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  1. T

    2nd annual approach anxiety competition

    Man I'm so in this. Haven't been to SS for so long, then found this thread. Will it be mostly approaching during the day or in night game venues?
  2. T

    NEW Bootcamp Starting Friday 4/9 - Competition!

    Hi's - 52 Convos w random ppl - 14 Convos with datable girls - 5 Rejections - 0 Chatted up 2 girls who went to the same place as me for an interview, and a few hi's and convos so far this week. I'm going for a camp during the weekend and I intend to finish all my convos with girls and get...
  3. T

    NEW Bootcamp Starting Friday 4/9 - Competition!

    Hey, I'm still in also! Determined to finish. For week 3 I got 3 chic convos, although it was all at once. (They were in a group). Really need to catch up now. Hi's - 51 Convos - 10 Convos with datable girls - 3 Ok guys I wanna ask a question on week 3. The bootcamp pdf does not specify that...
  4. T

    NEW Bootcamp Starting Friday 4/9 - Competition!

    Got my 10 today. 7 or 8 were ppl from my sch that i've never seen before so that wasn't too hard. Doing the ones out on the street made me quite anxious. I realize it is much easier to talk to someone who is incidentally sitting next to you (e.g. guy on the same bus) than to actually pick a...
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    NEW Bootcamp Starting Friday 4/9 - Competition!

    Ok here's my report! Just came back from a family trip on Wednesday, but did most of my hi's today. Alright, i'll admit this it's been quite easy for me these past few days cause they are my country's water festival and national holiday, so a lot of my hi's that I initiated were from people out...
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    The Conductor's Cramming Journal

    Couldnt get myself out of a screwed up state of mind today. Did nothing. I'll wake up early and do some cardio early tomorrow.
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    The Conductor's Cramming Journal

    Today I completed: Maclaurin's Series (half-baked) To be done tomorrow: Integration More practice Definite Integrals General Paper Essay University Applications list/requirements Exams start in: 6 days Exams finish in: 32 days
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    The Conductor's Cramming Journal

    :up: Got over my sleeping problem. No naps during the day, then exercise wears me down leaving me drowsy by bedtime, and a glass of milk finishes me off. Goals for Tomorrow: Math: Last chapters of Integration/Differentiation; begin Differential Equations English: practice Literature: more...
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    The Conductor's Cramming Journal

    Not feeling too well today. Will post update tomorrow. Thanks for the encouragement guys!
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    The Conductor's Cramming Journal

    Day 3 Good news is i woke up relatively early today - 9am. Well i did well in the morning but my roommate came back today and i got distracted. So yeah i guess I'll have to find a quiet place to study. Today I completed: Math: Review Practice Goals for tomorrow: Math:Past year questions...
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    The Conductor's Cramming Journal

    Day 2 Hey I'm in the Mood thanks for the encouragement dude! Damn, my exams are creeping in real close already and I cant seem to find enough time; lol I'm not spending every second on this of course, I have a knack for slackin' my ass off:cool: Yup, high school's a b*tch, especially mine. I...
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    This happen to anyone else?

    Ok here's something i got. Read it somewhere but dunno whether this is part of NLP or whatever. You personify that pvssy part of you that's afraid to approach. Just imagine a character, or better yet you, a DISGUSTINGLY AFC VERSION OF YOU with a hunched over posture without a milligram of...
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    The Conductor's Cramming Journal

    Day 1 OK, There are the 5 subjects I need to prepare for: H2 Math H2 English Literature H2 Computing H1 Physics H1 General Paper (English) Today I completed: Revision schedule Math 1 chapter: Differentiation Goals for tomorrow: Wake up 7:30 and start revising no later than 8:30...
  14. T

    The Conductor's Cramming Journal

    Hey all, my first post here! :yes: It's time for a goddamn transformation. I've become so sick of my life as it is, where I let my days drift away meaninglessly. I realize that the person that was me 4 years ago had much more bang than who I am right now. I was extremely confident and funny (I...