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  1. I

    50+ To Bench in Month?

    If you can hit me up with your secrets. Cuz thats an increase of 10 pounds per week even if its a 4 week month that would be an increase of 40 pounds, thats still gonna be alot to chew on. But hey I could be wrong can someone correct me if I am? But then again there are crazy noob gains...
  2. I

    Anyone in the Bay Area, CA?

    anyone free tonight to go to dnb for some sarging?
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    Who were your drill seargents at Relaxin Jackson?
  4. I


    Dude if I were you Id sue the **** outa them. What they are doing isn't right, they maybe your parents but you don't owe them jack. They were the ones who decided to have kids that don't mean you owe them ****. Dude go find a lawyer and discuss this problem, when or if you win move the hell out...
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    Anyone in the Bay Area, CA?

    Damn what the hell happened to this board, well if anyones near the Milpitis or Stevens creek area hit me up. Probaly do some cold approaches round Great Mall or Valleyfair, going for girls round thier 18s - 20s so be the same as well. Sns FlickerFly holla. Peace
  6. I

    I feel a little lost

    All I can say is find something to motivate you in the mean time until you figure out things out. It might take awhile but I don't really know if this is something that can be forced, I've been in a slump for 3 years when I shoulda taken a step back a really figure out what to do. In the mean...
  7. I

    The cost of bulking?

    Well thanx for the headsup guys, since barly no one responded I guess bulking shouldn't be too expensive then.
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    The cost of bulking?

    I'm trying to get into bulking and I was wondering how much per month do you spend on food, supplements, gym member fee and ect. Also what kind of things do you guys recommend buying or doing to save money costs? Alright appriciate the help guys. Peace.