LR: Solid Game.. This is how it's done.


Don Juan
Dec 20, 2003
Reaction score
reposted from my the boards of my local lair. I'm Luxberry, Gamble is my wing.

Ok so I was debating posting this or not, neither Gamble or I have been very active on these boards at all lately and we have reasons for that. Two days later though... eh I do believe this can help people and well.. I've never really written a field report before! Monday night I went out with some AFC buddies and met Asmokindeal on mill, I learned a lesson, don't drink so much haha. My
calibration was way off, Tuesday was a 180 on the booze and the game.
Tuesday Gamble and I meet up at Kona Grill(sushi) in Scottdale for happy hour around 4:30. We are just there shooting the ****, discussing a little PU - mainly the annihilation method, but mainly just shooting the ****. Anyways some good sushi and a diet coke for myself later Gamble see's an emo looking chick he had to have sitting right behind us with a group of four guys. She had a ring on but **** it. I tell Gamble, well? He goes you ready Lux! YUP!
He opens with the sweater opener. Chick crack, she flips out, two guys roll their eyes, I let him finish the opener and then start AMOGING the dudes right next to me in a friendly way, running interference. Gamble works one guy and the girl, I work two dudes next to me ignoring the chump in the corner of their table who was a nonfactor to even the girl. I transition into a DHV about an ex gf stealing my shirt one of the guys had on and about he probably got it from her nasty ass. The girl is going nuts over the story and eventually offers to GIVE_HER_NUMBER to Gamble so they could go shopping for his roomates gf. I'm not sure what happened but the conversation ended soon after except for the AMOGs trying to ****ing TALK TO ME NOW. Ugh. After we ended the conversation she just took out her PDA and ****ed around on it silently gazing at Gamble out the corner of her eye WAITING for reinition.

We had already paid and I got up to piss. Coming back I saw Gamble in a 2-set of chicks who were sitting right behind me at our table. He was already sitting on the arm rest of one of the chairs gaming the target, HBCurls8. I walk up with "Oh you guys WERE JUST talking about the..."

"... about the sweater!" (lol)

I grab my chair from my table and sit down(at our table but kinda facing them half way), talking to her friend - HBShorty8. These girls were like night and day, one was taller, thicker(ass and titties) with black curly hair, definetly looked good, the other was petite blonde with a body to match. Anyways I get into some c+f with the obstacle HBShorty(actually I thought she was the target so I accomplished Gamble haha). Anyways the chick and I are talking, I'm leaning out in my chair drinking the rest of Gamble's Kirin Ichiban(thx yo). The chick starts of course IOIing me with some age stuff, guessing I'm like 29. I neg her and tell her she's really bad at this or I look really old. She says no I look young but I have this certain "thing" about me, I tell her I'm 23 and she is way impressed. The group of guys from before get up to leave, two of them give me some props, she asks if I know them, I say no not really - social proof. She drinks another cosmo. She leans in. She asks me my name. I ignore her and steal her purse, pulling out her credit cards and telling her all the nice things she can buy me with them. Gamble palm reads his chick or some ****. I give them the best friends test. Another hit of crack for them, some IOIs for the PUAs. I pull up a story about the dog I was about to go get(was actually late for getting this thing but was gaming these girls). She talks about her cat, I talk about how cats have no souls. Haha. I move to their table. Gamble's girl goes to the bathroom, HBShorty says she doesnt have to go. I think thats like 6 IOI's now haha. Eventually it gets to the point I felt like I had to go pick up this dog I was getting since I was suppose to be there two hours ago. I make mention to Gamble, HBShorty starts **** testing me about how I'm going to take care of a dog and how I should just save myself some time and call the dude and say I dont want it. I failed the **** test and got offended. Gamble says something to me about Sugar Daddy's later. I ask HBShorty if she was going to go out later, she says no. Eh whatever... we eject, Gamble and I go our seperate ways to meet back up in an hour or two after we handle some biz.

As soon as we leave... I notice the 2 chicks start leaving as well.


I get two mutt dogs and come home. One of the dogs pisses on me. I wash my hands but refuse to change as that would require ironing. I am so pimplikeness. Gamble doesn't want to go out... he's pissed about not escalating the set at Kona. **** it you're coming out(although I was REAAL close to calling it a night as well). We decide to hit up Anderson's 5th because well, 75 cent drinks = drunk targets haha. At Kona we both had this overwhelming feeling we were going to get laid tonight or HAD to get laid tonight... I get to Anderson's and it's dead. Theres ****ing parking spaces open right in FRONT of the place. **** that. I don't even get out of the car, I hit G up and tell him to go to Sugar Daddy's. I get to SD and start talking to a waitress at the front asking if a chick I know is there so I don't have to pay the $2 bucks to get in haha.

She wasn't so I paid anyways and kept talking to the waitress walking to the bar with her, getting some kino and heavy smiles. As I get to the bar I turn around and WHO THE HELL DO I SEE? The 2 chicks from Kona... weird. I tell the waitress what I want to drink and sit down with the two girls.

