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  1. C

    May I Have This Dance?: Good things to say to get a girl to dance with you

    I've never really liked the whole "grab her by her waist and 'hi, mind if I rub my **** against your ass while not saying anything?'" type of approach. So, sometimes I say "may I have this dance?" with a "I'm pretending to be suave just to be funny" face as sort of a classy/corny/funny way to...
  2. C

    Bros before hoes? Bullsh!t!

    I would. He's your friend, man. I would never, ever have sex with a girl that my friend had feelings for without his permission. Hell, I've been in that situation before. My friend's ex was hitting on me at a party, and I knew I could've easily gotten in her pants if I wanted. But I turned...
  3. C

    First Date Ideas

    I'm thinking about asking this girl out on a date. The problem is, I don't have any good ideas. Yes, I realize there's always dinner and a movie but that's boring. I'm a 20 year old college student, so bars are out of the option. Also, I don't want to take them to parties. In my opinion...
  4. C

    Gaming for guys with no Wit

    Yeah, it's really geared toward the guys that have problems being confident and maintaining good conversations. But, it's sort of a stepping stone into being a true playa, not a method that you should stick with the rest of your life. I dunno, I guess it's served its purpose, though. I'm...
  5. C

    Gaming for guys with no Wit

    I have a problem. This problem is conversation with women. However, this is NOT your typical AFC issue. Most stumble and fumble over their words, are very nervous, and carry themselves in a generally wussy and unattractive way. I, however, am different. I rarely get nervous talking to...
  6. C

    What should go on the very first phone call?

    I've been wondering about this. Say I meet a girl at a club or party and get her #. Should I immediately try to set up a date the first time I call her? Or should I just call her and ask her what's up? Remember, this would only be the 2nd time I've talked to her in her life. Also, if...
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    Depends on what I'm "studying." :rock:
  8. C

    Having problems approaching an HB 10

    Well, I think what this guy needs is a strategy. You need a battle plan. You don't just charge into battle without having good tactics. You'll get the crap blown out of you. But, if you have a solid plan of action you might just win this thing. I don't believe this is a question of IF he...
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    LR: Solid Game.. This is how it's done.

    Congrats. What's the "sweater opener?"
  10. C

    Killing the inner AFC WUSS

    What's an AFC Whenever I see that, I just think of American Football Conference. I realize it's a wussy needy guy, but I'm curious as to what it stands for. But. amyway, in regards to your question, you're right. It's a constant effort to improve onesself. You have to continually seek...
  11. C

    Girls that you haven't seen in a while

    eh, not really. it was more like I just stopped calling her. she had a boyfriend even WHILE we went out, but I didn't know about it. we always cuddled and kissed a little bit, and she always seemed like she was holding back something that she REALLY wanted to do, you know. by that I mean...
  12. C

    Girls that you haven't seen in a while

    I went on a date with this girl a couple of times a while back. Then she got a boyfriend, so, naturally, I moved on. However, now I heard that she's single again, and I'd like to set up a date with her if she is. How do I handle this?