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  1. D

    Guy Calls A Woman Out And She Blasts Him - Blog

    Too late. Already posted. Oh well. :rolleyes:
  2. D

    Guy Calls A Woman Out And She Blasts Him - Blog

    Wow, that is hilarious. I say every dude on SoSuave who reads this posts on her wall tear her a new one.
  3. D

    How can I stop carring and adopt a "I don't give a ****" attitude?

    I am all those things; I'm handsome enough to be compared to a famous musician (won't say who) I also play guitar in a band. I've been around Latin America and Asia, I'm educated, articulate, dress well, successful (for my age) ambitious. But I forget all my accomplishments and qualities when...
  4. D

    How can I stop carring and adopt a "I don't give a ****" attitude?

    I think one of my major problems that's holding back my progress with girls at the moment is that I care too much. I know you're not supposed to, but I don't know how to stop it; when I'm talking to a girl, or even just near one who I think is cute, I DO care what she's thinking about me, and it...
  5. D

    Am I the only one who likes sex on top the sheets?

    Seriously, 4 of my ex-girlfriends didn't like to have sex on top of the sheets. On our first nights we had sex, I'd come out of the shower, and they were hiding away under the sheets. I would always say something like "Why are you hiding away under there?" or "You're beautiful/sexy. I want...
  6. D

    First "okay" solo-sarge, but she mentioned a boyfriend...

    So until tonight, I never had never successfully opened a set by myself. But I was sitting at a busy bar tonight just having a whiskey, and a girl next to me was reaching out in front of me. Her hand was close to my drink. I could tell she was just trying to flag down the bar tender, but I just...
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    Interracial Dating : How do you deal with a girl's insecurity?

    I'm white, but I've dated 3 black girls, and the 1 thing they had in common was their insecurity about getting looks from people in public. I never was the first to notice it, but whenever we went out, they'd get all self-conscious and say "we're getting looks," or "people are staring at us"...
  8. D

    Blown-out Again; How do you keep rejection from phasing you?

    I don't know, intelligent (pretty well educated) worldly/cultured (I've traveled around the world many times) financially stable (I mean, I'm only in college and working part time, but I'm not neck-high in debt like a lot of kids my age and even older are). It's so hard to convey all of that...
  9. D

    Approaching with the Friend-Zone as the Goal

    Alright, alright, but what I'm trying to ask is, how do you avoid that blowout or ***** shield to get to the friend zone? How do you avoid flakiness and actually get her to agree to hang out and be your social proof?
  10. D

    How do you let a girl know she's a bad kisser and needs to improve?

    So I probably should have asked this question several months ago when I had the problem, but having just remembered after not thinking about it for a while, I realized that I've encountered my fair share of bad kissers. Me and a friend I met in the early summer were really into Pick Up. Not to...
  11. D

    Got invited to a highend New Years Party by an ex, but I have no game. HELP!

    As I've said before for the past couple of weeks, I've only been solo sarging for over a month now, but in all that time, I've only managed to do 3 approaches. My first 2 resulted in near-immediate blow-outs. I didn't even get to practice any material. My 3rd approach resulted in a pretty decent...
  12. D

    Blown-out Again; How do you keep rejection from phasing you?

    Yeah, but a salesman isn't attracted to his clients. And a client isn't rejecting him, he/she's rejecting what he's selling. To be honest, I never thought the sales analogy was good or encouraging to people trying to learn game.
  13. D

    Screwed up bad; snapped at a girl who rejected me

    How is it not personal? How could it possibly be more personal to than to effectively say "I'm not even going to give you the chance to get to know you even a little bit."? I don't understand why I keep getting blown out.
  14. D

    Screwed up bad; snapped at a girl who rejected me

    So a last night, I did my third only solo approach ever, but first solo approach that actually resulted in a real conversation (not just an awkward, fumbled intro like the first 2) but it ended terribly. I had approached a girl who was smoking outside a bar. We started talking, went to the bar...
  15. D

    Blown-out Again; How do you keep rejection from phasing you?

    How do you fire yourself up like that? It's so hard to get in that mood when you're out on your own and you don't have the confidence of having ever pulled off a successful solo-sarge inside you.
  16. D

    Approaching with the Friend-Zone as the Goal

    I understand why most guys would dread the friend-zone. However, to be honest, I wouldn't mind having a lot of fun, hot female friends, if only to expand my social circle and potential dating pool, and for the social proof. All my friends at the moment are AFC-ish dudes. Is approaching with...
  17. D

    I Hate Looking At Myself In The Mirror

    You kinda look like Charlie from Lost
  18. D

    Blown-out Again; How do you keep rejection from phasing you?

    How do you do that? Is it basically just continual trial like building up a tolerance, or like getting callouses and stuff like that?
  19. D

    Blown-out Again; How do you keep rejection from phasing you?

    As I said about a week or so or go, I'm solo-sarging for the first time ever. The only time I ever sarged before was a couple of times with a guy who was into Pick Up in the early summer, but then I settled down with a chick and fell out of The Game for a while. I've been going out to trendy...