Attack of the Attention hoe...!


Don Juan
Nov 3, 2004
Reaction score
I'm a IT manager...

I was upgrading a workstation at work when i suddenly get approached by an temp employee hb7. She tells me that she is going to school to become a net admin. I knew she was hitting on me, so we began talking about what to expect(BS).. We continue to talk, She lets me know she has a BF but continues to hit on me. I didn't push the issue because I’ve had bad experiences with chicks with bf. I also don't like messing with chicks i work with. We become friends so i told her if she was serious about getting into the field to bring me her resume and i would let the supervisor of the helpdesk meet with her. :cool: lol

She gets the job everything was great. her cubicle is a few feet away from my office. Weeks pass of us getting closer etc. She asks me out for a drink and we go out. We get drunk together and we began messing around. :woo:

She kept asking me out etc.. We kept messing around. I invite her to my house etc. she breaks up with her BF who is apparently a looser and moves back home with her parents etc.

Few days after her break up we go out and she began asking questions about us. Commitment shiat.. I told her that i felt like she was "good people":crackup: But i think we should go really slow... I was thinking about my career..!

Here is where the trouble began..

Our relationship slowed down which was expected in retaliation on our last conversation. She is the only girl in the office surrounded by 20 help desk techs (males). I began noticing a difference in her attitude and also the techs at work... i was like WTF...!

All the techs (AFC computer geeks) are all trying to get with her etc. Flirting with her asking her out etc. She made it her goal that i noticed. I didn't care because i had the mentality about not f@@Kin up my career for this chick.. I was also fully aware of her little games… played it cool..

after a few weeks we still talked and went out on occasional basis. Made out etc no biggie. Her games became worse. She was trying the impossible to make me jealous. At this point she has convinced the entire office she would go out with all of them and have a huge gang bang “mater of speaking”. She has all the guys running after her including my BOSS..! That is right, my boss..! Her manipulation skills are beyond this world..! I was like WTF again!!! i became curious of what the hell she was doing to all the guys... How can one girl turn and entire office upside down and have all guys after her...?

I ease dropped in MSN chat logs etc.
I read all her conversation with all the guys in the office! My fellow DJs.... I cannot emphasize how incredible her manipulation skills are..! She has mind fukt all the guys..! after reading logs after logs (which i saved just in case) i slowly began trying to leave her alone. Didn't want to drop her because it would be way too obvious..

She began hating on me saying i was a jerk etc. She approached me, we talked about personal shiat. WE get into an argument and we haven't spoken to each other for a week now. Its hard because her cubicle is just feet away from my office. I play it cool ignore her like she doesn't exist. Play it cool. Now I’m staying my distance not talking trying disappear. I learned early this week that she manipulated her EX and is back with him. Oh yeah and she is pissed at me that I’m a jerk. I'm not touching that with a 10 foot pole, I’m not talking nor attempting to speak with her...

My goal now is to wait this out and hope that everything blows over...


New Member
Jul 6, 2005
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Haha...if you think the nightmare is over well let me break it down to you IT IS NOT. Women are used to get what they want and if they don't they will do ANYTHING to get it..even if it's just some random lustful sex at 3 am. So advice for to wait the call or for your forceful two weeks notice because it's war from now on...

Oh yeah did you know that happens to guys who use girls and play with their minds/hearts. Someone once said it only takes one person to f*ck u over...Good Luck.:cheer:


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
Originally posted by dirtymexican
I'm a IT manager...

I was upgrading a workstation at work when i suddenly get approached by an temp employee hb7. She tells me that she is going to school to become a net admin. I knew she was hitting on me, so we began talking about what to expect(BS).. We continue to talk, She lets me know she has a BF but continues to hit on me. I didn't push the issue because I’ve had bad experiences with chicks with bf. I also don't like messing with chicks i work with. We become friends so i told her if she was serious about getting into the field to bring me her resume and i would let the supervisor of the helpdesk meet with her. :cool: lol

She gets the job everything was great. her cubicle is a few feet away from my office. Weeks pass of us getting closer etc. She asks me out for a drink and we go out. We get drunk together and we began messing around. :woo:

She kept asking me out etc.. We kept messing around. I invite her to my house etc. she breaks up with her BF who is apparently a looser and moves back home with her parents etc.

Few days after her break up we go out and she began asking questions about us. Commitment shiat.. I told her that i felt like she was "good people":crackup: But i think we should go really slow... I was thinking about my career..!

Here is where the trouble began..

Our relationship slowed down which was expected in retaliation on our last conversation. She is the only girl in the office surrounded by 20 help desk techs (males). I began noticing a difference in her attitude and also the techs at work... i was like WTF...!

