am I pushing my ex-girlfriend?


Don Juan
May 15, 2005
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Hi guys,

I was curious. My ex- girlfriend who is my next door neighbor in my building. She wanted to broke up aon November. She told me not to bother her , call her and talk to her. we will just say hi when we bump into each other. I had no problems with that. I avoided her like a plague. I did not present myself to her. So she never get to see me. I had lots of girl-friends who called me. I had my answering machine loud enough for her to listen. I have caught her listening afew times when my girlfriends left messages. Besides when I pass by her apartment, she would run to the door and look through the peeping hole.Many times she would slam her door, pass by my apartment several times when I am on the phone. I have had hung up calls several times. And then she pass my number to her friend to call me once. That was funny. I had just ignored all of it.

We had a party last thursday. It began at 6.30 p.m. I was there at 6 p.m.and I was chatting with a guy. At 7.30 p.m. I felt someone was watching me so I turned around and she was behind me. She was looking at the food infront of me. I turned back and carried my conversation with my friend. He did not detect anything. She went to the table and grabbed her plate. She was looking at the food. There were 3 varieties of pizzas, different cookies, vegtable salad and so on. There were cheeseballs directly to my sight where I was talking to my friend.

She passed up all the food and took the cheeseballs and quickly left the place by walking by me. She looked angry and sad.. she lowered her head as she left. My friend noticed it and told me to be a big man to knock on her door and bring her back. I said no. She left at her will.

Next day,( friday evening) I left a christmas card on her door at 10 p.m.). On aseperate paper, I mentioned "playing hard to get , eh?" It was in a envelope. She left for work at 5.20 a.m. I woke up at 6 a.m. and did not see the envelope. I understand she opened it up. I have not heard from her eversince. She came back at 11.30 p.m. and went straight to her apartment.

Did I do anything wrong or stupid? Another girlfriend said that it rubbed her the wrong way. I was kind of pushy... what do you gurus think? please leave a message...
Please let me know what to do next... continue with my mischeavious acts?
Mar 18, 2006
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mark9 said:
Next day,( friday evening) I left a christmas card on her door at 10 p.m.). On aseperate paper, I mentioned "playing hard to get , eh?"
I'm confused - you said she dumped you and on your letter you said "playing hard to get?" - this doesn't make sense!

Why would you want her back anyway?


Senior Don Juan
Dec 5, 2000
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Don't take this the wrong way but you seem to analyze every detail with a microscope. Women tend to hate this quality in men.. Is this possibly the reason why she dumped you?


Don Juan
May 15, 2005
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That was not why she dumped me.. It was a long story but she got on my nerve. And she was the one to quit.. I had no problem with it.. I have not made my mind yet... that is why I mentioned "playing hard to get, eh" to be unpredictable.


Don Juan
May 15, 2005
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JPF from Tally

I am not analyzing microscopingly.. she only passed by when I am on the phone because I will talk loud like 'hi sweety pie" and " sweetheart" and "I love ya" when she passes by the corridor.. I can hear her footsteps. She would slam her door... from it...

I am mentioning this to you but I behave with deference with her. hope you understand now.
Mar 18, 2006
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Ok, so it was a kinda mutual thing and now you are seeing other women and she is not getting any play from other men so she seems to be jealous and annoyed at your success? Now you trying to reach out to her? To see her again in a relationship? For sex only?

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
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Galt's Gulch
mark9 said:
I am not analyzing microscopingly.. she only passed by when I am on the phone because I will talk loud like 'hi sweety pie" and " sweetheart" and "I love ya" when she passes by the corridor.. I can hear her footsteps. She would slam her door... from it...

I am mentioning this to you but I behave with deference with her. hope you understand now.
What do you actually want from this woman?


Don Juan
May 15, 2005
Reaction score
last man standing

You are correct my friend. I want to f**k the Sh*t out of her. Make her feel needy for me all the way.. am I doing the right thing..

Did I do the right thing by typing "playing hard to get, eh?"
she would call and hang up on me several times. I do not know why. She even had her friend to call me... I wonder why.
Mar 18, 2006
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So you had sex with her before but now you miss it?

I don't like that line "playing hard to get" because it seems like you are going after her - which gives her the power over you - as if you are waiting for her move!!

