Killing the inner AFC WUSS


Don Juan
Apr 11, 2006
Reaction score
Sydney Australia
Over the last 4 months I have spent a lot of time learning and
practicing the Don Juan principles and I am now starting to enjoy
success in dating. For the first time in my life I feel as though I
have choices when it comes to women and I am now believing NOT doubting that I am indeed a good catch. I am no longer "Frustrated" and am becoming
very ambitious about choosing women for a relationship.

Life as a RAFC is much better then life as an AFC. Occasionally though
that inner WUSS AFC shows his ugly head. Depending on my mood and
experiences my thinking is mostly DJ like but occasionally my AFC
thoughts, beliefs and doubts control my thinking. I guess old habits
are hard to change and it goes to show that becoming a Don Juan is a life
changing exercise that can take some time to complete.

For the more experienced DJ's out there. How long did it take you
before you could confidently say that your inner AFC was dead? Do you ever
reach a stage where he stops coming back or do you just get better at
blocking him out when he does? I think that once those thoughts have no
effect on my life I will be officially a Don Juan.

I feel that once I do complete the transition and totally change my way
of thinking and attitude to life in the process that I will be
successful at anything that I choose.

Captain Obvious

Don Juan
Jul 29, 2006
Reaction score
What's an AFC

Whenever I see that, I just think of American Football Conference.

I realize it's a wussy needy guy, but I'm curious as to what it stands for.

But. amyway, in regards to your question, you're right. It's a constant effort to improve onesself. You have to continually seek out knowledge and critique every one of your interactions with women. After a phone call, for example, I'll say to myself, "wow, I sounded a little needy there, I need to work on that." or "I think I may have over-did the ****iness. I should probably tone it down next time." Never be satisfied. Much the same way that professional football players work out in the offseason to improve their game constantly, you must work on YOUR game constantly.


Don Juan
Jul 3, 2006
Reaction score
heh exactly in the same situation... ever since i started getting atached to this girl (which isnt really my gf, but a sort of exclusive FWB which im breaking the exclusivity from 2morrow) the inner afc is starting to show up u kno...

its really gay lol

Local Celebrity

Don Juan
Aug 7, 2006
Reaction score
To get rid of my inner wuss, I started reading here and there about a year ago, and at a time I just went after it, I was never really a big wuss, to compliment a chick or anything, but would make the common mistakes.

If you work at it, your inner wuss can be gone in a short ammount of time.


Don Juan
Apr 11, 2006
Reaction score
Sydney Australia

Average Frustrated Chump.

Basically a guy who is hopeless with women.

I think in another 6 months I will have slapped that AFC within enough times so that he doesn't come back or that he comes back not all that often.

I hate the guy he's a cvnt. The new me is so much better. My Dyck thinks so as well!!