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  1. R

    I hate to do this...

    dude i am going thru something similar like that right now. me and this girl who has a boyfriend hook up alot..i really have feelings for her and i know she has feelings for me, but she won't break up with her boyfriend of 4 years...she says she is not the type to leave someone after they been...
  2. R

    Union, New Jersey Wingman

    Looking for a Wingman to pick up girls around Union, New Jersey. Anyone?
  3. R

    NO ONE is born a man, they make the choice to be one

    I came across this article that talks about fear, your ego, confidence, courage, and I thought it was an interesting read. I felt that the article is straight forward and can help everyone become the man they want to be, so I decided to share it...
  4. R

    An Illustration of Confidence

    It wasn't raining for a long time at a village So, the village people decided to have a prayer for rain, At the time of the prayer, out of everyone in the village, only one person came with an UMBRELLA. That is CONFIDENCE. This just made me think.
  5. R

    Mission: No Masturbation for 2 weeks.

    Day 5 Today was pretty uneventful...just business, no time to socialize... - i am not that horny anymore, but i see hb6's as 8's - i just feel like minding my own business - i feel calm and frustrated at the same time - acting before thinking is also happening more - i feel that i speak...
  6. R

    Mission: No Masturbation for 2 weeks.

    Day 4 Cons: -I Feel horny as hell -If i don't approach every girl that i want to..i get angry at myself.. -think about sex too much (i was checking out my professor...i think she caught me checking her out to. Its pretty easy since i can't hide it Pros: -When i am talking...
  7. R

    Mission: No Masturbation for 2 weeks.

    I read some threads saying that if you don't masturbate, you will increase your testosterone. So I am testing this theory to see if its true. I decided to do this mission Friday it has been about 3 days since i spanked the monkey. Results so far: I feel very aggressive and...
  8. R

    kiss and then giggle???

    i kiss her on the lips...when i kiss her passionately she seems like she is in a trance (she barely moves), basically she makes me do all the work..but when we gave each other a kiss goodbye (on lips) she giggled and don't know what to think..
  9. R

    kiss and then giggle???

    I was wondering......after you kiss a girl and she sorta giggles and smiles is that a good i doing something wrong?
  10. R

    Do good looking guys have it easier or harder.

    Yea number 4 is a big problem for good looking guys...negging and c + f is a huge part in the seduction game, but it doesn't work for confident, good looking guys... I don't neg or c+f anymore. I REALLY want to cuz its fun but i won't because its a negative impact on my game. What i do now...
  11. R

    Do good looking guys have it easier or harder.

    I want to know some of your guys opinions on whether a good looking guy has it easier or harder time getting girls. My opinion is that...good looking guys have a harder time getting girls than average looking are my reasons: 1. If a good looking guy hits on an average...
  12. R

    Do Not Let People Bring You Down

    I wouldn't necessarily call people out on this. It would just make you look insecure. Just ignore them.
  13. R

    Do Not Let People Bring You Down

    DO NOT LET PEOPLE BRING YOU DOWN…… What I mean by this is there are many people out there that will try and influence the way you live in order to justify the way they live and make them feel better about themselves. For example: You are someone who quit smoking. Your friend still...