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  1. S

    Retarded Question -- Need Answer QUICK

    Was walking in the library today and made eye contact with a girl for about 4 seconds. I was totally poker-faced. I made HER avert eye contact first, and when she did, she downcasted her eyes and smiled, while walking away. What does that mean? And yes, I'm a beginning noob re: seduction.
  2. S

    It's lonely at the top.. very very lonely

    Blinkwatt and Borgon: It's awesome that you guys are so successful already at 18 and 20, respectively. I was just curious...what do you do for a living that has brought you guys so much success?
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    you gotta smell great.. Not good.. But GReat!

    Are you Tom Cruise?
  4. S

    Is AdultFriendFinder an effective tool?

    Whoever said the Russian mafia is behind it, is probably right. Here's a link about the owner:
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    Is AdultFriendFinder an effective tool?

    Now, that I think about it, I'm guessing most of these "sex addicts" have some sort of STD/VD, too. But did you know AdultFriendFinder is the #22 site in the WORLD?
  6. S

    Do these sexual related questions indicate interest?

    If an 17/18-year-old girl asks, "Are you a virgin?" "Have you ever been naked with a woman many women have you been naked with?" "Wanna/Let's have a threesome" "You're a pervert" Do these questions indicate interest or are they indicative of an attention w.h.o.r.e?
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    Is AdultFriendFinder an effective tool?

    Has anyone had any experience with it? Or, is the whole thing a farce?
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    Malibu/Calabasas/Woodland Hills/Westwood/Sherman Oaks (Southern California)

    You live there? That's perfect, too. PM me so we can get together and go sarging.
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    Karate Instructor challenges Royler Gracie (Fight Clip)

    Puh-lease Kurt Angle, Olympic Gold medalist in wrestling, in his prime, would've EASILY defeated any of the Gracies.
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    Malibu/Calabasas/Woodland Hills/Westwood/Sherman Oaks (Southern California)

    Or other cities in Southern California... Post here if you want to go sarging with me!:rockon:
  11. S

    The eye roll

    Maybe we can present the other members on this site with a bunch of hypothetical scenarios (creativity is encouraged), and it would be up to the members to type out the best strategy and why. Of course, by doing that you get entrenched in a pool of endless analysis, but that's the one drawback...
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    The eye roll

    Exactly...couldn't have said it better myself. :yes:
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    The eye roll

    You hit the nail right on the head:cheer: I'd say this explanation is the most accurate, and why I got not just one, but TWO eye rolls. LOL. Now that I ruminate about what happened, I'd say that I went a little extreme with the ****y/funny approach. I would've tried to establish rapport by...
  14. S

    The eye roll

    First, allow me to preface the following question by saying that I love all of you. This site and the seduction community are a revelation. God bless you all. Honestly. Now, allow me to ask this: Can a rolling of the eyes by a female between the age of 18-22 mean anything besides disgust...