paul janka on dr phil


Master Don Juan
Aug 15, 2004
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That's actually the guy I was talking about. He knows what he's doing.


Don Juan
Mar 1, 2008
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he rocks. honestly. he takes **** from no one he believes in what he does 100% he's doesn't care about women who don't care about him, and he sticks to his goal. love the guy.


Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2006
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Wow, I could almost taste the feminism on that show.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 9, 2007
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Orange County
I hate to admit it but Janka is the storybook good looking guy: tall, dark and handsome. I think this really gives him an edge and subcommunicates a lot, however if women knew that he's a broke-ass in a small ass apartment, I don't think his chances would be all that good.


Master Don Juan
Mar 16, 2008
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an island
SickAgain said:
I hate to admit it but Janka is the storybook good looking guy: tall, dark and handsome. I think this really gives him an edge and subcommunicates a lot, however if women knew that he's a broke-ass in a small ass apartment, I don't think his chances would be all that good.
Only gold diggers would think like that.


Don Juan
Mar 1, 2008
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his looks definitely play a role and a non good looking guy will have to work harder, but the attitude should remain EXACTLY the same, you'll just have to expect a lower hit ratio. that's assuming that someone doesn't have some personality traits that can compensate for the lack of looks.


Don Juan
Mar 1, 2008
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i think he's being liked and forgiven for his so called bad behavior not because of his looks, but because he's honest and relaxed about it, he's not trying to cover up or to be phony. don't apologize for who you are and people will accept you for it - he's a perfect example.
Jul 31, 2007
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I found this and thought it was quite funny. Almost like a reverse field-report from some journalist who went on a "date" with Janka.

I went on a "date" with self-professed "Casanova" Paul Janka last night. Or well, I went to his apartment. He sniffed my feet. He showed me his bunk bed. It was more like a "play date" actually, only with a dog in heat. It was kind of fun! But not as fun as telling people about it after I narrowly escaped.

Oh, and P.S., when I say "fun" I mean in a "because I enjoy absurd experiences" way, not in a "there's stuff I'm not telling you" way. Nothing went down! He is, um, not exactly my type.

Maybe Paul Janka was just the product of his surroundings, ****ing women for sport because there is literally nothing else to do. It was 11:09, one hour and nine minutes and three separate text messages after my appointed meeting time with Paul Janka. I had not heard a word.

I got a text. "Still there?" it said.

"Come over for a bit."

I went. I briefly mistook his building for one with a doorman. His had no doorman. It smelled like Ramen, or perhaps chicken and dumplings or something the elderly are more likely to consume. HIs apartment was on the third floor. The stairs creaked walking up. His door was one of maybe four in a little vestibule, suggesting that I was maybe in a converted flophouse.

He opened the door. He is hot, but you knew that. He smiled a little bit and kissed me on both cheeks. He was wearing an American Apparel gym T-shirt in dark heathery gray.

"So you're Maureen. Why do you go by 'Moe'? Maureen is much sexier."

Dudes invariably say this to me. They do not want to **** "Moe." It's boring but I don't mind it if they bring it up after I have already considered ****ing them because once you have started considering ****ing someone your conversation is bound to get objectively more boring. However, I had no interest in ****ing Paul Janka. I think he could sense this, because he immediately commenced trying to change my mind or trying to get me to think he was trying to get me to change my mind.

He took my coat. I surveyed — um, looked at — his apartment. I have seen a lot of apartments but I have never seen one so small and I have been to Japan. There was a closet to the left and a ladder to his loft to the right, and a leather chair.

"Take off your shoes," he said when I sat.


"Look, my shoes are off." He pointed to his socks.

"What are those, boots?" he asked.


I took them off. He squatted beside me, and took one of my feet in his hand and placed it to his nose, inhaling deeply.

I laughed. He started rubbing my calves. Approximately eleven seconds into that process, he began kneading my thigh. What is this, the Iron Chef of date rape?

"Don't cross your legs!" he said.

"You're insane!' I replied.

"So what is this, you want to interview me?" he asked. "Are you somehow affiliated with Gawker?"

"Yes and yes."

"Are you willing to sacrifice your journalistic integrity?"

"I'm not here to **** you. I'm interested in you as a phenomenon."

