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  1. J

    Do you love it when chicks know how to give good head?

    would be do u think a girl is a slut if she know how to give good h would be do u think a girl is a slut if she know how to give good head?
  2. J

    How come some chicks dont care if a uses a condom?

    How come there are some chicks and dont care if you f*** them with out a condom?
  3. J

    Should i practice my approaches on large chicks?

    I hate fat chicks. They ass is to big and nasty lol.
  4. J

    A chick that horseplays around : That it mean she like you?

    What does that mean?? :confused:
  5. J

    Should i practice my approaches on large chicks?

    That way. If they dont talk to me..then its ok because fat chicks are nasty. I would never date a fat chick.. eeeew:down:
  6. J

    A chick that horseplays around : That it mean she like you?

    Hey guys if you know a chick that like horse playing around with you does it mean she like you? What i mean by playing around is: Taking you baseball cap off of your head and make you try to take it alway from her. And she hides it between her legs for you to get it lol. What do you...
  7. J

    Should i practice my approaches on large chicks?

    How come ones you talk to a fat chicks they want to keep hold on to you 4 ever?? :confused: :down:
  8. J

    Should i practice my approaches on large chicks?

    Oh how do you know this?? :eek:
  9. J

    Should i practice my approaches on large chicks?

    Oh you think so? Or maybe cause they will think someone does like them lol :crackup:
  10. J

    Should i practice my approaches on large chicks?

    Iam just saying this because there are some guys that are scare of talking to the pretty ones.:crackup:
  11. J

    Should i practice my approaches on large chicks?

    lol :crackup: What wrong if you practice on them.
  12. J

    Should i practice my approaches on large chicks?

    Hey guys do you think its safe for a guy to practice your approaches on large chicks? You so you wont be shy when you do it on the sexy ones? What do you think?:confused:
  13. J

    The approach: Where do you go to pick up girls?

    well why is it when i had 5 drinks i feel happy and iam not scare to talk to girls?:confused:
  14. J

    The approach: Where do you go to pick up girls?

    You right about the club and bars because when you drink you become less shy:D
  15. J

    The approach: Where do you go to pick up girls?

    Hey guys iam curious to know where some of you find it easy to go and meet girls. Do you like going to malls or going to bars better then meeting on the streets?