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  1. B

    How best to invest in success with women?

    I've recently come into a bit of money and wish to devote some of it (but I've decided no more than around £1000) directly towards improving my skills and success with attracting women. Considering that there are so many (good and bad) options regarding courses, coaching and enhancing skills...
  2. B

    Does becoming muscular really help your game?

    I don't buy the idea that being hugely muscular makes you into some sort of woman magnet. If you look in the media at the moment, in my opinion the trend seems to be for skinnier (although probably toned) guys as icons who attract women. This has especially been the case with the resurgence of...
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    Storytelling during pickup..... Please critique..

    Thanks for your reply. I can understand what you are saying, but I don't think that the story itself is so uncommon and impressive that it can be regarded in the same way as mere "approval seeking". Unlike being a stock market millionaire, hillwalking and climbing (especially in the UK) is a...
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    Storytelling during pickup..... Please critique..

    One of the things I feel I am fairly strong in this whole business is that my interests are sufficiently broad and intriguing enough in themselves to come up with good stories; the type that attempt to demonstrate some sort of higher value in terms of a go-getting, adventurous personality with...
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    Time to get out in the world. It's a nice sunday afternoon. Get out of the house!

    You should all unplug and follow the white rabbit....
  6. B

    What happens if she doesn't look at you or return your look?

    Hi, one area that I feel that seduction theories are weak on, and that affects my game massively, is what happens if you can't get women to return a look at you and express any (even remote) interest before you approach them. Although I do make an effort to look vaguely stylish, and have done...
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    How important is weight?

    I think that being fit and healthy is something we should all do for our own sake whether it helps us become attractive or not. There is no point thinking about about pulling women if you are so overweight and unhealthy that you constantly feel tired and ill. However, there is an issue with...
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    The Order of Events : Self-Improvement vs. Practice

    One of the aspects of the forum that I particularly like is that I see many threads and posts emphasising goal-setting and improving yourself in all aspects of life (whether it be personality, physical, image, career etc.) as going hand in hand with learning about seduction. While I do...
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    How to dress yourself nicely!!!

    Good advice. Regarding popping your collar, this used to be Eric Cantona's signature style, and people loved him for it.
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    What to do if a group of people are laughing at you?

    I've had this once in a pub, where people mock you for no good reason. In this case it was because I was from the North of England and have an accent. I did actually react to the guy in question, who then picked up a bottle and threatened to glass me in the face. I walked off. I hate to say it...
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    Are American women really the bottom of the barrel?

    If you think American women are bad then you should move to London.
  12. B

    Do rock band members earn less than rappers?

    Unless you happen to be Dr. Dre or somebody like that, a rock star probably has a longer shelf-life, so will make more money overall. As for being in a band, Noel Gallagher (Oasis), being the songwriter, makes far more than anyone else including his brother. Does he share it? No
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    MOVIES... do you guys know any cool dj movie's

    The Italian Job (original Michael Caine version) Cool and Stylish as ****.
  14. B

    Love: The Product of Circumstance (and $$)

    Well muscleman's statement would explain why Sir Paul McCartney and Heather Mills got together and married, but not why they split up.
  15. B

    IYO who is the most manly man??

    Sean Connery has never actually been given a knighthood. Depending on who you listen to, it's either due to his vocal and financial support for Scottish Nationalism or comments he has supposedly made about hitting women.
  16. B

    IYO who is the most manly man??

    Dunno... Sebastian Chabal?
  17. B

    How do you guys define "STATUS"??

    I think interests can also be included in the list of "status" considerations. If someone mentions that he likes (and has the means) to travel extensively, plays energetic team sports like rugby and soccer to a decent level or does rock/mountain climbing etc. then I can only see that counting...
  18. B

    If she doesn't return eye contract could she be nervous?

    I think that the whole eye contact thing is a bit of a red herring. In big cities, often people will not return eye contact merely since they are mentally preoccupied with other things, don't notice you from the crowd or because it's "not the done thing" (i.e. on the Tube/Underground for instance)
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    Starting from the Beginning.....

    Thanks a lot for your replies. I will certainly get started! As for moving to Australia, unfortunately it's not likely to happen for a while but I will bear that in mind!
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    If you are single, LIVE IN AN URBAN AREA!

    Yep lol. I'm not sure I'd recommend him going to sarge in Londonderry or East Belfast quite yet....