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  1. G

    Audio interview with Paul Janka!

    part 2 released: mostly about midgame and endgame! :cool:
  2. G

    Audio interview with Paul Janka!

    not for the faint-hearted :)
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    The Russian Pooah

    Learn to seduct beautifuler girls!! (video) :)))
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    paul janka on dr phil

    i think he's being liked and forgiven for his so called bad behavior not because of his looks, but because he's honest and relaxed about it, he's not trying to cover up or to be phony. don't apologize for who you are and people will accept you for it - he's a perfect example.
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    paul janka on dr phil

    his looks definitely play a role and a non good looking guy will have to work harder, but the attitude should remain EXACTLY the same, you'll just have to expect a lower hit ratio. that's assuming that someone doesn't have some personality traits that can compensate for the lack of looks.
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    paul janka on dr phil

    he rocks. honestly. he takes **** from no one he believes in what he does 100% he's doesn't care about women who don't care about him, and he sticks to his goal. love the guy.
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    paul janka on dr phil

    this guy kicks ass in every way, watch him hold his frame without trying.. and his work in-field :)
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    Why do girls hate awkward guys SO MUCH?

    i have a lot of girl friends so i can give you an answer straight from the horse's mouth. they got burned out by the awkward guys. any hot girl was once naive, she gave some awkward guy a chance. then he started acting weird. stalking her. talking weird ****. being really really weird in bed...
  9. G

    I failed to act, because I AM SCARED

    true, imo definitely don't use ****y funny. ****y funny, even in the rare events when it's used properly and actually works, is used to create initial attraction. the girl already hinted sex to you, meaning she is already attracted. if you use c/f you will come off as an arrogant weirdo...
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    I failed to act, because I AM SCARED

    i think that the k-close thing might have got you scared. judging by your post, you believe that you should have reacted to the 'IOI' by showing a ballsy courageous physical move, and you couldn't pull it off. this is not necessary, and if you can't handle it (which is apparently the case)...
  11. G


    yes, i used to have a foot fetish but it winded down a bit these days for some odd reason. anyway in my foot fetish hey days i used to really like to suck women's toes. it got me laid plenty of times. since sucking toes is the grey zone (it's not sex but it's very erotic), and women get...
  12. G

    "Natural" friend, actually an AFC?

    fact is that those that are really good with women behave exactly like AFC's, just without the neediness. all those who apply 'tactics and philosophies' usually hardly get women in reality, they just keep struggling with the 'methods' or the 'philosophies of inner game'. or, at the very...
  13. G

    What's wrong with women?

    that's your mistake right there. a woman you try to pick up is not your friend. do you have an intention to stick your **** in your friend's vagina? or to have him suck your ****? no. women are not stupid. they know there's a hidden meaning behind interactions with men. you should...