"How tall are you?" he asked.

"About 5'7."

"Really? I don't believe you, I think you should stand up."

"Oh Jesus, you know? You're going to have to take my word for that because..."

"Because you have no reason to lie about it. Okay. You know, you're really cute. You have a sort of, robust sexiness about you. So what's your last name? Are you Jewish?"

"It's Slovak."

"Is that like Czech? My father is Czech. Is Slovak the same thing?"

"It used to be the same thing, but uh, they broke up."

He commenced pawing me. The weird thing about this is that generally I would probably feel uncomfortable, afraid I might succumb to a level of physical intimacy I might regret with Paul Janka, but even though I am totally ovulating right now I did not feel this fear while he relentlessly caressed my legs and arms, or on any of the ninety or so occasions he attempted to access my breasts from the neck of my shirt. "You know I'm not some rapist, he said at one point, and he had a point. My instinct, when he'd try to paw at my crotch, was to find a gnawed-on piece of rope and throw it down the hall hoping he'd go fetch. The point is, you don't think the dog diving into your crotch every time you come in the door is going to rape you. Of course, there was no place to throw a rope in Janka's miniature bachelor pad.

And dogs aren't evolved enough to properly masturbate; Janka went to freaking Harvard. What was his excuse?

I couldn't really find out. "I was a late bloomer," he admitted at one point. He'd lost his virginity at 20. By this point I was up on his bunk bed thingy. He has this rule about "no street clothes" on the bed so he had kindly offered me a pair of his Dolce & Gabbana boxer-briefs, folded meticulously in the armoire, to change into. "

Are you going commando right now?" he asked as I changed by his tiny closet.

"Ew no."

"Did that letter I sent, were you turned on when you read it?"

"I don't really get turned on by erotica."

"What turns you on?"

"I kind of actually like conversation."

I tried to pursue one with him. What about the adolescence that had left him so warped. He'd grown up in Santa Monica. Where'd he go to high school?

"See, this is the thing about conversation. Who cares where I went to high school?" he said.

"I'm just trying to apply my extensive knowledge of cultural stereotypes and gross generalizations to analyze your behavior," I said, or something like that.

"I went to a big public school."

He refused to talk much about his employment history, claiming he had been a technology analyst for a hedge fund but he never really "liked, like working." He likes to write; there's a screenplay he's shopping around.

"I also wrote a lot of college essays I really think are good. I have those." He did not share them.

He broke up with his girlfriend of two years a month ago, the event that seems to have precipitated the resurgence in interest surrounding his self-internet published 2004 work How To Get Laid In New York.

"I still love her; I'd love to have children with her, but we were just at different times in our lives," he said, or something along those lines. He found a picture of her (incredibly pretty) on his computer; when the screen first alit I was treated to a picture of a man — I believe it was Paul — holding his erect penis, perpendicular. It seemed large enough. He also shared with me photos sent to him by girls who had befriended him on Facebook since his appearance on the Today show. I could not tell if they were attractive from the photos, because they generally only displayed their asses. Like so many men of his generation, Janka is obsessed with butt sex. "29 years old and you've never had anal sex," was a common refrain, after I revealed to him I had never been penetrated there.

This paltry bit of information came at a price; once up on his bunk bed his frenzied touching grew more aggressive and strategic. "Don't break the TV," he would say, if I got too far away from him and too close to the flat-screen television mounted on the wall opposite his pillows. "I'm worried about the TV." He tried to grab at my crotch. When I covered myself with his blanket for protection, he said, "oh, I'm cold too," and covered himself with the blanket.

Once underneath the blanket, he felt at ease to start jerking off while looking at me and squinting while I asked questions. I don't know for a fact that he was jerking off, of course, but he was moving up and down rhythmically and it was the only period during our encounter during which he seemed to find a use other than probing me for his hands. It was a relief, but he got even worse at answering questions. I began to see holes in his stories.

"Please, please will you just...touch it?" he asked.

"No. Why do you like to **** drunk girls if you're not drunk?" I asked.

"That information is outdated," he said. "I don't do that anymore. I ran the numbers, and it just wasn't worth the cost. "Three drinks for her, plus seltzers for me, that's sixty bucks, times five times a day is $300..."

