Do good looking guys have it easier or harder.


Don Juan
May 25, 2007
Reaction score
I want to know some of your guys opinions on whether a good looking guy has it easier or harder time getting girls.

My opinion is that...good looking guys have a harder time getting girls than average looking are my reasons:

1. If a good looking guy hits on an average looking girl....she would either think that he is just playing around with her or he must be a loser for hitting on her because she thinks he can do better.

2. When a good looking guy hits on a hot girl, she automatically assumes he must be a player and hence will put up more and difficult sh!t tests, than she would to an average guy.

3. The girl knows he is good looking and will be less open to him, because she knows that if she opens up to, she might end up doing the nasty with him. (the girl will be even more less open if she is in a relationship.)

4. Good looking guys really can't use the methods out there like negs and c+f, like how average looking guys can, because they will seem like an *******. So what happens is, that the conversation gets boring because you can't bust her balls because she will take it too seriously and she will start losing interest.

5. When good looking guys talk to girls they get so nervous they just want to leave, which sucks.

6. Girls automatically assume they are taken.

7. Here is a good one...if a girl has a boyfriend and you don't even like that girl and just want to be friends..she will act so distant from you because she doesn't want other people to think that she is cheating on her boyfriend. wtf? Just because your good looking.

8. The girls that good looking guys get are usually dumb and egotistical girls.

I have alot more but i'm stopping now. what do you guys think?


Master Don Juan
Oct 23, 2007
Reaction score
You're thinking too much.

Being good looking is only an ADVANTAGE.

If they didn't AFC guys wouldn't be complaining about only the good looking guys getting girls, don't you think?


Master Don Juan
Jun 22, 2007
Reaction score
Lol I might just be talking out my @ss but I think I'm a pretty good looking guy from female responses. Usually #4 is the only real problem out of what you listed, because girls get really offended when I use even the most lighthearted negs. I can sorta tell when a girls self-esteem takes a hit after using a neg, and it happens often. The player thing probably would never be a problem.

But remember looks are subjective so no one really experiences all those problems redzone


Don Juan
May 1, 2004
Reaction score
ok. In regards to #4... I'm a good looking guy. And I usually neg and c&f girls to death. I do it to the point to where they think I'm a complete a-hole. Instead should I throw out compliments? I don't understand what I should do if I don't neg or c & f...


Master Don Juan
Oct 23, 2007
Reaction score
MrStabAHo said:
ok. In regards to #4... I'm a good looking guy. And I usually neg and c&f girls to death. I do it to the point to where they think I'm a complete a-hole. Instead should I throw out compliments? I don't understand what I should do if I don't neg or c & f...
Do it less often.

That is my problem as well, now I'm starting the be more friendly and making her the main subject of conversation, and then I'll throw in a neg or two, and I'll keep reminding her of it in a nice way. Then I do light kino.

It'll come to you in chunks.


Don Juan
May 25, 2007
Reaction score
Yea number 4 is a big problem for good looking guys...negging and c + f is a huge part in the seduction game, but it doesn't work for confident, good looking guys...

I don't neg or c+f anymore. I REALLY want to cuz its fun but i won't because its a negative impact on my game.

What i do now is i say and do things i want to say or do that won't offend the girl in anyway or compliment the girl in any way, and if she starts giving me a **** test i just ignore it, like it doesn't phase me...and pay a little less attention to her..i will talk to her if she talks to me, but i won't be fully engaged in her as i was before, the push-pull technique...i don't call out girls on their bull****..if they say something i know is not true i just listen and don't say a word (the girl can usually tell that you don't believe them), i just leave after saying i have to go or change the subject...i basically don't give a sh!t anymore.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 15, 2007
Reaction score
redzone2t said:
1. If a good looking guy hits on an average looking girl....she would either think that he is just playing around with her or he must be a loser for hitting on her because she thinks he can do better.
Yes, this is true to an extent. An average girl will be attracted but at the same time she’ll be thinking that I can’t possibly be interested in her, so there is an insecurity issue to deal with. It’s not so much the girl that thinks I’m just playing with her, it’s more her brothers, friends, parents, and outside observers that think that.

2. When a good looking guy hits on a hot girl, she automatically assumes he must be a player and hence will put up more and difficult sh!t tests, than she would to an average guy.
Not true at all. With really hot women there is always this sense that we are both members of an exclusive club. Typically I don’t have to hit on hot girls at all. There tends to be a mutual attraction that makes coming together easy and natural.

