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  1. D

    Authentic Confidence

    This post is pure gold. I think shutting up the Internal Dialogue is really important... it was probably the greatest problem for me, any time I would start thinking to myself, guaranteed I would screw up, be it playing the guitar or chatting to girls. The self-doubt can throw away any training...
  2. D

    life's just not fair

    Dude, everyone starts off a beginner, just keep at it and you'll get there. This video is good inspiration: One of the best lines "you don't set out to build a wall, you lay each brick as perfectly as you can, every day, and soon...
  3. D

    so what do i do in this case?

    Maybe suggest something else other than the gym a couple of days later, some girls really don't like the gym because they feel too self-concious, maybe she wants to look her best?
  4. D

    Attitude towards "the game" and an inspirational video This is my first thread on here, so I thought I'd start with something I personally believe to be the most important part of becoming a true Don Juan. Attitude... i've come to realise that you can be the most talented guy in the...
  5. D

    I got shot down and I hate it ;<

    Maybe change the way you say it next time, like you could have said "hey there you are... Want to go for lunch? I know a great place etc. The "I was wondering" bit might come of as insecure, also try and turn her sarcastic ball busting around on her. Also if you don't know her well, maybe...