All the techs (AFC computer geeks) are all trying to get with her etc. Flirting with her asking her out etc. She made it her goal that i noticed. I didn't care because i had the mentality about not f@@Kin up my career for this chick.. I was also fully aware of her little games… played it cool..

after a few weeks we still talked and went out on occasional basis. Made out etc no biggie. Her games became worse. She was trying the impossible to make me jealous. At this point she has convinced the entire office she would go out with all of them and have a huge gang bang “mater of speaking”. She has all the guys running after her including my BOSS..! That is right, my boss..! Her manipulation skills are beyond this world..! I was like WTF again!!! i became curious of what the hell she was doing to all the guys... How can one girl turn and entire office upside down and have all guys after her...?

I ease dropped in MSN chat logs etc.
I read all her conversation with all the guys in the office! My fellow DJs.... I cannot emphasize how incredible her manipulation skills are..! She has mind fukt all the guys..! after reading logs after logs (which i saved just in case) i slowly began trying to leave her alone. Didn't want to drop her because it would be way too obvious..

She began hating on me saying i was a jerk etc. She approached me, we talked about personal shiat. WE get into an argument and we haven't spoken to each other for a week now. Its hard because her cubicle is just feet away from my office. I play it cool ignore her like she doesn't exist. Play it cool. Now I’m staying my distance not talking trying disappear. I learned early this week that she manipulated her EX and is back with him. Oh yeah and she is pissed at me that I’m a jerk. I'm not touching that with a 10 foot pole, I’m not talking nor attempting to speak with her...

My goal now is to wait this out and hope that everything blows over...

I have a rule of thmb that has pretty much worked 100% of the time to date.

I don't ever talk to a women who "aggressivly pursues me"

And beacause I stick to that rule, I have turned down some nice pecieces of ass, guranteed ass, but I think in the longrun it makes things alot easier.

Note I didn't say a women that makes it known she finds you attractive, becuase that's what women will do.

First, if a women "agressivly pursues" you, how many guys do you think she has "agressivly pursued" before you? Will contiune to do so while she is with you?

Secondly, a smart, good looking, well rounded women who isn't physco or an AH should get her fair share of men so she shouldn't have to go looking for a man. Just like my current GF says "When I first met you I thought you were really good looking and you had an "auroa" about you, but If you didn't talk to me, we wouldn't be together to day, because I get enough guys coming after me anyway."

And that's a good point. If I had girls, 7-9.5 hitting on me 2-5 times a week, I mean ovbious hits, I doubt I would go out of my way to talk to a girl either... Why?

I may have missed out on a girl or two that might have been good for me, but i am sure I missed out on 10-20 or so nuttcases in the prossess as well.

Anywho, if you knew she had a BF and she was an AH, why even accecpt the drink date?


Don Juan
Nov 3, 2004
Reaction score
True... I do feel the nightmare if far from over! I'm playing the jerk, hence the reason she ran back with her Ex... She also made it clear with all the guys, some of my close friends at work that she is back with her ex. She want them to tell me she is back with her ex. Basically trying to punish me for being a jerk. Again, this is cool with me... I just want things back to normal at work.

Im going to pull the dirty mexican and act like nothing happend. She was the one who was trippin etc...

Again i covered my ass with this... i kept the chat logs... :D


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
I ease dropped in MSN chat logs etc.

This shows that she has gotten in your head.

Rather she knows it or not, she has won.

You are telling yourself you don't give a ****, but you do otherwise you wouldn't have made this post about a sterotypical Attention*****. YOu are spying on her! Why? You know she is an attention *****? Did you hope to find she said " I secretly love dirtymexican with all my heart".

No women on this earth is worth being made a fool of.

DJ's don't check ph one or MSN records. Espically if you KNOW she is an attention *****.

I put my GF though a type of training when we first got together. She likes attention, but isn't necessarly an attention *****. LIke if I wasn't like all her other boyfriends and did everything her way she would gasp.... flirt with other guys. Now I know my GF to the point to know she wouldn't cheat on me but it's more a mind game nevertheless. So when she would go on one of her little "acts", like going to her "mothers" house all day... she would come over to my hosue thinking I would be whipped and asking where she was, I wouldn't be home. I was out having some fun of my own. So not only did her little "ploy" not work, when I would get home she would feel pretty supid.

Sooner or later she realized that when ever she got on my nerves in the sense of trying to treat me like lesser of a man than I am, I went out.

Needless to say I don't have thoose problems anylonger, and it's been a while since I have went out with another female.

In regards to you, why do you care so much about an attention *****? I mean, she is a ***** that wants attention. There are so many other valuable things you could be doing with your time instead of wasting it on her.


Don Juan
Nov 3, 2004
Reaction score
i accepted the date because i knew she was into me and i was bit attracted to her. I felt she was sweet girl. I asked myself why not? It was like going out with the boys... It wasn't till the 5th shot of jack and a sexual conversation that lead us to mess around in the parking lot of the bar... Besides she wanted to show me her nipple piercing

don’t tell me you wouldn't..?


Don Juan
Nov 3, 2004
Reaction score

I knew that when i posted "eased dropping on MSN chat log" it would seem like a AFC move. Instead i was looking for mistakes she would make if reproach was brought against me. Things was getting ugly in the office. I would have evidence to cover my ass. I knew with her manipulation skills and the way she was driving everyone including my boss that i need something "just in case"....

