The Conductor's Cramming Journal

The Conductor

Don Juan
Sep 2, 2009
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Hey all, my first post here! :yes: It's time for a goddamn transformation. I've become so sick of my life as it is, where I let my days drift away meaninglessly. I realize that the person that was me 4 years ago had much more bang than who I am right now. I was extremely confident and funny (I was the guy who entertained the crowd), i did things my way and groups of girls liked me. Now I'm more known for being a dead zombie. But all that's about to change.

What i wanna get from here is MAJOR self-improvement in all areas of my life. I broke them down like in Sammo's thread but the two serious things that need IMMEDIATE attention are my exams and my US university applications, so that's what this journal's gonna be about. I created this to make myself accountable and get off my lazy ass.

A little background: I got a scholarship to study in Singapore, but well i blew it, so i gotta finish the rest of my JC2 (HS senior) year on my own and do the Singapore-Cambridge GCE 'A' levels exams (we're following the british system here). It ain't cheap: USD 280 to sit for it. The first paper starts on the 9th of November and the last ends on the 4th of December. That's 12 days to go. So yup I'm cramming 2 years of work in less than 2 weeks.

I wouldn't say i know nothing about the material; I did some last minute cramming in previous tests and got the basic idea, but hell I flunked 3 subjects out of 5. I know this isn't the way to go about doing it but I have no other options now. Some will say it's impossible, but 2 years ago i studied for 1 month for my 'O' levels and I ended up getting 7 distinctions and 1 B. I'll show you "Impossible is nothing".

What caused me to screw up these past 2 years? Well in part it's because of a girl and my oneitis for her taking over my life, but it's all over now and I'll deal with that aspect once my exams are done.

Ok, some basic rules. I'll post my studying report EVERY DAY at around 22:00 GMT+8 time, and in the post i'll also list down what i plan to finish the next day. School's out so i have all day to cram.

1. Self-Discipline: I have had very little of this. For me it's rly like what i wanna do when i wanna do it. No more of this crap. This is what schedules are for. I'm going to learn to act despite mood.

2.Sleep-Wakeup Cycle: I always end up staying up real late for no reason. Even when i go to bed early i can't seem to fall asleep until early morning. This makes me blurred, drowsy, and kills my brain for the whole of next day.

3.Concentration: Currently my average attention span when I'm studying is a few minutes. Now it hasn't always been that way, and I'll have to admit that i was putting in almost no effort. Hell, i can concentrate for hours when i'm doing things that i'm interested in. And you can bet I'm interested in changing my life. I'm going to remove potential distractions, and unplug my laptop and put it away when I don't need it.

Apart from doing well in academics, what I'm aiming for here is building up discipline in myself, living a goal oriented life where every day is a challenge and an adventure, where each step is up the mountain that i will ultimately conquer.

My philosophy is this: Live life to the fullest. Get your ass busy pursuing your dreams. But at the same time look at it all, and laugh at yourself in the spirit of fun.:cheer:

Let's Go! :up:
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The Conductor

Don Juan
Sep 2, 2009
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Day 1

There are the 5 subjects I need to prepare for:
H2 Math
H2 English Literature
H2 Computing
H1 Physics
H1 General Paper (English)

Today I completed:

Revision schedule
Math 1 chapter: Differentiation

Goals for tomorrow:
Wake up 7:30 and start revising no later than 8:30

Math: Applications of Differentiation, Maclaurin's Series, Integration
English: 1 Composition Practice
Literature: Just vaguely go through notes

Problem again is sleep-wake cycle. I woke up at 1100 and started revising around 3:00

Exams start in: 12 Days
All papers finish in: 38 Days

I'm in the Mood

Master Don Juan
May 3, 2008
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Cloud 9
Dude you need to relax a bit if you're spending every second on work. Give yourself rewards for getting things done, and make sure you spend some time away from BS, hanging out with friends.
What you're doing is a really good thing and I've tried this before, but it's so much easier to set smaller goals for yourself.

High School is a pain in the muthafvckin ass, I know. Your best bet is to see your teachers after school and stay there while you do your homework and stuff. If you need to write a paper, go find some computers or whip out a laptop.

