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  1. M

    How nice are you to fatties?

    all cute girls have fat friend. i act nicer to the fat girl then the cute girls cuz often times they are the gatekeepers.
  2. M

    gonna make a move on her, advice pls

    go to the resteraunt alone. sit in her section. make sure she is your server. tease her, crack jokes, pretend she ****ed up your order then make a joke out of it. test her in fun little ways. once you built some rapport with her ask her name. keep banter going. when you cash out invite her to...
  3. M

    Evasive girl

    Darth! Things to consider: - This chick is nothing special. she seems self-absorbed,boring,prudeish and oversensitive. -Don't sweat her, don't pedestalize her. - maintain a somewhat stoic high value "take it or leave it" frame. -being alone on v day is a good thing! lots of lonely desperate...
  4. M

    Evasive girl

    geeze louise, why some chicks find themselves so damn interesting?
  5. M

    Valentines Day Flowers?

    give her a bag of M & M's it's endearing and not ostentatious.
  6. M

    So am I ugly or what (beautiful pictures)

    I had similar problems my features are naturally softer and boyish. I grew some facial hair and suddenly people started percieveing me differently. Girls that ignored me gave me more attention cuz i looked my rugged and masculine. grow a beard!
  7. M

    Some advice needed

    tell her that sex is a deal breaker and if she's not down. you'll take your penis elsewhere while she collects dust.
  8. M

    LDR+LTR Ex getting crazy what to do

    Let it be man. Focus on you yourself, get introspective. Your going to be traveling so distracting yourself and meeting new people couldn't be easier. If you want maintain a friendship but don't push for anything sexual. that could just get messy.
  9. M

    Long Distnace BF Destroying

    thanks robyn, i won't send you a pick but I'd say she a stong 8 or higher depending on your standards. I don't feel like i'm entirely friendszoned, since she sees me as a sexual being. I tell her about my exploits from time to time. maybe there's some sort of holding tank middle ground. is...
  10. M

    Long Distnace BF Destroying

    question, how should i go about pursuing this chick?
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    Long Distnace BF Destroying

    also they only see each other like 4 on holidays. (college students)
  12. M

    Long Distnace BF Destroying

    I'M into this girl that in in an LDR with some dude accross the country/ She is very invested it and so is he (her bf) Facts: there is alot of sexual tension between me and her. Eye contact, innuendo,etc we hang out semi-frequently but not super often. she is aware that i am good with...
  13. M

    It finallly hit home....

    Definately cut all contact and use this time to improve yourself. The best revenge is success. Make her regret losing you..but by then she won't matter to you anyways. stay strong.
  14. M

    New to the Community.

    Use your MBV wall of sound - to get into their panties...i assume yr named after the seminal shoegaze band....? welcome!
  15. M

    Is it AFC to keep tabs on girls?

    It's not necesarily AFC but it is by no means a cool thing to do. Anyway you slice this guy comes off as an insecure chump. His gf is obviously just insecure as she puts up with it.
  16. M

    Music to drive out AFC disease!!!

    Some girls by the rolling stones anything by t-rex any james bond soundtrack
  17. M

    LJBF question

    if yr gonna do that you may as well jsut do the glasses thing. Or you could jsut tell her to clean her own glasses... don't do anything that seems like you thopught of it ahead of time. Just do somthing relevent to the moment, time and place.
  18. M

    LJBF question

    I have a good example that has worked well for me with girl wearing glasses. Tell her "your glasses are dirty." Then take them from off of her head and clean them with yr shirt or a soft cloth if you have one. If she's cool she'll probably giggle a bit and be like "what are you doing". This...
  19. M

    Ugly Chicks, good or bad?

    Go for it after all, yr dyk ain't gonna suck itself. Plus, one day we will all be old and not as good looking-There will be a time when we couldn't F a chunky girl if we wanted. Look at this way, would you really regret it? probably not you will jsut be glad you got with as many girl as you...
  20. M

    LJBF question

    go to class early-before she gets there pickout a seat. If she comes and sits next to you, it's a good way to guage wheter or not she is still interested. Until then just play it cool, indifference is yr best friend. This situation seems salvagable to me.