3. The girl knows he is good looking and will be less open to him, because she knows that if she opens up to, she might end up doing the nasty with him. (the girl will be even more less open if she is in a relationship.)
Maybe, with the less secure, more timid ones. In addition to my looks I also have a quality about my personality that seems to put others at ease. Thus I regularly run into women who in the course of our conversation will tell me a great deal about themselves, their situation, their past, and their hopes for the future.

4. Good looking guys really can't use the methods out there like negs and c+f, like how average looking guys can, because they will seem like an *******. So what happens is, that the conversation gets boring because you can't bust her balls because she will take it too seriously and she will start losing interest.
The first part is absolutely true and I’ve never talked like that with women and likely never will. However I am a very good conversationalist with many different subjects upon which I can talk extensively. I would think that those guys who rely on a lot of negs and c+f would, in the long run, become boring.

5. When good looking guys talk to girls they get so nervous they just want to leave, which sucks.
Some do get nervous, some very nervous. Some squirm about but very, very few get so nervous that they want to leave.

6. Girls automatically assume they are taken.
True, but that doesn’t stop some from trying.

7. Here is a good one...if a girl has a boyfriend and you don't even like that girl and just want to be friends..she will act so distant from you because she doesn't want other people to think that she is cheating on her boyfriend. wtf? Just because your good looking.
Actually quite the opposite. I have several close female friends all of who have boyfriends or husbands. Typically their guys don’t see me as a threat at all. Mostly, I think, because they think I’m not interested. See #3, it applies to men as well.

8. The girls that good looking guys get are usually dumb and egotistical girls.
Typically I much prefer women whose personalities mesh well with mine. Dumb and egotistical girls don’t fit very well.

I can't recall a girl ever giving me a sh!t test. It's quite the opposite, it's more like they go out of their way to show me their interest.


Master Don Juan
Aug 16, 2007
Reaction score
And guys with money have a harder time buying sports cars than guys without money.

This site has warped our minds.


Feb 10, 2005
Reaction score
redzone2t said:
I want to know some of your guys opinions on whether a good looking guy has it easier or harder time getting girls.

My opinion is that...good looking guys have a harder time getting girls than average looking are my reasons:

1. If a good looking guy hits on an average looking girl....she would either think that he is just playing around with her or he must be a loser for hitting on her because she thinks he can do better.

2. When a good looking guy hits on a hot girl, she automatically assumes he must be a player and hence will put up more and difficult sh!t tests, than she would to an average guy.

3. The girl knows he is good looking and will be less open to him, because she knows that if she opens up to, she might end up doing the nasty with him. (the girl will be even more less open if she is in a relationship.)

4. Good looking guys really can't use the methods out there like negs and c+f, like how average looking guys can, because they will seem like an *******. So what happens is, that the conversation gets boring because you can't bust her balls because she will take it too seriously and she will start losing interest.

5. When good looking guys talk to girls they get so nervous they just want to leave, which sucks.

6. Girls automatically assume they are taken.

7. Here is a good one...if a girl has a boyfriend and you don't even like that girl and just want to be friends..she will act so distant from you because she doesn't want other people to think that she is cheating on her boyfriend. wtf? Just because your good looking.

8. The girls that good looking guys get are usually dumb and egotistical girls.

I have alot more but i'm stopping now. what do you guys think?
Your error here is

1. You assume girls don't want a "player" or a guy that's out of their "league".

Actually all of your arguments are flawed for the above reason plus the reason you gave that she might think "think" he has a GF. Well that's a good thing if she thinks you might. The game isn't harder for good looking giuys, it might be silently different as in easier. There's always going to be women who think only the hotest guy is good enough for her.


Master Don Juan
Dec 1, 2005
Reaction score
manchester UK
potato said:
Yes, this is true to an extent. An average girl will be attracted but at the same time she’ll be thinking that I can’t possibly be interested in her, so there is an insecurity issue to deal with. It’s not so much the girl that thinks I’m just playing with her, it’s more her brothers, friends, parents, and outside observers that think that.

Not true at all. With really hot women there is always this sense that we are both members of an exclusive club. Typically I don’t have to hit on hot girls at all. There tends to be a mutual attraction that makes coming together easy and natural.

Maybe, with the less secure, more timid ones. In addition to my looks I also have a quality about my personality that seems to put others at ease. Thus I regularly run into women who in the course of our conversation will tell me a great deal about themselves, their situation, their past, and their hopes for the future.

The first part is absolutely true and I’ve never talked like that with women and likely never will. However I am a very good conversationalist with many different subjects upon which I can talk extensively. I would think that those guys who rely on a lot of negs and c+f would, in the long run, become boring.

