Guy Calls A Woman Out And She Blasts Him - Blog


Master Don Juan
Mar 4, 2007
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Surfing the net because I can't sleep and I found this online. The blogger's comment is in bold. Read up:

""Hi Anh,

I checked out your blog and read a couple of your entries. You really lay it out there! Not any of that mixed up woman speak from your lips, is there? You're spot on about a lot of what you say. I like that in a woman. BUT there's one thing that would have me ready to turn you down, though and it's this: you mention paid dates. Are you a princess or something? Who goes out for dinner and a movie? There are guys who prefer taking a woman hiking or canoeing, etc. rather than waste time talking over dinner on a first date. I know that dinner dates bore the heck out of me and I drop a woman who insists on doing it otherwise. LOL! It just goes to show that there's still a little primadona in every woman. ;)"

This is a PRIME EXAMPLE of a man that I would never date. His question "Who goes out for a dinner and a movie?" had to be the most ridiculous question I think I've ever heard. I'm sure there's a small percentage of women that would go hiking or canoeing on a 1st date, but not many. There's nothing wrong w/ outdoor activities, hell I'm from Denver, CO. I grew up skiing and camping, but that's not something I would want to do on a 1st date. That's something that we can do on the 3rd date or later on in the relationship! If you can't even pay to take a woman to a dinner and a movie, you have no business dating cuz you are simply CLUELESS!

Then he proceeds to say "Are you a princess or something?" .... UHHHH is it just me or is that another ridiculous question??? Why wouldn't any woman want to be treated like a Princess or Queen??? Men insist on being treated like Kings so I only expect the same in return.... If you think there's something wrong w/ treating a woman like a Princess, than don't expect her to treat you like a KING, I'm just sayin'.!

And on a last note he says "BUT there's one thing that would have me ready to turn you down"... UHHH I never said I was interested in you to begin w/ so how can you turn me down if I didn't even want you to begin w/???? This guy is the epitome of what I'm talking about when it comes to men not knowing how to date a woman, if you think for 2 seconds a woman doesn't want to be treated like a Princess, than you're heads up your ass every second the hand moves on the clock! You don't have to spoil her or buy her a Mansion, but don't expect to be treated like a King if you can't do the same for her in return!

This again is a PRIME EXAMPLE of the pickings women have to choose from and I think it's just pitiful!!!

I mean really, what is w/ these men today? Friends, please comment and tell me what you think...

LOL! I think most of the responses were from guys. She has it mixed up. Even though she claims she wants a man, she's really just describing a guy who would be her slave. :nervous: And the thing is most women are just like her. :crazy:
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Master Don Juan
Mar 4, 2007
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PHAT Rabbit said:
The fact of the matter is..the 1st date really doesn't matter and if a girl places the emphasis on what you're doing rather than who you're doing it with than she's bound to end up a single hag the rest of her life. Simply, if the girl is interested in you and not some gold digger than what you do is secondary as long as you guys connect. A girl won't deny you because you took her to dinner nor will she for taking her canoing..give me a break.

I'm definitely a strong advocate of doing something active but that's just because it keeps the focus on activity rather than conversation...essentially it calms my nerves because if I don't talk we're still doing something; but with dinner if you're not talking the energy dissipates in a hurry. Now that's not to say there's a problem with it..but strictly speaking I'm not going to go to dinner because it's high tension and cliche for a 1st date; not because I'm going to shell out some dough so my date can eat to her heart's content.

HOWEVER, I don't disagree with how the blogger views this guy's remarks. Dating and the way we treat women is not a black and white issue..and if you're falling victim to this notion, shake out of it! Have the realization that just because you spend money on a girl doesn't make you AFC..nor does treating a women with class (opening doors, pulling out seats, etc..). AFC is a mindset guys, it's not activity! To figure out if something is AFC you must see the motivation behind an action...not the action itself. For example, if you hold a door for a women to impress her that's AFC, but if you do it because you feel that's what gentlemen do than that's Don Juan. If you buy a girl dinner with the hopes she'll repay you later with sex/love/cuddling that's AFC, but if you buy her dinner because you feel her company is worth the tab that's Don Juan. The difference is subtle, but it's symptoms arise further along in the interaction when the girl doesn't reciprocate love or she doesn't notice you're suave act of holding the door...AFCs get mad and feel taken advantage of; Don Juans hold no grudge, for they did the act for the sole purpose of doing it and not expecting anything in return!

In closing, I guess I'd like to reiterate the point I skimmed over earlier...which is that men need to stop thinking so narrowly. Stop worrying if you're being AFC or not and just do what you want. If you're doing things because you're needy than change your mindset and as a results your actions will change. 2 different people can be doing the same things with staggeringly differing results...all because of mindsets and motivations.

