Are American women really the bottom of the barrel?


Don Juan
Sep 28, 2006
Reaction score
I'm sure this topic has been done before but I just want to chat a bit about my experience.

I'm hispanic and I typically stay away from American born women (ABW). They seem very hard to please, are colder, and not very feminine. However I like the fact that here, in NYC at least, ABW give you your space and for some odd reason are a bit more trusting. Latin women (my personal favorite) for example are extremely passionate but can be the most untrusting people in the world. Jealousy can turn ugly very quickly with them. Asians on the other hand can also be very trusting but in passion, and romance rank below even ABW with me.

So my believe has always been that American raised women are not worth the trouble but my recent experiences has me leaning towards the opposite lately. I wouldn't marry one for example, but that's the beauty, ABW here in NY don't stress getting married. Many would rather just live together with less commitment. What are your thoughts on this fellow Dons.


Feb 10, 2005
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Well my view is regardless of a woman's ethnicity and whether she was "born" in America, If she's Amercanized then she's going to have some bad traits.


Don Juan
Sep 28, 2006
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Yeah I should changed that to American Raised Women (ARW) :) . What sort of bad traits have you encountered?

Ace of Flames

Master Don Juan
Jan 11, 2006
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Everywhere you want to be.... I'm like a Visa card
Its never good to make big sweeping generalizations like that. It usually comes back to bite you in the ass.

Now, I'll say this: I once had a girlfriend that was born in Venezuela. She came to America when she was about 13-14 or so, and when we went out, she was 18. Between her and normal American girls, I could notice the difference. She was overall more kind, more caring, and more sensitive to me and my feelings and problems. Most American girls aren't like that, in my experience.

I could also tell she had already been slightly "Americanized". She began to act more b!tchy and stuck-up, the typical American attitude. Like she's entitled to more than she really is. But that was ok, she was still mainly the sweet girl she should be.

Anyway, that relationship ended on an unrelated note. Now I'm with an American born and raised girl, and yet, she's completely atypical. She is Hispanic, and I think that also plays a part in her personality. I've always thought Hispanic girls were more intimate and passionate and overall nicer than other races.

So I guess my point is, yes, American women tend to have a worse attitude than other parts of the world. But you shouldn't instantly NEXT every female in the country. Like anything worth having, you have to work for it. Good American women DO exist out there, but you'll have to dig for them. If you ever find one, make sure you hold on to her.

As for foreign women? Go for it. They're nice too. ^_^


Senior Don Juan
Oct 9, 2007
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Orange County
I've seen some foreign girls literally transform after a few years in American into complete stuck up b!tches. While you may have some valid points, I never try to judge or generalize anyone on any basis without getting to know them personally, male or female.

I believe that females would say the same that European or Latin men are more considerate, caring, romantic etc. I think its probably TV and other media that warps and deforms the personalities of people to make them into something they think they should be. I love South American women.

Ben MacDui

Don Juan
Sep 24, 2007
Reaction score
SickAgain said:
I've seen some foreign girls literally transform after a few years in American into complete stuck up b!tches. While you may have some valid points, I never try to judge or generalize anyone on any basis without getting to know them personally, male or female.

I believe that females would say the same that European or Latin men are more considerate, caring, romantic etc. I think its probably TV and other media that warps and deforms the personalities of people to make them into something they think they should be. I love South American women.
If you think American women are bad then you should move to London.
Mar 18, 2006
Reaction score
DonRaul said:
I wouldn't marry one for example, but that's the beauty, ABW here in NY don't stress getting married. Many would rather just live together with less commitment. What are your thoughts on this fellow Dons.
You are correct - you pimp hos - you don't marry them! America is "Pimp Paradise"!