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  1. M

    "Are you stalking me?" WTF!

    Oh yeah I left this part out, might be important. Tried to say this because apparently seemed ilke DHV to me. "Why didn't you hold the door open for me? I always do it for you haha, I'm a trophy husband you know" Her: Haha whatever, you're just a boy. She had to run to class before I could...
  2. M

    "Are you stalking me?" WTF!

    Ok so was there ever a chance I could have gotten her and I just ****ed up? I don't see how I got friend zoned AGAIN. All I do is flirt with the girl and I don't even talk to her that much (few min after class and a few times on facebook)
  3. M

    "Are you stalking me?" WTF!

    Alright so there is this girl I really like at my college. Talk to her in class and always walk her to her next class (since mine is right next to it) and we always talk. Well today I got let out early for the first time and I saw her walking so I caught up with her and called her by her...
  4. M

    What did I do wrong? (Girl at a club)

    idk, I just thought it would work as a neg. I'm pretty bad at this I know ;_; why do I fail so much?!?!?
  5. M

    What did I do wrong? (Girl at a club)

    So I was at an 80s club with a friend and found a very very hot girl just standing by herself all drunk. I went up to her and said "HEY! Lets dance" she said ok hold on, said something to her friend (girl) and we went off. I led her to the stage since I wanted her to see that I have balls...
  6. M

    WTF, THIS is college?

    i feel ya man :(
  7. M

    Did I open correctly?

    Before I start, I want to say I'm a complete noob at this so bear with me. I was at my university book store. Standing at the book isle while another guy asked the cute cashier chick where the biology books where. She pointed at me and said "Right there where that gentleman is standing"...
  8. M

    Friend Zoned 6 times in the past year. Need tips of staying out the friend zone.

    But being direct doesn't work with all girls, how do I be indirect and get the message across?
  9. M

    Friend Zoned 6 times in the past year. Need tips of staying out the friend zone.

    No no you're absolutely right, but I don't know WHAT to read. There is simply FAR too much to just "find on my own" because I work a part time job and am a full time college student. I don't have time to find out which stuff is the best, I need it spoon fed to me. Any idea on what I need? Give...
  10. M

    Friend Zoned 6 times in the past year. Need tips of staying out the friend zone.

    Alright, I've been Frienzoned 6 times since Janurary. After getting friend zoned every time I tried a new technique with the next girl. I tried the ****y and funny a LOT and this last girl seemed to like it, but in the end I get fed up and ask her, "look do you like me or not?" and she replies...
  11. M

    Girl stopped liking me? So freakin confused :( Help

    Alright man I tried that, but my cousin who just got here from out of town decided to help me out, he's a very good PUA so he told her "Dude calm down! I was just joshin ya" Joshin means joking btw Her: I know :) So uhh, what's the deal here? Seems like she was just messing with me...
  12. M

    Girl stopped liking me? So freakin confused :( Help

    how about I tell her I was just joking and that I don't want to talk on myspace anymore because it gives her the wrong impression of me?
  13. M

    Girl stopped liking me? So freakin confused :( Help

    So what do I respond with? She seemed to like me so well before I left for a month, but not she just seems to avoid me for some reason, doesn't make any damn sense I hate women >_< But just tell me what to read, watch and follow, I want to become the best I can at my game! I'm serious about...
  14. M

    Girl stopped liking me? So freakin confused :( Help

    You're right, but I'm very new to this, what else do I need to do? I just need someone to tell me what to do and I will do it
  15. M

    Girl stopped liking me? So freakin confused :( Help

    Myspace, same thing basically, what do I need to do to get her back? I really want to this girl, can't let her go
  16. M

    Girl stopped liking me? So freakin confused :( Help

    **** well... is it ok to use ****y/Funny all the time in real life? Or just sparingly? I really dont know which technique to use most of the time
  17. M

    Girl stopped liking me? So freakin confused :( Help

    I'm a noob too man, I dont know how far is too far. Any way to get her back?
  18. M

    Girl stopped liking me? So freakin confused :( Help

    Hey wow thanks man, actually I just recently started the PUA game and I'm completely lost because there is so much material and I want to be the best, but I dont even know where to start or anything. Do you have AIM or something if you don't mind helping me out? BTW I knew her from school...
  19. M

    Girl stopped liking me? So freakin confused :( Help

    I chick I've been talking to on myspace (know her in real life dont worry) told me she wanted to see me over summer after school was out, got all flirty etc etc. then I told her I was leaving for a month, talked to her occasionally while I was there and bam when I get back here it goes like...
  20. M

    Did I just make a bad move? Help me out!

    I don't know I just think it made me sound desperate or something. And I can't take her on a date before I leave, I leave like next week. :\