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  1. D

    How To Steal a Girlfriend

    Coming from a dirtymexican this is where i draw the line..... I think this is a huge AFC move... Why go after a chick that is taken...? You have accomplished nothing...? I think you misunderstood the concept of a true DJ... You pimped a HO..! congrats... What you did was the same...
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    my girl is about a week later on her period!!!

    Don't sweat it too bad... More likely she is changing her cycle. This is something very common. I've known times where girls can go up to 3-4 weeks late and still be ok.. They tend to change cycles twice per year... Periods can come back to back, last longer than usual or just short...
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    Attack of the Attention hoe...!

    backbreaker: I knew that when i posted "eased dropping on MSN chat log" it would seem like a AFC move. Instead i was looking for mistakes she would make if reproach was brought against me. Things was getting ugly in the office. I would have evidence to cover my ass. I knew with her...
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    Attack of the Attention hoe...!

    backbreaker: i accepted the date because i knew she was into me and i was bit attracted to her. I felt she was sweet girl. I asked myself why not? It was like going out with the boys... It wasn't till the 5th shot of jack and a sexual conversation that lead us to mess around in the parking...
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    Attack of the Attention hoe...!

    True... I do feel the nightmare if far from over! I'm playing the jerk, hence the reason she ran back with her Ex... She also made it clear with all the guys, some of my close friends at work that she is back with her ex. She want them to tell me she is back with her ex. Basically trying...
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    Attack of the Attention hoe...!

    I'm a IT manager... I was upgrading a workstation at work when i suddenly get approached by an temp employee hb7. She tells me that she is going to school to become a net admin. I knew she was hitting on me, so we began talking about what to expect(BS).. We continue to talk, She lets me...
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    Date...Girl wants to bring a friend?!?!

    I had a similar scenerio... You have two options.. 1st.... Go out with both and be the point of attraction. Hell flirt with both..! Besides, if you get them drunk then it may turn interesting.. 2nd... Bring a wing man with ya... bring another DJ along to play the other girl... I did...
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    advice pls

    manningtostokley: IF your EX is also dating people: Follow advice 1 If your Ex isn't dating some else: Follow advice 2 1. Don't ruin a good thing just yet... Wait until your more intimate relation with her before you drop the bomb.. Go out a few times... Bang her a few times then...
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    would you allow your gf to go on a trip?

    NO NO NO..... Damnit...! JOHN!!!!! You can't reasure a girl that that you wont fall out of love!!!!! arrrggh damn...! You have make her feel insecure! you need to take the power back!!! :mad: Newman said it best!!!! Its almost poetry!!!! Honey - it sucks that your leaving. I'm...
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    would you allow your gf to go on a trip?

    Little John: Why don't you do this girl a favor and break up with her? She obviously deserves better. John... I didn't post to start a fight with you... If i came across that way than i apologize. My intension was to give you a taste of reality. If you are going to torture...
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    would you allow your gf to go on a trip?

    johnfjr: You need to grow some freaking balls dude.... You are behaving like an AFC biotch... If she wants to go then let her go... Besides you don't own her... She has every right to make her own decisions... You behaving like a little possessive Biotch is reinforcing her attitude to...
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    Best way to initiate the first kiss?

    The one that works for the dirtymexican is what i call the "DIRTYPOKE".... I like to poke the girls in the belly.... they like getting poked at least for me they do... I poke them all night until they feel comfortable with me touching them. Eventually they grab my finger or hand. I hug for...
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    Help Me To Put Attention Wh0re In Her Place!

    First off dude... why do you care about putting her in her place...? You need to forget about it and don't give her any attention what so ever. Stop wasting your time, stop stressing about stupid people like this. We all have more important things to worry about than stress about these stupid...
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    a problem with Pookism

    aguynamedwill: I had the same problem.. You know what i realized..? IT was the age group/ the type of women i was going after..! 18-22 are way too immature if you want a LTR. 18-22 age group are all about problems, immaturity, drama and infidelity. If all you want is to hit and run...
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    When girls talk about other guys with you

    Damn..... I love it....! I don't think i laughed soo hard all day today...!
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    When girls talk about other guys with you

    WYLDFIRE.... I understand what you are trying to say.... I think also has to be on the maturity level of the girl. If she is pulling that crap to define herself as being desirable (prize) for a guy to ask her out, than it just shows that her maturity level is really low. Like what...
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    When girls talk about other guys with you

    Yeah. I had a chick do the same thing to me.... THis is a good sign of an attention Hoe... You did a good job by passing her test by changing the subject... I did one worse.... WHen she did that to me i began talking about other women and our date turned into a "price" tournament...
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    Friend better than husband?

    Best of luck to you Desdinova.... jacques pointed out a few things that made sense also... Especially about being married for just 5 months and not expecting to drop her friends. This is true.. I think that it is a healthy relationship if you both are able to go out with friends. The...
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    Friend better than husband?

    Desdinova: Be very careful on the advice you follow... 99% of the advice people have posted are from DJs not husbands... Your relationship sounds very similar to what happened to me right before i got divorced...! I was married for 2 years. I also neglected my wife due to hobbies...
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    Dating a chick with a kid?

    Actually the mind set that i had was to stay detached from all her family all together... She lives with her parents... I know it is going to be hard to do.... I dont want the drama.. BTW... im 27 she is 23.. I just thought she was very cool chick when we hung out. The kid thing is the...