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  1. M

    Guys, I've got a confidence problem now.

    Whats the best possible outcome? Whats the worst possible outcome? Easy answer. Man up and go through with it.
  2. M

    Any good forums about leadership and management?

    Just as the title says. I recently changed employers and my new position has more leadership responsibilities than my last one and I'm looking for people to bounce ideas off of. I've been studying leadership for a while so I think I have a pretty good base but this is my first real official...
  3. M

    Maintaining a social life as you age

    Find some good solitary yet social hobbies. Things that you can do on your own but that have some sort of group attached to them that you can belong to. Bowling, billiards, r/c airplanes, biking (mountian and road), poker, running, motorsports, golf, cliff diving, mountian climbing etc.. Your...
  4. M

    Ten things you wish you had figured out before turning 30 (or 25, or 40, or 50!)

    Ten things you wish you had figured out before turning 30 (or 25, or 40, or 50!) 1. How to tell a good story. Nothing draws a person into a conversation better than a good storyteller. All the charisma, good personality, get-a-spine stuff is nearly meaningless if you can't catch and hold...
  5. M

    What do you do for a living?

    The things I will not do for a living are as follows: Buy things Sell things Hire and fire people as the primary activity Comfort and/or advise people with problems Guard, defend, or watch over anything or anyone Clean up after anyone but myself Anything involving wearing a suit or...
  6. M

    Can women sense you are on the hunt?

    I agree with what RP said bit I want to add something. I think theres something about women being able to see potential here to. Wanting to change thier men. They look at you all scruffy and generally unkempt and imagine you in a 3 piece suit or some tight jeans with your hair cut nice and face...
  7. M

    Somebody learn me about Atlanta

    Holy crap. Uh thanks, you guys are awesome. Go bitcch around on your own thread.
  8. M

    Somebody learn me about Atlanta

    Ok looks like Ill be moving to Atlanta in the next month. Somewhere in the Alpharetta vicinity. Anybody know anything about Atl from a mature DJ standpoint? Good places, places to aviod, general attitudes and such? Last time I was there all the girls I talked to were pretty open and friendly...
  9. M

    Beautiful FR...

    Agreed, really good FR. Nothing pumps me up with confidence more than a well written FR. Ill take this kind of stuff over Pook anyday.
  10. M

    My First Threesome... A Cautionary Tale

    cautionary??? I wont go into the whole troll/fake/knock you down a rung over veiled jealousy that Im not self aware enough to recognise and just say BEST F***ING FR EVER! Field reports are all about relaying experiences to either teach a lesson or inspire us to new heights and you sir have...
  11. M

    Small Town Sarging

    welcome back Nice to see you getting back into the game. Reading your journal has given me alot of insight into the way small town girls behave and given me confidence just through its well written reports. Keep going. Well all be here chanting "CLOSE HER, CLOSE HER, CLOSE HER, CLOSE HER.....
  12. M

    Weird/Interesting Website Using the "Matrix" Theme to Explain...

    Interesting. I liked everying except the ending. :kick:
  13. M

    Post your picture ONLY rated a 7.8 right now.
  14. M

    good comedy tv sitcoms

    Turn off the TV. Get off the couch. Go do something. Take friends/loved ones with you. Stop watching imitations of life and go have one. :cuss:
  15. M

    Trimming your pubic hair!

    Thats some funny **** right there. I cant believe Phillips has the balls to put that out there. Especially the video.
  16. M

    What I did wrong & the recovery process

    Her interest level with me was huge. "I love you" huge. Mine was not. What I did was totally AFC. Instead of dumping her the second she displayed any of the behavior I disliked I continued seeing her. She was already there and hoping she would change into the woman of my dreams was alot easier...
  17. M

    What I did wrong & the recovery process

    Recently broke up with my gf of over 2 years. See this post for a review- I’ve had a few days to analyze what I did and why I did it with a clear head. I was working on way too much instinct when I actually broke up with her. Not that it was...
  18. M

    Dumped my GF 3 hours ago

    So what youre telling me is that I shouldn't feel like Im worthy of something better. Lowering my standards is the secret to happiness eh? I should put my complete emotional and mental satisfaction aside in the name of...?? Am I in the wrong forum?? No. I dont think so.
  19. M

    Dumped my GF 3 hours ago

    Exactly what Im trying to do. Tossing everything she gave me no matter what. Ive backslid before and I want to remove all chance of wanting to do it again. I WONT be that guy anymore. Youre exactly right. It wont help. Im human so I feel bad about breaking her heart. But its normal. Ill get...
  20. M

    Dumped my GF 3 hours ago

    Spent some of last night getting rid of stuff she gave me. Burned clothes. Took the power tools to the goodwill just now (were her deceased fathers, Im sure the circular saw would have cut my hand off next time I tried to use it. scary bad karma.). DVDs to goodwill to. Burned pictures and...