"Five times a day?"

"Five times a week is $300...and then you don't even really know if you're going to get a girl back home. Especially now, in the winter, you'll leave the bar and suddenly the cold air hits her face and she says, I'm just gonna go home..."

And then he began to contradict himself.

"But seriously, when I did that the girls were never drunk. They'd usually have one drink, two tops."

Suffice it to say his new strategy has been working very well since his appearance on the Today show. His most recent conquest was a Polish model in a loveless marriage who contacted him on Facebook in search of no-strings sex. But sometimes it backfires; the day before a girl had come over and he was, unbelievably, untempted to have sex with her. "The chemistry was off," he said. "She was kind of overweight."


Anyway I left pretty quickly after that. It was getting sort of boring. The one admirable thing about Paul Janka was that, unlike most oversexed pervs, he was not enough of a narcissist to seem to desire any analysis or tolerate introspection. He seemed driven purely by an insatiable need to get laid constantly. So insatiable was his need last night that he actually donned his American Apparel jacket and left his apartment when I did, headed for some destination across town. We hugged goodbye. On the way downstairs he said it was a shame we hadn't met under different circumstances, that he thought we could have a lot of fun with one another, blah blah blah blah. "What happens to us?" he finally asked, hilariously, before begging me to kiss him.

I abstained.

Cry For Love

Senior Don Juan
Nov 24, 2007
Reaction score
Its yet another case of women feeling offended that the men break the seemingly elementary rule of "always respecting womens wishes and not going against their desires". the NBC talkshow host talked of how bad it is how he doesnt care about womens feelings and has no remorse and does what he wants. And at the same time its OK for girls to pick and play with men's feelings as they wish. All the shows full of girls "taken advantage of" because they got "false expectations". The only way to avoid not meeting girls expectations is to be a supplicating loser which is a far bigger pitfall. BULLSH!T. Women with their heads pumped full of the ideas of overzealous feminists thinking they sh!t chocolate bars and fart room refresheners.

I'm Charming

Don Juan
Apr 24, 2008
Reaction score
I found it funny how the girl sitting next to him during Dr Phil was actually SO PUT OFF that at one point she had her left hand all over him.

I might add that he did seem a tad desperate, but that could be just the spin the media has put on things here.


Master Don Juan
Feb 29, 2004
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Baltimore, MD
Personally, I didn't like the attitude that either of the people on the Dr. Phil show exuded. It is not what I strive for and the first guy did overreact to being rejected.

Although, I liked what Paul Janka said.

I on the other hand liked how Dr. Phil owned the first guy with the "honesty" stuff.



Master Don Juan
Apr 22, 2008
Reaction score
Janka certainly is good at what he does, and his honesty does a good job of confounding his detractors.

However, I think what he's doing is excessive and not don juan-like at all--this is why he comes off as a perv and George Clooney does not. Come on...this guy is a good-looking Harvard grad! Why is he chasing the lowest common denominator?? It wouldn't surprise me if he has some deep insecurities...I have a friend that is similar to him. Life just isn't about screwing random drunk girls at the expense of building a career and leaving a lasting impression on the world.


Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2006
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slaog said:
Janka is a PUA not a DJ. I think he'd find it hard to have a long term relationship for example.
The self proclaimed DJ's make assumptions about people they don't know? Obviously this guy can pull tail, but who is to say that this is all he is limited too. Life is about choice, and some folks chose to be single in their 30s just like many folks here.

He is unapologetic about how he lives his life. What is the rush to get a "career"? DJ or not DJ, he runs damn good game most of us could learn from.

Edit: agreed, waaay too much feminism in this show. Who are these dried up sandy vaginas to tell someone how to live their lives? they are past their primes, and feel the need to drag everyone else down with them. Whatever, same old story!


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2007
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It's kind of sad that being a man and following your natural impulses, (which don't harm others) is considered dangerous. At least on Dr. Phil. It's most likely a female audience at home too. The only reason women know guys like this is because confident men who embrace and CELEBRATE their masculinity/sex drive, are the ones who these women respond to, in the first place.

I'm not sure what the message of the show was. I guess being a guy and wanting to play and not be too serious is a horrible thing. To women. Who are threatened by it.