaction score
I wouldn't be so sure that text was sent by accident. Either way you have some complications. I'm really not sure what to tell you. Pull away a little bit. Make sure you have other things going in your life as well.


Don Juan
Jun 30, 2007
Reaction score
There was a saying 'distance makes the heart grow fonder' or something like that. Pull away a bit for a few days and pull yourself together and then go out with her somewhere and turn up the charm but don't act like you've completely fallen for her and you should be in the clear.


Master Don Juan
May 28, 2007
Reaction score
Get off the effin phone with her. Keep it short and if she tries to talk longer, interupt her (polietly) and tell her you have to get off the phone because you have things to do.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 3, 2003
Reaction score
Fort Bragg, North Carolina
Coming from someone with experience, I used to be in your shoes. Look, she seems to only call you when she's bored.

My brother, if you keep up with the phone conversations on a daily basis, this will dry up. It's SUMMERTIME!! Go do something, my man. If you sit up on the phone with this chic, you're gonna put yourself in the "friendzone", that's why she says "she misses you... like a best friend" because to females, best friends talk on the phone all the time. You gotta make her "wonder" about you, she has to start using that BRAIN. She has to wonder if you even like her anymore, if you're hurt, if you're seeing someone else (especially after you said she dated some guy just to make you jealous), you have to make her play "detective". Don't call her eveyday, maybe twice a week, but never on the weekends. And when you talk to her, limit the time to 10 MINUTES. And always get off the phone with her FIRST. You have to make it seem as though you're "WAY TOO BUSY TO BE WASTING TIME ON ONE GIRL", put her in a "you have to compete for my time" mindframe, but don't actually SAY THAT to her... Don't put so much time into one girl, especially if it's not exclusive yet, and even when it is exclusive, don't put so much time into one girl, and NEVER ever make her think she's #1 in your priorities of life, brother. Good luck.


Master Don Juan
Apr 18, 2007
Reaction score
Question 1. Yes you talk on the phone too much. Listen to The Great Gaia

Question 2. If my girlfriend sent me a text message like that. I would be in my car driving to her house asking for some answers. Or just drop that b!tch for thinking about leaving you for another guy.


Master Don Juan
May 12, 2007
Reaction score
Alright just some extra information.
I NEVER call her, she always calls me. I've kept my phone off for half the day to reduce her calling me more than once, so I'm reducing the amount of times she calls me. If I stop answering her calls, won't it feel like I am ignoring her?
See, what has happened to me before (with a different girl) we used to talk on the phone everyday... developed amazing rapport and she liked me ALOT. But than I stopped talking to her on the phone as much, and it made her loose attraction.

Thanks for the replies, look forward to more opinions on this.


Master Don Juan
May 28, 2007
Reaction score
But did she like you, or did she like the fact that she had you wrapped around her little manicured finger?

Don't ignore this new girl COMPLETELY but deffinetly cut your time short on the phone.


Don Juan
May 31, 2007
Reaction score
give your girlfriend the gift of missing you. its the only way to get out of the friend zone you are currently in. if she starts to wonder about where you've been or why you haven't been answering her calls, just say sorry and that you've just been really busy. she will start to miss you if she really does like you and it will drive her crazy that you might have other things on your mind than just her. basically just pull the plug for a bit and keep busy to keep your mind off her for now. and let things just play out.


Don Juan
Jul 3, 2007
Reaction score
wouldnt you like to know?
Yea use the 15 minute rule with women on the fone no more then 15 minutes.
This will make it seem like you are busy and you have a life.
Also act like it wont bother you if she talks about other guys..Talk about other women!


Master Don Juan
Jun 22, 2007
Reaction score
theunflushables said:
Get off the effin phone with her. Keep it short and if she tries to talk longer, interupt her (polietly) and tell her you have to get off the phone because you have things to do.
Thats good advice.

Also, as people said earlier, try to stray away from her a little bit, but if you do it too much, it will just smack you right in the face, as she will just find some other guy.