I would have just invited her over, in her lonely holiday state of being, for a cup of egg nog (spiked of course} and if she accepted, then made my move then!

You would have seen her hand more clearly then -- now you are left in limbo and don't even know if a prankster grabbed your note instead of her - so now you are wondering!!!


Don Juan
May 15, 2005
Reaction score
Last man standing

thanks for your reply.

I appreciate your critique.. I did not know that I was handing my power to her. I thought that I need to tell her after all the things she did to get my attention.I left the envelope on her door late at night. She left for work in the 5 a.m. I am sure that the prankster did not grab it.



Oct 30, 2006
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Mark, you need to listen to LAST MAN STANDING, although no one really knows this, he truely is a DJ... He doesnt feel the need to brag about the amount of women he gets either...
Mar 18, 2006
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DonDan said:
Mark, you need to listen to LAST MAN STANDING, although no one really knows this, he truely is a DJ... He doesnt feel the need to brag about the amount of women he gets either...
I don't share my sexual exploits publicly because sex is a personal and private act for a reason! I actually reject advances from women because I have what I call "A Low Ho" tolerance! I am very selective and do not care about "how many"!

I am here to impart wisdom into the minds of those who have been bombarded by the feminist hor movement's mission to weaken the male to such a level whereby the weak female will be able to control him! And what weapons are they using? Their vagina and their mind games! I am here to expose the lie and liar!!!

"I appreciate your critique.. I did not know that I was handing my power to her. I thought that I need to tell her after all the things she did to get my attention."

Well, the ball is in her court now - basically if she doesn't respond then this means that she officially rejected you and thus you have maybe given her what she wanted - the power to reject you.

Also, maybe she is embarrassed that you noticed her trying to feverishly get your attention and feels ashamed and doesn’t want you to think she is desperate for a man – so she may shun you for this reason alone!

The card without the comment would have sufficed!


Don Juan
May 15, 2005
Reaction score
Last man standing

Apparentlyl she wants my attention. I passed by her apartment yesterday, her door was closed but I heard her flapping the paper. I pretend I was indifferent and just passed by like nothing happen.

she has something similar like these before. She had unlocked her door and looked throught the peeping hole and at the same time she had threw her bag on the door and looked through the peeping hole for my reaction...even run with her snow boots on and looked through with peeping hole.

it has been 2 months and I did not talk to her. I avoided her like a plague. It is up to her now.It appears she wants me to talk to her first which I am not ready to. She accused me of things I did not do...

Is there anything I can do to motivate her jealousy?



New Member
Dec 26, 2006
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Hey, I was dating my neighbor, 6 months of good realtionship it all ended, still wants to be friends. She travels alot for work and still wants me to watch her dog and take care of her place for weeks at a time. It sucks. I really don't miss the compainionship just the sex. Like you, I also want to get that power back and the sex. Theres a balancing act of helping her and getting laid. I figure its just a lost cause. Maybe not. Any POWER pointers? I appreciate the replys.
Mar 18, 2006
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mark9 said:
I had lots of girl-friends who called me. I had my answering machine loud enough for her to listen. I have caught her listening afew times when my girlfriends left messages. Please let me know what to do next... continue with my mischeavious acts?HEHEHE
I thought this was funny tactic...I don't think she will contact you - she seems stubborn. You should just give up on this passive pursuit and continue seeing other women! I can tell you still have the hots for her - I don't know how she feels about you.


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
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mark has handed her the power and she is using it well. She used to spy on mark and now, guess what?, mark is spying on her. passing by her door like he does not care... he does. Hey mark, just quit her. get others to come over hehehe.


Master Don Juan
May 5, 2003
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mark9 said:
She told me not to bother her , call her and talk to her.
It would have been a good idea to do exactly what she said right here, from the second she said it.
I'd say it's only a 50/50 chance that it was what she REALLY wanted you to do, but you want to let her know that you are capable of simply walking away and moving on to other women.

One of two things will happen... you will never talk to her again and you'll trade up to a better girl, or, she'll see you with another girl and realise that her 'orders' have backfired, she'll approach you and then you can take it from there depending on how much you like her.

Either way, it's a win-win situation for you.