Some do get nervous, some very nervous. Some squirm about but very, very few get so nervous that they want to leave.

True, but that doesn’t stop some from trying.

Actually quite the opposite. I have several close female friends all of who have boyfriends or husbands. Typically their guys don’t see me as a threat at all. Mostly, I think, because they think I’m not interested. See #3, it applies to men as well.

Typically I much prefer women whose personalities mesh well with mine. Dumb and egotistical girls don’t fit very well.

I can't recall a girl ever giving me a sh!t test. It's quite the opposite, it's more like they go out of their way to show me their interest.
My god you're full of yourself.

Why you on this site if you have it so easy mate? Oh thats right....your full of s.hit.


Nov 21, 2007
Reaction score
redzone2t said:
I want to know some of your guys opinions on whether a good looking guy has it easier or harder time getting girls.

My opinion is that...good looking guys have a harder time getting girls than average looking are my reasons:

1. If a good looking guy hits on an average looking girl....she would either think that he is just playing around with her or he must be a loser for hitting on her because she thinks he can do better.

2. When a good looking guy hits on a hot girl, she automatically assumes he must be a player and hence will put up more and difficult sh!t tests, than she would to an average guy.

3. The girl knows he is good looking and will be less open to him, because she knows that if she opens up to, she might end up doing the nasty with him. (the girl will be even more less open if she is in a relationship.)

4. Good looking guys really can't use the methods out there like negs and c+f, like how average looking guys can, because they will seem like an *******. So what happens is, that the conversation gets boring because you can't bust her balls because she will take it too seriously and she will start losing interest.

5. When good looking guys talk to girls they get so nervous they just want to leave, which sucks.

6. Girls automatically assume they are taken.

7. Here is a good one...if a girl has a boyfriend and you don't even like that girl and just want to be friends..she will act so distant from you because she doesn't want other people to think that she is cheating on her boyfriend. wtf? Just because your good looking.

8. The girls that good looking guys get are usually dumb and egotistical girls.

I have alot more but i'm stopping now. what do you guys think?
What is the atmosphere like on your planet?


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2007
Reaction score
Girls don't think, they feel. When they're turned on they are turned on in the moment. And that's that.

As men we assume women are thinking all the time in a logical way, because that's what we do (except when a cute girl is around we can get confused because our logical mindset doesn't work in that situation-- we have to rely on feelings and being intuitive. ) And feelings and being intuitive is how the women work. Not all analyzing and thinking. That comes later.

Don't know if that makes sense. I assume this thread will be locked though because it's about looks.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 15, 2007
Reaction score
L777 said:
My god you're full of yourself.
And people wonder why I have such a god complex. It's people like you always calling me, "my god".


Senior Don Juan
Oct 15, 2007
Reaction score
wutangfinancial said:
potato is a perfect example of why defining yourself based on your looks backfires. He's 48. He wastes time trying to impress kids on a message board.

The happy 48 year olds I know have families and solid careers. Not an adolescent need to impress others on an anonymous board. His above response is so incredibly sophomoric and indicative of an underlying inferiority complex.

A perfect example of why virtue is the utlimate means to contentment.
Oh yea, like you’re hurting my feelings or something. You and L777 take this stuff way too seriously. Do you go to a comedy club and brood?

My response to the OP was 100% honest. There was no intention at all to impress - just to illustrate the misconception of the OP. If it bothers you, then that’s your problem, not mine.

I began posting on this site in response to Rollo and a few of his minions invading other sites with his long winded nonsense like they were going to somehow enlighten everyone. It’s not like it was difficult to trace it all back to here and to Rollo’s personal site.

I find it rather amusing that guys, who are so frustrated at their inability to attract women that they exhibit misogynist characteristics, think that by following a few guidelines, pick up a few tricks, they will transform into babe magnets is amusing beyond belief. David DeAngelo, Mystery, Rollo, and all the rest really don’t know nearly as much about women as they claim.

The whole claiming understanding of women from evolution/biology/psychology is BS pure and simple. They are little more than charlatans making money off of the unfortunate. I’ve seen a video of David DeAngelo giving one of his seminars. All I could think was that there was a reason that those men had such a hard time attracting women. It’s nature’s way of cleansing the gene pool. To think that any of those guys would one day be out getting what ever hot woman they wanted was enough to send me rolling on the ground laughing.

