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  1. M

    when do you know if it is a break up?

    Hi folks, I met this chick on line. To make the long story short, We were getting along fine. we met on the first date. She was talking about her ex and I stopped her and tell her it was inappropriate to talk about him. We had sex onthe first date. She had a condom in her handbag and I did...
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    about a nasty thing from this gal!!!

    Hi there I have left her alone.. she was the one who came looking for me.. She stuck the gift card on my door and I just gave it back to her... I told her like I did...and I don't understand why she is behaving that way.I am way over her.
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    about a nasty thing from this gal!!!

    Hi folks, I had posted about my neighbor as “confused with my neighbor” about a couple of months ago.. this is a follow-up to this story… where I had stick a Christmas card before… It was correct that she has moved on. She has stopped passing by my apartment and she has been quiet...
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    now about my neighbor

    Hi folks, I had posted earlier about my neighbor who told me in October not to call her, bother her and even talk to her... And the story continues. I bumped into her afew minutes ago . First she told me that she has lost weight. I told her that I had lost weight too because of...
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    about my neighbor.

    Macovoy I am not stalking at all.. she is the one who is stalking me. I was surprised why would someone make a complete U turn and completely avoid me when she is the one stalking me... We had a party last year and she stood behind me thinking that I would speak to her. I ignored her...
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    about my neighbor.

    My neighbor broke up with me on October. But she has been trying to snoop around me every now and then. She gets upset when I speak to other women. She slams her door several time to tell me she is not happy. She has pulled other stunt but I just pretend nothing happen.She is the only one I know...
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    am I pushing my ex-girlfriend?

    Last man standing Apparentlyl she wants my attention. I passed by her apartment yesterday, her door was closed but I heard her flapping the paper. I pretend I was indifferent and just passed by like nothing happen. she has something similar like these before. She had unlocked her door and...
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    THe essence of being cool

    I need an opinion.. My ex-girlfriend( my next door neighbor) and I broke up.. and I said fine.. I had my answering machine out loud.. she would listen to other girlfriends messages. She get so jealous- a powerful motivator... She slams her door, pass by my apartment and even have hang up calls...
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    am I pushing my ex-girlfriend?

    Last man standing thanks for your reply. I appreciate your critique.. I did not know that I was handing my power to her. I thought that I need to tell her after all the things she did to get my attention.I left the envelope on her door late at night. She left for work in the 5 a.m. I am...
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    am I pushing my ex-girlfriend?

    last man standing You are correct my friend. I want to f**k the Sh*t out of her. Make her feel needy for me all the way.. am I doing the right thing.. Did I do the right thing by typing "playing hard to get, eh?" she would call and hang up on me several times. I do not know why. She even...
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    am I pushing my ex-girlfriend?

    JPF from Tally I am not analyzing microscopingly.. she only passed by when I am on the phone because I will talk loud like 'hi sweety pie" and " sweetheart" and "I love ya" when she passes by the corridor.. I can hear her footsteps. She would slam her door... from it... I am mentioning this...
  12. M

    am I pushing my ex-girlfriend?

    That was not why she dumped me.. It was a long story but she got on my nerve. And she was the one to quit.. I had no problem with it.. I have not made my mind yet... that is why I mentioned "playing hard to get, eh" to be unpredictable.
  13. M

    How do you get the girl to invest time and effort as much as you do.

    Please take my advice I have been there before.. I know how you feel. And then she is going to drop you so soon that you do not even know it was coming. My advice for you is to let her know that you are seeing other girls. She NEEDS to know it.. that will make her jealous and your stock will...
  14. M

    am I pushing my ex-girlfriend?

    Hi guys, I was curious. My ex- girlfriend who is my next door neighbor in my building. She wanted to broke up aon November. She told me not to bother her , call her and talk to her. we will just say hi when we bump into each other. I had no problems with that. I avoided her like a plague. I...
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    A girl called after two weeks

    She could just be using you to get even with some guy. You have to be careful with this one. I would not waste much time on this one. I would take it as casual and try my luck on some other girl. It happend to me. When I had issued with my gal, I did not call her for two days. She call another...
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    confused with neighbor

    thank you Well, I had just left a message for her. I told her that I said "hi" and if she wanted to talk to me she can call me or talk to me another time. We'll wait and see how things turn out.
  17. M

    confused with neighbor

    I am 38 and my neighbor will be 27 on NOV 1.My neighbor has moved for more than a year. She used to put a goofy smile when I meet her ( about a handful time) last year. I just said hi and walked into my apartment. Well Last month, I walked out of my apartment to head off to clubhouse, she was on...
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    confused with my neighbor

    Thanks I will just do that. Right now she is not talking to me. So I guess I will say hi and bye... do you think she will come to me? I cannot imagine the look on her face. She looks so sad!! I felt so guilty to put her through this. I will just do that to drive a point home. RIght now...
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    confused with my neighbor

    I am 38 and my neighbor will be 27 on NOV 1.My neighbor has moved for more than a year. She used to put a goofy smile when I meet her ( about a handful time) last year. I just said hi and walked into my apartment. Well Last month, I walked out of my apartment to head off to clubhouse, she was...
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    need brainstorming

    I know this chick and busted on her via e-mail several times.. FInally she told me she is not gonna e-mail me and I told that is fine.. It was nice getting to know you so you can drop an e-mail once in a while.. 5 days later she e-mail me with one line.. I miss you.. and I e-mail back ... I...