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  1. J

    Up to date : The Uk.

    Agreed full of great fantastic looking student type ladies and some older ones aswell and Im based in London!! Got a mate that studies at Bristol though.
  2. J

    UK djs!!!!

    London DJ here - my skills are well out of practice but as I found out the other night it's like getting on a bike (scuse the pun) :D Get in touch via PM or e-mail
  3. J

    The UK Thread

    Am I the only London UK DJ!!! Ouch!! Man Im surrounded by chumps in the capital even in my own workplace, its very funny. You want some fun with stuck up chicks, London is the place to be but plenty of great lasses about to try it on with. Street pickups are a cow to do but Ive suceeded...
  4. J

    Haven't encountered this before...

    She's been declined. But now have a NORMAL date set-up, went out and got me some phone numbers!! Thanks again!
  5. J

    Haven't encountered this before...

    After extensive searching (an hours worth) of this forum and reading advice for guys with the same prob...the outlook aint good. Im telling ger I DO mind, and also saying that I hope she enjoys her shopping trip and drinks with her friend. no counter-offer, no point as I'll get LJBF'ed. I...
  6. J

    Haven't encountered this before...

    OK my DJ skills have been improving, haven't visited the site much as Ive been reading the bible...BUT!! DJ'ed this chick, going well, 1st date all sorted which is business as usual. ...but Ive never had this happen before....she's bringing her BEST mate, whos very CONVIENTLY happening to...
  7. J

    Most obvious come-on that was missed

    I did this, was getting on with this really hot chick when she said. "Why dont you come over Mum and Dad aren't around tonight, we can watch TV or something?" What the hell did I say, "thats cool but I got satellite here, what channel you got on" WTF was I thinking!!!
  8. J

    Can't read her signals...HELP!!

    I still remember one article and Ive stuck by this one. It was titled "Dont become a blithering blob of insecruity" The MAIN POINT of it was that you over-analyse SO MUCH that 1) you completely forget to close 2) become so obsessed with her actions that even the slightest negative sign you...
  9. J

    UK DJ's and wannabe DJ's might find this TV Prog useful...

    This is mainly aimed at UK DJ's and DJ's in training... So check it out BBC Three, Sundays @ 9pm, it wont change your life but its good to see some of the stuff used in the bible applied in real life. If you've got access to BBC Three (on Freeview, Sky and Cable) not normal aerial...
  10. J

    Do I help an AFC best-mate...or watch him burn??

    This guys my best mate and if you ever wanted a defintion of "nice guy" this would be it. He's been going out with this girl for three months and done everything an AFC would do, this guy is the EXACT opposite of the bible I suppose. They still haven't slept together (he blames the...
  11. J

    Post your picture ONLY

    Im game its a bit posey but it was for a radio station.... Any tips?? Juz.
  12. J

    What to do when ask her out?

    I could be wrong but from what I learnt from this site make sure you get all the arrangements, you're offering her too much chance to get out of it, be A MAN and tell her time/place. If she flakes you gave her the option by not being definte! Im sure I'll be backed up I HOPE!!