If you start off easy, chatting a woman up at a coffee shop it's a good way to gauge her reactions. If you get bored with her, it's easy to bail and you don't spend a lot of money in the process. One of the worst things to do is shell out a lot of money on someone you might not like. And many women will go out for dinner because it's a free meal. But skimming over her reaction to that guy's comment, that kind of date would be too cheap for her. She seems like a bit of a gold digger/AW to me.


Master Don Juan
Mar 4, 2007
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PHAT Rabbit said:
That might be true...but in my opinion, any person can be "trumped" by someone who has a more dominant frame. If that girl ran into some guy who had his shlt together and she was reasonably attracted physically...all her stupid rules would go right out the window. She might be a gold digger but I think that just depends on her respect for the guy taking her out on a date. If you want to date women like her, improve yourself internally so if you met a woman like her you can control her reality in such a way that she's drawn to you through intrigue. Otherwise empty your bank account and pray to God she somehow recognizes your attractive qualities before you file for bankruptcy. Make sense?
You can be the most attractive person in the world, but if you've got a bad personality it won't matter. From what I read on her blog, I think she's got a chip on her shoulder. I think she got dissed by a guy (or more than one) and uses that for a rant. Bad personality. :down: I pity the guys she took it out on.


Master Don Juan
Mar 4, 2007
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Don'tWannabeAWannabe said:
Wow, that is hilarious.

I say every dude on SoSuave who reads this posts on her wall tear her a new one.
lol! But she might just have some Cap'n save-a-ho's ready to trash you.


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2006
Reaction score
Being_the_Don said:
Surfing the net because I can't sleep and I found this online. The blogger's comment is in bold. Read up:

""Hi Anh,

I checked out your blog and read a couple of your entries. You really lay it out there! Not any of that mixed up woman speak from your lips, is there? You're spot on about a lot of what you say. I like that in a woman. BUT there's one thing that would have me ready to turn you down, though and it's this: you mention paid dates. Are you a princess or something? Who goes out for dinner and a movie? There are guys who prefer taking a woman hiking or canoeing, etc. rather than waste time talking over dinner on a first date. I know that dinner dates bore the heck out of me and I drop a woman who insists on doing it otherwise. LOL! It just goes to show that there's still a little primadona in every woman. ;)"

This is a PRIME EXAMPLE of a man that I would never date. His question "Who goes out for a dinner and a movie?" had to be the most ridiculous question I think I've ever heard. I'm sure there's a small percentage of women that would go hiking or canoeing on a 1st date, but not many. There's nothing wrong w/ outdoor activities, hell I'm from Denver, CO. I grew up skiing and camping, but that's not something I would want to do on a 1st date. That's something that we can do on the 3rd date or later on in the relationship! If you can't even pay to take a woman to a dinner and a movie, you have no business dating cuz you are simply CLUELESS!

Then he proceeds to say "Are you a princess or something?" .... UHHHH is it just me or is that another ridiculous question??? Why wouldn't any woman want to be treated like a Princess or Queen??? Men insist on being treated like Kings so I only expect the same in return.... If you think there's something wrong w/ treating a woman like a Princess, than don't expect her to treat you like a KING, I'm just sayin'.!

And on a last note he says "BUT there's one thing that would have me ready to turn you down"... UHHH I never said I was interested in you to begin w/ so how can you turn me down if I didn't even want you to begin w/???? This guy is the epitome of what I'm talking about when it comes to men not knowing how to date a woman, if you think for 2 seconds a woman doesn't want to be treated like a Princess, than you're heads up your ass every second the hand moves on the clock! You don't have to spoil her or buy her a Mansion, but don't expect to be treated like a King if you can't do the same for her in return!

This again is a PRIME EXAMPLE of the pickings women have to choose from and I think it's just pitiful!!!

I mean really, what is w/ these men today? Friends, please comment and tell me what you think...

LOL! I think most of the responses were from guys. She has it mixed up. Even though she claims she wants a man, she's really just describing a guy who would be her slave. :nervous: And the thing is most women are just like her. :crazy:
Emotionally unstable
Attention Seeking
Over inflated ego
Princess Syndrome

Yep pretty much a large % of western women, but still this is not all women. Let's not assume all women are shallow cun*ts, some are givers and genuine too without all the emotional fuc*ery.

Let women like that wallow in there own shi*, let the AFC's pick them up and you just walk on by, into the arms of a women who doesn't have those traits.

Edit - Decent picture though, but strip the make-up off, remove the fact she has styled her hair - Stick her in pyjamas, just got out of bed and picture her giving you some shi* because you've not done the washing up - The illusion soon fades.
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