You must know that the whole PUA thing was developed to pick up women who are at bars/clubs, who are drinking and somewhat hoping that they’ll meet a guy.
The whole idea is to get them home and nail them before they sober up. Not exactly an honorable way to get women. Most flake, I’m sure, because they do sober up.

The whole Don Juan thing is also rather amusing. The original was a despicable character. He was a psychopath who deceived everyone around him; he essentially raped women, and even murdered a man. At the end of the story he was drug down to hell. And many of you want to be a Don Juan. I’m not impressed at all. Ironically, translated into English, Don Juan becomes Sir John, the name of the man who first devised a flushing toilet.

It may surprise some of you but the vast majority of couples come together in a way that absolutely ignores everything you’ll ever learn in Double Your Dating, the Mystery Method, Spinning plates, and every other, how to get women bit.

As is alluded to in the If You Don't Attract Beautiful Woman Something Is Very Very Wrong thread, what attracts women to men and men to women is something that really can’t be shown or even necessarily learnt. It’s like there is just something in the air that draws you together. It’s actually a chemical response that requires a back and forth action. In every case, with every girlfriend I’ve ever had, there was an initial attraction that was immediate and very mutual. Almost as if by magic, with every one of them we were/are highly compatible in a wide range of areas.

No game required, only the ability to exude and receive the appropriate chemicals.


Master Don Juan
Jun 27, 2003
Reaction score
Beyond your peripheral vision
potato said:
Oh yea, like you’re hurting my feelings or something. You and L777 take this stuff way too seriously. Do you go to a comedy club and brood?

My response to the OP was 100% honest. There was no intention at all to impress - just to illustrate the misconception of the OP. If it bothers you, then that’s your problem, not mine.

I began posting on this site in response to Rollo and a few of his minions invading other sites with his long winded nonsense like they were going to somehow enlighten everyone. It’s not like it was difficult to trace it all back to here and to Rollo’s personal site.

I find it rather amusing that guys, who are so frustrated at their inability to attract women that they exhibit misogynist characteristics, think that by following a few guidelines, pick up a few tricks, they will transform into babe magnets is amusing beyond belief. David DeAngelo, Mystery, Rollo, and all the rest really don’t know nearly as much about women as they claim.

The whole claiming understanding of women from evolution/biology/psychology is BS pure and simple. They are little more than charlatans making money off of the unfortunate. I’ve seen a video of David DeAngelo giving one of his seminars. All I could think was that there was a reason that those men had such a hard time attracting women. It’s nature’s way of cleansing the gene pool. To think that any of those guys would one day be out getting what ever hot woman they wanted was enough to send me rolling on the ground laughing.

You must know that the whole PUA thing was developed to pick up women who are at bars/clubs, who are drinking and somewhat hoping that they’ll meet a guy.
The whole idea is to get them home and nail them before they sober up. Not exactly an honorable way to get women. Most flake, I’m sure, because they do sober up.

The whole Don Juan thing is also rather amusing. The original was a despicable character. He was a psychopath who deceived everyone around him; he essentially raped women, and even murdered a man. At the end of the story he was drug down to hell. And many of you want to be a Don Juan. I’m not impressed at all. Ironically, translated into English, Don Juan becomes Sir John, the name of the man who first devised a flushing toilet.

It may surprise some of you but the vast majority of couples come together in a way that absolutely ignores everything you’ll ever learn in Double Your Dating, the Mystery Method, Spinning plates, and every other, how to get women bit.

As is alluded to in the If You Don't Attract Beautiful Woman Something Is Very Very Wrong thread, what attracts women to men and men to women is something that really can’t be shown or even necessarily learnt. It’s like there is just something in the air that draws you together. It’s actually a chemical response that requires a back and forth action. In every case, with every girlfriend I’ve ever had, there was an initial attraction that was immediate and very mutual. Almost as if by magic, with every one of them we were/are highly compatible in a wide range of areas.

No game required, only the ability to exude and receive the appropriate chemicals.
Amazing post, lol. You tell em, Potato!!!

You can't subscribe to every thing you read here at this site like it is the bible. Once you make this sh!t your religion, you are beyond help.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 3, 2007
Reaction score
what attracts women to men and men to women is something that really can’t be shown or even necessarily learnt. It’s like there is just something in the air that draws you together.
Oh but it can be a learned skill.

Check out Carlos Xuma's Stuff and forget about the other
people you mentioned.

No game required, only the ability to exude and receive the appropriate chemicals.
Like Chemistry.
I can relate to that.