WOW they both clean up pretty ****ing well. They went from cute at Kona to BOMB at Daddy's. I tell them they had their chance with me at Kona and I'm only being polite(Ha). Gamble gets here... **** I guess we're in the set now. A few times we both walk around "to the bathroom" looking for other sets.. none really. One 5 set of chicks outside... **** it. We got girls. The next two hours we just game them, I start kino, a little fluff, work comfort. Gamble does some magic tricks, I play tic tac toe with his girl. He tells me I should cube my girl, his girl agrees(guess he did it on her). I cube her. Only thing I miss is the flowers. She starts talking about how weird it is that she came out tonight and she JUST HAD THIS FEELING that she had to come out since she works a real job with real money she never goes out on weekdays and only maybe twice a month on weekends. She talks about fate, how intresting we both are, where the hell we came from and she can't believe she's admitting all this to me. She assumes Gamble and I are like best friends, she asks how often we go out. She says a lot, I say - more than you do and change the subject.

We bounce them to The Door.. it's closed. We bounce them to Frasher's. It's 1:30 and I have to persuade the bartenders to serve us since it was last call. They hook us up with four badass drinks for like 8 bucks. Bartenders social proof me. I tip him 10 and bounce HBShorty to the couch. More fate talk. Stupid jokes. I'm in. They kick us out. Gamble and his girl want food. My girl and I want to go have stupid animal sex. We go to Denny's. My girl and I sit outside talking/making out.

G and HBCurls come out. We're going to his place to the hot tub. I tell him to drop me and my chick off at my car. He calls me a ***** ass nigga and to come wing for him. I tell him to escalate. I'm a good wing, we go to his place... Gamble's place is nice.. I'll give him that. All four of us kinda go to his room and he plays music, lights incense.. etc. Hah this man's room is made for PU. It's got all kinds of chick crack, etc. I sit there and sweet talk my girl for a minute, make out with her on Gamble's bed. His chick is on his lap in the computer chair. He's biting her neck. I pull my girl up and tell her lets go in the living room. She obliges. I notice a Fossil watch container next to Gamble's bed. I pick it up - 2 condoms. I take one thinking to myself... "hope neither of these break LOL." I get outside to his living room and start making out with my chick.. we're on the floor, yada yada pants off yada yada break open a condom yada yada WHAT THE **** KIND OF CONDOMS ARE THESE? I look at the packaging.. ****ing japanese hieroglyphics all over it.. they feel weird, they have a weird lube. I put it on, it feels weird. I stick my **** in her. Ahhh polyurethene.. sweet! I beat it up, throw her legs on my shoulder, she muffles her own voice, it cracks anyways, bites her hand. Five minutes later she says she's as cool as she can probably get and to do my thing, I flip her over, lay her down on her stomach and beat it up like that until I busted, pulling her hair a bit(earlier she said she would probably dominate me.. I told her HELL NO). Threw my boxers back on, disposed of the condom, and fell asleep for about an hour on Gamble's floor. I hear some laughing, some moans and other noise from his room. His chick and him come out from his room putting clothes on. HBShorty and I are disoriented like what the ****. All of us get dressed. We say goodbyes and Gamble takes me back to my car.


Two days after we have been discussing this, SOLID GAME. 7-9 hours from meeting to closing, Don't think we woulda closed ANY sooner than that either. I can't blame it on booze because these chicks were definetly not drunk. IMO solid game from both of us. A few **** ups on both ends, but the end result was the same. Despite getting laid last month from a Day2 and pulling in somewhere in the range of 20 phone numbers in the previous week and a half I have not felt this good about a sarge in a long time. I truely want to believe we ran an almost perfect set and kept them entertained the ENTIRE time. It was especially awesome considering we had never winged together quite like that yet we seemed to be on the same page the entire time.
Jun 29, 2006
Reaction score
Plano, Illinois

I guess it works. But I don't even do that. I have 3 ****buddies and had a girl that used me (quite litterally). <refer to my last thread posted>

Ahhh and please take no offense because I don't mean it in that way. But you make it seem incredibly complicated when it isnt.

In my opinion you need to calm down a bit, it doesn't have to be all extreme excitement at all.

Like I said congrats, and you really seemed excited about it, hopefully this is happening for you quite a bit ;) .


Don Juan
Dec 20, 2003
Reaction score
I'm not sure how old you are man, but picking up a girl from happy hour DAY SARGING is nothing to scoff at. And NO this isn't the first time I've gotten laid off this **** or anything. Just the first time I think I've run PERFECT game.
Jun 29, 2006
Reaction score
Plano, Illinois
I understand. And no man I'm not quite old enough. ;)

But if you did refer to my last thread posted, maybe you see why I posted what I did, but I understand.

Good Post.


Master Don Juan
Jul 30, 2006
Reaction score
Your game looked pretty solid, didnt really post any f-ups though.

What I'm impressed with is how you guys played it solid off the surprise encounter at SDs. Would it have been perfect game if you hadn't met them there by accident? You got a nice bit of luck there, but what's really important is that you ran with it and didn't back off.

Mabye your chick was onto something with the 'fate' bullsh1t.

solid game, and a nice read.


Master Don Juan
Jun 19, 2006
Reaction score
Ahhh and please take no offense because I don't mean it in that way. But you make it seem incredibly complicated when it isnt.
I have to agree, sluts are everywhere... it's not hard to lay something that's looking to be laid....

I remember my first ONS, ahhh the days! It was exciting so i'm not mad at you, I can relate, but after a few more the novelty will wear off and you'll go into a period of 'disgust' at how easy and disgusting some females really are.

Only people that really deserve props are men that pull and lay females quickly that they meet in casual places where people are doing tings other than looking to get f*cked. Library, grocery shopping, yoga, soccer practice, church ect...
