fuzzx said:
I guarantee you couldn't tell the difference between Target brand and designer jeans if there wasn't a little white label that said EXPENSIVE on the side.
Yeah, I find myself mistaking Target Wranglers for Designer jeans all the time! LOL
Actually, a lot of designer jeans that are extremely expensive, other people can't tell the difference from other cheaper designer lines at first, but you will know, and since I dress for myself, that's all that matters.. Making myself happy..
fuzzx said:
If you can pick up women wearing your favorite hobby(Nascar, D&D, Warcraft) t-shirt THAT is when you truly have game... otherwise as far as I'm concerned your still riding the confidence bike with your training wheels on.
Don't put words in my mouth. I said nothing about my confidence being linked to how I dress.
I wear sport clothing at times, because I actually use it... I like to jog and eat healthy! I've jogged to the store and being all sweaty, I still managed to get a girls number.. Actually, she got mine since I didn't have pockets in my shorts to put my phone in there.. She did end up calling my phone, and we went out several times.
I dress to reflect my lifestyle... On job interviews, I try to dress semi-formal.. Going out with friends, Casual.. working out.. gym clothing.. I dress according to..
Personally, I don't have any interest in Dungeons and Dragons, Warcraft, or any of that... So I wouldn't even know about having shirts of those games.
fuzzx said:
Infact most of you guys wear that Metro Sexual crap which came straight out of gay culture. I'd rather wear weird **** that I like than ambiguously sexual wear just to fit in.
Women dress to be sexually appealing to men, so why can't men dress to be sexually appealing to women? I see nothing gay with that. The metrosexual label was a marketing technique... I don't believe in stupid labels such as that... You are what you are..
Something I've noticed that's all too common in America is the wearing of big white undershirts under a regular shirt, or polo. It kind of ruins the look... Nothing wrong with leaving a few buttons undone without an undershirt underneath... Unless of course you've got a hideous hairy chest, but even that can be taken care of!
fuzzx said:
I certainly wasn't being MYSELF and that really sucked because I liked a lot of the aspects of who I was before I became a 'DJ' and I never had to trick women into liking me before. Being all about attracting women gets pretty boring after awhile.
Being a DJ isn't about tricking women to like you...
Attracting women isn't the reason I try to dress nice whenever I go out. It's just part of who I am! I like a neat room that's appealing TO ME, and I like to dress in a way that I believe makes me look my best! I do this because it makes me feel better knowing I'm doing the best for myself, and I don't do it because of the women.
Although it doesn't hurt that women tend to recognize a guy that takes pride in his appearance.
fuzzx said:
I realized that becoming a DJ wasn't about changing yourself for a woman at all..it was about creating comfort by BEING (COMFORTABLE) WITH WHO YOU ARE and who you WERE, your hobbies and what YOU think is cool.
fuzzx said:
If he is wearing designer clothes for the sake of looking 'DJ' and someone makes a comment, he'll have nothing to say but "yeah I bought it for $280" and come across as someone who is looking for confidence through acceptance by the pseudo rich and their admirers. Besides the types of chix who respect designer wear are poison for your bankaccount anyway.
Again, I do not wear designer clothing for that reason. What do you have against designer clothing? It's nicely tailored, of higher quality, and looks good! Does it hurt that it's also a recognized label? What kind of idiot answers with the price he paid for his jeans?
I receive compliments on what I wear regularly. Just yesterday some girl at college told me she really liked my shoes, and asked me where I got them because she wants to get the same ones for her boyfriend.
I agree with you though.. Be yourself, and dress to reflect who you are.. Fashion is your way to express yourself! If you enjoy dressing like crap, and think it looks good, then do it if it makes you happy... Seriously, just do what you want.. I personally like to look my best.. lol