Oct 13, 2005
Reaction score
Padron Reserve maduro in hand while finishing my b
potato said:
Oh yea, like you’re hurting my feelings or something. You and L777 take this stuff way too seriously. Do you go to a comedy club and brood?

My response to the OP was 100% honest. There was no intention at all to impress - just to illustrate the misconception of the OP. If it bothers you, then that’s your problem, not mine.

I began posting on this site in response to Rollo and a few of his minions invading other sites with his long winded nonsense like they were going to somehow enlighten everyone. It’s not like it was difficult to trace it all back to here and to Rollo’s personal site.

I find it rather amusing that guys, who are so frustrated at their inability to attract women that they exhibit misogynist characteristics, think that by following a few guidelines, pick up a few tricks, they will transform into babe magnets is amusing beyond belief. David DeAngelo, Mystery, Rollo, and all the rest really don’t know nearly as much about women as they claim.

The whole claiming understanding of women from evolution/biology/psychology is BS pure and simple. They are little more than charlatans making money off of the unfortunate. I’ve seen a video of David DeAngelo giving one of his seminars. All I could think was that there was a reason that those men had such a hard time attracting women. It’s nature’s way of cleansing the gene pool. To think that any of those guys would one day be out getting what ever hot woman they wanted was enough to send me rolling on the ground laughing.

You must know that the whole PUA thing was developed to pick up women who are at bars/clubs, who are drinking and somewhat hoping that they’ll meet a guy.
The whole idea is to get them home and nail them before they sober up. Not exactly an honorable way to get women. Most flake, I’m sure, because they do sober up.

The whole Don Juan thing is also rather amusing. The original was a despicable character. He was a psychopath who deceived everyone around him; he essentially raped women, and even murdered a man. At the end of the story he was drug down to hell. And many of you want to be a Don Juan. I’m not impressed at all. Ironically, translated into English, Don Juan becomes Sir John, the name of the man who first devised a flushing toilet.

It may surprise some of you but the vast majority of couples come together in a way that absolutely ignores everything you’ll ever learn in Double Your Dating, the Mystery Method, Spinning plates, and every other, how to get women bit.

As is alluded to in the If You Don't Attract Beautiful Woman Something Is Very Very Wrong thread, what attracts women to men and men to women is something that really can’t be shown or even necessarily learnt. It’s like there is just something in the air that draws you together. It’s actually a chemical response that requires a back and forth action. In every case, with every girlfriend I’ve ever had, there was an initial attraction that was immediate and very mutual. Almost as if by magic, with every one of them we were/are highly compatible in a wide range of areas.

No game required, only the ability to exude and receive the appropriate chemicals.
Though I do not agree with the Rollo bashing, I must say the I admire this post due to it not having one grammatical error.


Feb 10, 2005
Reaction score
potato said:
Oh yea, like you’re hurting my feelings or something. You and L777 take this stuff way too seriously. Do you go to a comedy club and brood?

My response to the OP was 100% honest. There was no intention at all to impress - just to illustrate the misconception of the OP. If it bothers you, then that’s your problem, not mine.

I began posting on this site in response to Rollo and a few of his minions invading other sites with his long winded nonsense like they were going to somehow enlighten everyone. It’s not like it was difficult to trace it all back to here and to Rollo’s personal site.

I find it rather amusing that guys, who are so frustrated at their inability to attract women that they exhibit misogynist characteristics, think that by following a few guidelines, pick up a few tricks, they will transform into babe magnets is amusing beyond belief. David DeAngelo, Mystery, Rollo, and all the rest really don’t know nearly as much about women as they claim.

The whole claiming understanding of women from evolution/biology/psychology is BS pure and simple. They are little more than charlatans making money off of the unfortunate. I’ve seen a video of David DeAngelo giving one of his seminars. All I could think was that there was a reason that those men had such a hard time attracting women. It’s nature’s way of cleansing the gene pool. To think that any of those guys would one day be out getting what ever hot woman they wanted was enough to send me rolling on the ground laughing.

You must know that the whole PUA thing was developed to pick up women who are at bars/clubs, who are drinking and somewhat hoping that they’ll meet a guy.
The whole idea is to get them home and nail them before they sober up. Not exactly an honorable way to get women. Most flake, I’m sure, because they do sober up.

The whole Don Juan thing is also rather amusing. The original was a despicable character. He was a psychopath who deceived everyone around him; he essentially raped women, and even murdered a man. At the end of the story he was drug down to hell. And many of you want to be a Don Juan. I’m not impressed at all. Ironically, translated into English, Don Juan becomes Sir John, the name of the man who first devised a flushing toilet.