I think if you fix your sleep problem, you will have much more energy and you'll be able to get your stuff done real well.

lol another sneaky option would be to have a girl in your class do your homework for you or let you copy hers.

I am SO glad I decided to go to community college. Good luck man!

The Conductor

Don Juan
Sep 2, 2009
Reaction score
Day 2

Hey I'm in the Mood thanks for the encouragement dude! Damn, my exams are creeping in real close already and I cant seem to find enough time; lol I'm not spending every second on this of course, I have a knack for slackin' my ass off:cool: Yup, high school's a b*tch, especially mine.

I get your point about the reward thing and i'm gonna try it out. School's out already; we close at around the end of october here, so thankfully we dont have homework. It's just the nationwide standardized exams that's left. Yeah, I know man, I'm trying to deal with the sleeping thing.

Ok, day 2. Started revising around 3 pm again cause I couldnt fall asleep till 5 am last night. It's not usually this bad but hey, i just had a bad night.

Today i completed:

Math:Applications of Differentiation

Goals for Tomorrow:
Math:Review practice, Maclaurin's Series, Integration
English: 1 essay practice
Literature: 1 Practical Criticism Piece (Poetry)

Well I did way too little today. I realize that my revision method sucks and I gotta tweak it a bit- for math don't waste time doing the easy questions; just the read examples and get to the meaty parts.

Just messing up one day screws the whole schedule, but I put in some extra days just in case i couldnt finish on time.

Exams start in: 11 Days
All papers finish in: 37 Days

The Conductor

Don Juan
Sep 2, 2009
Reaction score
Day 3

Good news is i woke up relatively early today - 9am. Well i did well in the morning but my roommate came back today and i got distracted. So yeah i guess I'll have to find a quiet place to study.

Today I completed:
Math: Review Practice

Goals for tomorrow:
Math:past year questions practice, Maclaurin's Series, Integration
GP: Essay Practice 1
Literature: Practical Criticism

I'm way behind schedule, gotta put my everything into this.

Exams start in: 10 Days
All papers finish in: 36 Days

I'm in the Mood

Master Don Juan
May 3, 2008
Reaction score
Cloud 9
You should try doing pushups and crunches before bed.
I do crunches and it knocks me out after; I like get up, turn off my light and fvckin collapse and pass out on my bed. You know I'm gonna step up the crunches tonight and do some extra.

The SATs and ACTs are fvcked up in my opinion. I took neither. In fact, I went to a SAT practice session and found out they weren't going to help us with test-taking strategies and it was 4 hours long. I walked the fvck outta there and kept 4 hours of my life to myself.

Here's something I want you to try out. Ask a girl of your choice in any of your classes to come with you into town to study. You've probably never done this before, but you can have some fun and learn at the same time. It adds some excitement to doing work! Don't bring a really nerdy girl though, unless she's a very social person. You want to mix some subtle flirting with actually learning.

The Conductor

Don Juan
Sep 2, 2009
Reaction score
Not feeling too well today. Will post update tomorrow. Thanks for the encouragement guys!

The Conductor

Don Juan
Sep 2, 2009
Reaction score
:up: Got over my sleeping problem. No naps during the day, then exercise wears me down leaving me drowsy by bedtime, and a glass of milk finishes me off.

Goals for Tomorrow:
Math: Last chapters of Integration/Differentiation; begin Differential Equations
English: practice
Literature: more practice

I did the SAT I last year in my junior year. Now i'm doing my obligatory A level exams, which is what people here in Singapore do to get in the local universities or UK. Which is in fact useless for me as I intend to go to the US. So far I'm nowhere in my university applications, so a change of priorities is needed.

Lol i did that last year with my ex-oneitis! We went out to do research for our projects and something, got nothing done except touching and feeling each other. :p

Exams start in: 7 days
Exams finish in: 33 days

The Conductor

Don Juan
Sep 2, 2009
Reaction score
Today I completed:
Maclaurin's Series (half-baked)

To be done tomorrow:
More practice
Definite Integrals
General Paper Essay

University Applications list/requirements

Exams start in: 6 days
Exams finish in: 32 days

The Conductor

Don Juan
Sep 2, 2009
Reaction score
Couldnt get myself out of a screwed up state of mind today. Did nothing. I'll wake up early and do some cardio early tomorrow.