What's wrong with women?


Don Juan
Nov 8, 2005
Reaction score
Upstate New York
OK. Here is what happened. I met a girl on craigslist, (I know it's not the best way to go but I don't really know a lot of places to meet women) we sent several e-mails to each other back and forth. Then she asks me what I am doing this weekend. I say nothing, maybe we should meet up. She invites me to come to a party she is having and to bring some friends. I say OK I'll come and I invite my friend to come with. She calls me at about 5 and asks me if I am coming and how many people I am bringing. Then she says she’ll call me before the party to tell me where to go. I wait, but she doesn't call. At about 10 I call and ask if the party is still on. She says something incomprehensible and that she is driving and will call me right back. But she doesn't call for quite some time. Finally I get a call from her but before I can pick up, the call ends. I call her back and ask if she called me. She asks me if I have a car and could pick up some beer. Before I can answer she says that she is giving someone directions and that she'll call right back. As you might guess, she never called back.
Now my question is: Would a normal person ever pull sh!t like that? This is really f*ucked up what she did. And this is not the first time it happened to me. Girls say that they will call but they never do.
If one of my friends promises something, he would either do it or in extreme case that he can't possibly do it, he would call, apologize and tell me that he can't, to warn me and not to keep me waiting. What's wrong with women, why do they think it’s OK to lie to someone, and not to have any common courtesy to call and explain what's going on. I am loosing all faith in woman kind. It takes away every desire to meet women.


Master Don Juan
May 11, 2001
Reaction score
Queens, New York
My friend you were taken for a ride...LITERALLY.....by the description of the story you wrote she was in control of everything and you were on the edge of your seat waiting for her every move....Learn from this experience and understand something.....YOU SHOULD ALWAYS BE IN CONTROL

Crazy Asian

Master Don Juan
Jan 29, 2007
Reaction score
your value was not very high in her eyes.

this just happened to me tonight, but the other way around.
i was supposed to go to this girl's bday party, and i was supposed to be there at 7:00.

i was hanging out with friends at this other girl's house (she's rich as f*ck).
and i wanted to stay longer so i just call her and say that i might be 30 min late. Then later she called me and since I didn't think very highly of her, I just told her some bullsh1t about how i couldn't get a ride. then she offered to give me a ride there, but i was like, ummm i have no idea where this person lives.... lol.

so just be sure that the girl thinks highly of you, and will not disrespect you.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 19, 2008
Reaction score
Los Angeles, CA
you're taking it way to personal. It's just the way girls are. They won't call back even when they say they will. They'll give you their phone number but never answer or call back. That's just life. All women are like that. Now if she has an interest in you she'll call you back. So obviously you said something or she got the impression that she actually didn't want to hang out with you or something better came up for her. Review exactly what happened and learn from your mistakes. You probably just never generated any interest in her after talking to her. If a girl likes you it's hard to tell but you should still be able to pick up on some signals. Just forget this girl. It's really not worth the hassle. Find a girl who actually has interest.

best way to handle this situation is to not contact her again and wait for her to contact you either via phone or email. If she contacts you again then it may not be a complete loss. Girls for some reason just don't like to calls guys. I'm not really sure what's up with it. I mean I literally talked to a girl on the phone one day and she told me she would call me later that night so we could go to a party or something. Guess what... she never called and let's just say I took it personally and got upset. That's when I was an AFC. I honestly wouldn't give half a **** now if something like that happened. It's takes time to learn but not caring is very helpful. It makes you way more confident, gives you a more attractive social attitude, and makes life a lot less stressful.


Don Juan
Nov 8, 2005
Reaction score
Upstate New York
Thanks guys. Next time I will try to be more in control, but it was actually her who posted the ad and who asked if I wanted to go to the party. I should have said "I will call you" instead of waiting for her to call me. I still think it's f*ucked up. How many girls out there do you think are normal, nice people who don't f*ck with your mind? I am starting to think that this number is low.


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2008
Reaction score
You're dealing with a typical Biscuit Chick (Hot and Flaky) - a term I learned from this forum. :) First few times that happened to me, I got rather angry, but then I learned how to deal with it.

KRUT said:
How many girls out there do you think are normal, nice people who don't f*ck with your mind?
Practically zero.

I am loosing all faith in woman kind.
A wise old man once said: "Don't hate women. It's a total waste of time."
Dec 18, 2007
Reaction score
KingBeef said:
My friend you were taken for a ride...LITERALLY.....by the description of the story you wrote she was in control of everything and you were on the edge of your seat waiting for her every move....Learn from this experience and understand something.....YOU SHOULD ALWAYS BE IN CONTROL

Well said!


Master Don Juan
Aug 16, 2007
Reaction score
KRUT said:
And this is not the first time it happened to me. Girls say that they will call but they never do.
How do you know she didn't meet another guy off Craigslist after you and decided to invite him to the party instead? How do you know she didn't just want some guy to bring beer to a party and then she found some so she didn't need you anymore? How do you she didn't have a bf and just wanted to see if she was attractive to some guy on the internet? And why are you accepting a first date from a girl who invites you somewhere were there could be tons of male competition? Why aren't you inviting her to your party?

Girls dont' call you because you don't give them a reason to. Why should they call you? So they can pity you? So you can feel better about yourself? Girls don't have time for that nonsense. They want to have fun. They want you to show them a good time. They want to experience new and exciting things with you. They want to have amazing sex. They want to have you cook them an amazing meal. They want to see your amazing abs. They want to meet all your friends. They want to go dancing all night. They want you to be rich. They want you to know the entire city and have the city know you by your first name. They DON'T want to hear you say "nothing" when they ask you what you are doing this weekend.


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2005
Reaction score
Well, I cannot speak for all flakes (and Im male of course) but usally if I flake it's because I originally wanted to meet the person but as the time drew near I just didn't want to meet them anymore, had second thoughts, or because someone else just got free that can't usually get out

In any event I would not have agreed to meet under those circumstances. Right off the bat I would've cut the crap and asked for the address of the party and I wouldn't bother bringing any friends. I would've went and seen what all chicks were there. If it was just a sausage fest I'd probably bail and search for greener pastures. I generally think in terms of efficiency, if something isn't going to be a good deal for me, I'd rather not waste my time. BTW, why didn't you just go out to a club or something while you were waiting for her call? For all you know you might've already pulled before she called?


Don Juan
Jan 28, 2008
Reaction score
I'm no genius, but when are you gonna call this girl and tell her that she is a prat for wasting your night. If she is gonna be flaky she means nothing to you. Tell her she is worthless for seeing no worth in you.


Don Juan
Mar 1, 2008
Reaction score
KRUT said:
If one of my friends promises something, he would either do it or in extreme case that he can't possibly do it, he would call, apologize and tell me that he can't
that's your mistake right there.

a woman you try to pick up is not your friend.

do you have an intention to stick your **** in your friend's vagina? or to have him suck your ****? no.

women are not stupid. they know there's a hidden meaning behind interactions with men.

you should understand that it's a rule of life - when you want to **** someone (i.e. have sex), he or she will behave differently than 'your friends'.

women don't call. men call them. that's just the way it works. dogs bark, cats miao, and girls don't call. they are passive. learn their ways and remember that a person that you plan to have sex with, you can't expect her to behave as a friend. it's hypocrisy on YOUR side.