about a nasty thing from this gal!!!


Don Juan
May 15, 2005
Reaction score
Hi folks,

I had posted about my neighbor as “confused with my neighbor” about a couple of months ago.. this is a follow-up to this story… where I had stick a Christmas card before…

It was correct that she has moved on. She has stopped passing by my apartment and she has been quiet lately. Now she is on Match .com and she recently add 4 more pictures. Everything was Ok until on the 25th ( Sunday). A very surprising event took place this morning. I was a sleep at 1.45 a.m. and guess what happened then? The phone rang twice and then hang up.. Jean ( my neighbor) knocked( I mean banged) on my door. I woke up and said what’s up.. She told me Her car was stuck in the snow and she need help.. She told me that I am the only person she knows. I was tired and said that I will be there. I changed my clothes brought my jumpstarter along. She start her car and I could smell something. That dummy does not even know that her car is front wheel drive. I told her to have something heavy in her trunk. I began to shuffle and finally she made it into her garage. She kept telling me “ thank you so much!!” I asked her “ You are not mad at me, are you?” She said no. I told her that i watched news last night and they advised not to travel.. She said that she was hanging out at her friend's house at St. Louis Park and her friend wanted to go out with another friend. She said no way with this driving condition.
I had my pair of sandals on and she could not believe it… I had my hand on her shoulder as I was tired..
I am completely stunt by the whole incident. I asked her if she is going to work this morning and she said no. She told me that she would have to go to work at night. “If it snows like this, I would choose to stay at home.” I asked her if she called me and she said yes… I told her that I do not pick up the phone half the time. I have to be awake at 5 a.m. or 6 a.m. She just kept smiling.
I took a good look at her and she has gained at least 20 pounds. I told her have a good night sleep and went back to my apartment.

The next day, I mean tomorrow, I came back late from work. She stuck a $5 gift card from Arby’s with a note from a cheap paper stating as “ thank you for helping me out with my car. For your information, I do not eat fast food.” And she signed it. ( You see I worked at Arby’s) and I took this as an insult.

I knocked on her door about 5 minutes later. It took her awhile to open her door. I heard another guy’s voice in her apartment and was playing music. And then I heard her voice followed by “ Shall I take him down” She said ‘no” . He repeated again.

And then she opened the door and I gave her back the gift card. She told me this is for waking you up at 2 in the morning.. I do not help people for this reasons. She said Ok. And then I said ‘ You have a good time with your boyfriend”. Her eyes and her mouth was wide open. And then her facial expression was kind of shrink ( I think angry). And I walked away.

I believe she had planned this out to seek revenge. Can anyone help me out please. What do you think is she going to do next? Or what is going to happen next? Did I do the correct thing? I felt I did the correct thing. well what do you guys think? any comments or ideas is welcom.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 2, 2007
Reaction score
I dont think you should have brought it back to her. You just stirred the pot, if you ask me. You're attitude is right though.

What the hell did that guy means by "shall I take him down?"


Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2004
Reaction score
I just read all of your post about this situation..

...You're completely nuts and you don't even realize it.

LEAVE HER ALONE! She wants everything but affection from you. She doesn't love you or even LIKE you, dammit! Will you realize that!? She's got her boyfriend in the next room asking her if he could beat you up! Where do you think he got this idea about you. She talks to him about you, you fool! AND IT'S NEGATIVE THINGS! You make me want to pull my hair out all of these little details your clueless brain conjures up. You don't think she sees that?

You will never get her back and you will never fu.ck her, or even have her like you. You're not charming to her, just obnoxious. If you were an a-hole and had some redeeming qualities for her to see, then I would be on your side.

Get a clue and leave her alone, even if she does ask for your help.

"Little man" <--------That's her nickname for you.


Don Juan
May 15, 2005
Reaction score
Hi there

I have left her alone.. she was the one who came looking for me.. She stuck the gift card on my door and I just gave it back to her...

I told her like I did...and I don't understand why she is behaving that way.I am way over her.

( . )( . )

Dec 31, 2002
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Cobra Kai dojo
I hope youve got a clue now, she not only doesnt like you, she's worded up her boyfriend as to how much she doesnt like you.

Helping her out was good, you do that for anyone, but apart from that everything else is pear shaped with this b!tch.

The next day, I mean tomorrow, I came back late from work. She stuck a $5 gift card from Arby’s with a note from a cheap paper stating as “ thank you for helping me out with my car. For your information, I do not eat fast food.” And she signed it. ( You see I worked at Arby’s) and I took this as an insult.
Dumb, not that you should even give a sh!t she's may be trying to upset your delicateness but how the hell are you sure she wasnt just passing off an unwanted gift and explaining the reason "I DONT EAT FAST FOOD". And why would you even bother giving it back? fvck ! Just accept it and be done with her.

ThunderMaverick pretty much nailed the crux of the matter.

I had my hand on her shoulder as I was tired..
BOLLOCKS!!! And unless your congruent with this game, knock that sh!t off.


Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2004
Reaction score
mark9 said:
I have left her alone.. she was the one who came looking for me.. She stuck the gift card on my door and I just gave it back to her...

I told her like I did...and I don't understand why she is behaving that way.I am way over her.

Dude she was being polite. No one else was more at the ready than you when she was in a bind. Why did she call you to help her? Because she liked you? Hahahaha! You're her next door neighbor and she knew she could count on you to help her out! Who else was she going to call at that moment? You were so convenient!

And don't think that her giving you a 5 buck gift card to arby's is a sign of like. It's called being nice. I'm assuming she did it to make sure she didn't owe you anything else.

Edit: Listen, I'm not a cruel bastard or anything; I'd help my ex out if she were in a bind. But to expect something else out of it? Especially when she's going out of her way to avoid me?!

How could you expect something positive from that?

Where are you from?
Mar 18, 2006
Reaction score
Marky baby, why the continurd drama?? I would have taken that arby's deal and been in a state of bliss!!!

Bump your last thread instead of making a new post - so that others could put this perspective!

Leave her alone!! You were polite to her - have no hard feelings!! You did her a favor - stop pursuing her - she has moved on!!

By you pursuing her, or thinking about her you have given her the victory!!! Stop it!!!