Winning or losing...? What did she win...? What did i win..? nothing... she is back with what she calls a "looser" bf. Me..? I will be able to go on and see more girls... Nothing was gain or lost...

Yeah i admit she did get into my head a bit. I came here to vent. Like wise i'm sure you found this forum because of past experiences.. Just thought i would share my little predicament...


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by backbreaker
I ease dropped in MSN chat logs etc.

This shows that she has gotten in your head.

Rather she knows it or not, she has won.

You are telling yourself you don't give a ****, but you do otherwise you wouldn't have made this post about a sterotypical Attention*****. YOu are spying on her!
Sorry, but you're way off the mark on this one. He was keeping chat logs as evidence of her manipulation in the event that she tries to get revenge on him by turning the office against him.


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by dirtymexican
I'm a IT manager...

I was upgrading a workstation at work when i suddenly get approached by an temp employee hb7. She tells me that she is going to school to become a net admin. I knew she was hitting on me, so we began talking about what to expect(BS).. We continue to talk, She lets me know she has a BF but continues to hit on me. I didn't push the issue because I’ve had bad experiences with chicks with bf. I also don't like messing with chicks i work with. We become friends so i told her if she was serious about getting into the field to bring me her resume and i would let the supervisor of the helpdesk meet with her. :cool: lol

She gets the job everything was great. her cubicle is a few feet away from my office. Weeks pass of us getting closer etc. She asks me out for a drink and we go out. We get drunk together and we began messing around. :woo:

She kept asking me out etc.. We kept messing around. I invite her to my house etc. she breaks up with her BF who is apparently a looser and moves back home with her parents etc.

Few days after her break up we go out and she began asking questions about us. Commitment shiat.. I told her that i felt like she was "good people":crackup: But i think we should go really slow... I was thinking about my career..!

Here is where the trouble began..

Our relationship slowed down which was expected in retaliation on our last conversation. She is the only girl in the office surrounded by 20 help desk techs (males). I began noticing a difference in her attitude and also the techs at work... i was like WTF...!

All the techs (AFC computer geeks) are all trying to get with her etc. Flirting with her asking her out etc. She made it her goal that i noticed. I didn't care because i had the mentality about not f@@Kin up my career for this chick.. I was also fully aware of her little games… played it cool..

after a few weeks we still talked and went out on occasional basis. Made out etc no biggie. Her games became worse. She was trying the impossible to make me jealous. At this point she has convinced the entire office she would go out with all of them and have a huge gang bang “mater of speaking”. She has all the guys running after her including my BOSS..! That is right, my boss..! Her manipulation skills are beyond this world..! I was like WTF again!!! i became curious of what the hell she was doing to all the guys... How can one girl turn and entire office upside down and have all guys after her...?

I ease dropped in MSN chat logs etc.
I read all her conversation with all the guys in the office! My fellow DJs.... I cannot emphasize how incredible her manipulation skills are..! She has mind fukt all the guys..! after reading logs after logs (which i saved just in case) i slowly began trying to leave her alone. Didn't want to drop her because it would be way too obvious..

She began hating on me saying i was a jerk etc. She approached me, we talked about personal shiat. WE get into an argument and we haven't spoken to each other for a week now. Its hard because her cubicle is just feet away from my office. I play it cool ignore her like she doesn't exist. Play it cool. Now I’m staying my distance not talking trying disappear. I learned early this week that she manipulated her EX and is back with him. Oh yeah and she is pissed at me that I’m a jerk. I'm not touching that with a 10 foot pole, I’m not talking nor attempting to speak with her...

My goal now is to wait this out and hope that everything blows over...
WOW!! thats EXACTLY what vhappened to me. except i work in retail. incredible.....


Don Juan
Mar 11, 2005
Reaction score

U got any of tghose chat logs to look at..........maybe we can learn something from it :) or bettrt yet use it


Master Don Juan
Jun 22, 2005
Reaction score
He's an IT. He's aloud to look at chat logs.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
first of all, I can tell you dirtymexican from the bottom of my heart, that I wouldn't. I have a talent of seeing several, several steps down the road, and the instant she asked me on a "drink date" I would have saw that the best case senerio is that we screw around and she juggles between me and her BF. NOt to mention that she is a co-worker.

Who gives a **** if everyone at work is "against" you? You should be busy "working" and not playing office politics anyway.

All of this "my office will be against me" stuff wouldn't have had a problem if you would have stuck to your guns and said "no" to the drink date.

Do you know how many times I got hit on while I was at work? When I would visit other offices?

The point is, you should be familar and comfortable with women to the point that you don't throw all of your morals down the tube at the first sign of possibly *****.

and it doesn't matter if he CAN look at chat logs, he SHOULDN'T, at least not for that reason. And that is why she is juggling between you and her EX.

I am pretty sure that you were kinda disinterested when you first met her. that's what turned her on. She put it on you, now she has you checking her MSN logs. Think about that for a minute