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  1. L

    Did You Guys Know There Are Female PUAs?

    There are plenty of beautiful women out there. But nobody wants to be replaceable! Conversation works both ways.
  2. L

    My battle with a handsome millionaire over her (summarized)

    Yes. She is going to keep cheating on him for as long as they stay together. The cycle of their relationship won't change, but you definitely can, by only going for women who are going to give you 100%.
  3. L

    You're NOT afraid of rejection.

    It's like an investment. The more you put in, the more you can potentially take out.
  4. L

    How do I get rid of a chick that's in love with me?

    Tell her that you are going to graduate and that you aren't looking for a girlfriend right now. That's the easy way. Or ask her what she wants out of a relationship with you. Let her talk. Don't offer feedback. Maybe the more she talks, the more she will realize how unrealistic she is being...
  5. L

    Help me fvck my gorgeous co-worker! :)

    I also think it's trite to hit on your taken assistant. But if you must, and you both like clubbing, maybe you could invite her. Make sure it's a special night or a new club opening or another overblown excuse of the like. Bring some female friends and some male friends, preferably taken...
  6. L

    success story: GF broke up with me, I turned it around

    Yep. LolitaLempicka is my favorite perfume. A guy broke it off with me a while back in a similar way as you broke up with your girl. I was upset at the time, but then I realized that we girls need to have some game too. You probably did her a favor in the long run.
  7. L

    success story: GF broke up with me, I turned it around

    Perhaps you were a little too self-righteous, but you did the right thing. Now you hold all the cards. Let her figure out what she did wrong. Talk to other women. Date them. Don't wait around for your girl to grow up. She will come to you, believe me. And don't be harsh on her. She knows...
  8. L

    I am sick of your confidence ****! I have a deformed ugly penis for pete's sake!

    You know, the friend zone isn't always a bad thing, mankey. If you aren't sexy, this is kind of the option you have. And that's okay. You can work out and become decent-looking. You can improve your confidence someday, somehow. But if you are 24 and a virgin, I don't think that the "stud"...
  9. L

    How to become a mature adult man who can attract women

    Believe me, the post-college slump is common. It sounds like your problem is that your game was tailored to the college scene. I think the main problem with that is that after college, people's interests in a partner become more specific. I'm not saying they always develop higher standards...