It may surprise some of you but the vast majority of couples come together in a way that absolutely ignores everything you’ll ever learn in Double Your Dating, the Mystery Method, Spinning plates, and every other, how to get women bit.

As is alluded to in the If You Don't Attract Beautiful Woman Something Is Very Very Wrong thread, what attracts women to men and men to women is something that really can’t be shown or even necessarily learnt. It’s like there is just something in the air that draws you together. It’s actually a chemical response that requires a back and forth action. In every case, with every girlfriend I’ve ever had, there was an initial attraction that was immediate and very mutual. Almost as if by magic, with every one of them we were/are highly compatible in a wide range of areas.

No game required, only the ability to exude and receive the appropriate chemicals.
I don't agree with the Rollo bashing either, but you do make some cold hard points that are generally true. You're not the only one here that thinks attraction happens different from the way most gurus explain it or that thinks most gurus's advice is lame.

It’s like there is just something in the air that draws you together. It’s actually a chemical response that requires a back and forth action. In every case, with every girlfriend I’ve ever had, there was an initial attraction that was immediate and very mutual. Almost as if by magic, with every one of them we were/are highly compatible in a wide range of areas.
It's simple and not magic. It's because attraction is caused by appearance.

Anyway, Potato, I still suspect that you might be a woman trying to throw a monkey wrench in the works.


New Member
Dec 16, 2007
Reaction score
potato said:
Oh yea, like you’re hurting my feelings or something. You and L777 take this stuff way too seriously. Do you go to a comedy club and brood?

My response to the OP was 100% honest. There was no intention at all to impress - just to illustrate the misconception of the OP. If it bothers you, then that’s your problem, not mine.

I began posting on this site in response to Rollo and a few of his minions invading other sites with his long winded nonsense like they were going to somehow enlighten everyone. It’s not like it was difficult to trace it all back to here and to Rollo’s personal site.

I find it rather amusing that guys, who are so frustrated at their inability to attract women that they exhibit misogynist characteristics, think that by following a few guidelines, pick up a few tricks, they will transform into babe magnets is amusing beyond belief. David DeAngelo, Mystery, Rollo, and all the rest really don’t know nearly as much about women as they claim.

The whole claiming understanding of women from evolution/biology/psychology is BS pure and simple. They are little more than charlatans making money off of the unfortunate. I’ve seen a video of David DeAngelo giving one of his seminars. All I could think was that there was a reason that those men had such a hard time attracting women. It’s nature’s way of cleansing the gene pool. To think that any of those guys would one day be out getting what ever hot woman they wanted was enough to send me rolling on the ground laughing.

You must know that the whole PUA thing was developed to pick up women who are at bars/clubs, who are drinking and somewhat hoping that they’ll meet a guy.
The whole idea is to get them home and nail them before they sober up. Not exactly an honorable way to get women. Most flake, I’m sure, because they do sober up.

The whole Don Juan thing is also rather amusing. The original was a despicable character. He was a psychopath who deceived everyone around him; he essentially raped women, and even murdered a man. At the end of the story he was drug down to hell. And many of you want to be a Don Juan. I’m not impressed at all. Ironically, translated into English, Don Juan becomes Sir John, the name of the man who first devised a flushing toilet.

It may surprise some of you but the vast majority of couples come together in a way that absolutely ignores everything you’ll ever learn in Double Your Dating, the Mystery Method, Spinning plates, and every other, how to get women bit.

As is alluded to in the If You Don't Attract Beautiful Woman Something Is Very Very Wrong thread, what attracts women to men and men to women is something that really can’t be shown or even necessarily learnt. It’s like there is just something in the air that draws you together. It’s actually a chemical response that requires a back and forth action. In every case, with every girlfriend I’ve ever had, there was an initial attraction that was immediate and very mutual. Almost as if by magic, with every one of them we were/are highly compatible in a wide range of areas.

No game required, only the ability to exude and receive the appropriate chemicals.
Excellent post. A rare occurrence indeed on these forums.

What many fail to understand is that attraction is purely biologically determined and motivated by Darwinian pressures. Some understand this and knows they were given the right geno/phenotypes to attract the best women, and I guess some will live in perpetual denial because deep down they know they don't have what it takes. We're not all made from the same wood. If you think back you realized our Grandparents and great Grandparents knew those things, but somewhere along the way, thanks to political correctness that knowledge was lost. And along came the gurus...

Oh yeah and appearence or look or phenotype or physiology or whatever you want to call it, matters lol