Friend Zoned 6 times in the past year. Need tips of staying out the friend zone.

MayHeM ThEoRy

Don Juan
Dec 31, 2007
Reaction score
Alright, I've been Frienzoned 6 times since Janurary. After getting friend zoned every time I tried a new technique with the next girl. I tried the ****y and funny a LOT and this last girl seemed to like it, but in the end I get fed up and ask her, "look do you like me or not?" and she replies "as a friend"

So there has to be SOMETHING I'm doing wrong. I mean seriously how can the girl not get the message when I'm asking something like, so when are we going to see a movie?

So I need some tips, I would rather get rejected on the spot than be their "friend"


Master Don Juan
Apr 26, 2008
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Dropping bombs on AFC strongholds in the city that
First off, you asked

MayHeM ThEoRy said:
"look do you like me or not?"
Big Fvcking mistake right off the bat buddy! :down:

You're immediately showing neediness, and neediness is an instant repellent to women!
This shows that your inner game is almost non-existent

You may have perfected your David DeAngelo "****y & funny" techniques to their absolute fullest, but if you have weak inner game it will lead you nowhere...:(

Girls can easily sense that you are putting up a front when talking to them just by analyzing your eye contact & body language

And you got LJBF'ed six times in the past year?!

And you've been here longer than I have!

I empathize with you, but I would've guessed you would've been having these problems if you've been reading articles on this site for such a long time......
Maybe you've just been reading posts/threads on here and they've ben going into one ear & out the other.......
You should start taking the goal of improving yourself as a man much more seriously and not just going about it in a half-assed way :eek:

My goal in writing all this was not to rip on you, it was to provide some constructive criticism ;)


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2008
Reaction score
You said you're ****y & funny, but are you sexual or a dancing monkey?

The Forms

Senior Don Juan
Nov 12, 2005
Reaction score
You just have to grab your balls and kiss her. That's the test. You don't ASK a girl if she digs you before you kiss her. When you ASK her you're really putting her on the spot, and NO ONE likes being put on the spot like that. So she goes with the safe answer, which is, "I like you as a friend." But really, she wants you to be the one to make the first move. If you don't make the move early enough you get LJBFed.

If you're getting the signals that she's interested in you, you just have to lean in and kiss her. You don't have to be super smooth when you kiss a girl. Most every first kiss I've ever had I knew that she was interested, so I just leaned in and kissed her when we were alone. I've even leaned in while a girl was in mid sentence for a first kiss. I'm totally NOT smooth with first kisses, because you don't need to be. All that matters is that you kiss her, it doesn't have to be the "right moment," or some special, romantic thing. Girls over the age of 13 aren't going to have a problem with a first kiss not being storybook romantic.

The thing that keeps you out of the friend zone is having the courage to make a move (fairly early on). Not necessarily the first night you meet her, but by the end of the first date you need to kiss her. It's a date, and she's expecting you to go for it. So do it.


Senior Don Juan
May 10, 2005
Reaction score
Yea asking do you like me or not is a big no no. It gives her power. When you hang out with them act c0cky as fvck. Smack their azz do a lot of kino. Make sure u go and try to kiss her within the shortest time possible. I was with this ch1ck who was sleepin in my bed usually a girl will try to bone atelast by the second time or atleast mess around, not this girl though. Think she wanted to LJBF for some weird reason. Then i kissed her from then on out we were no longer just friends. She blamed me for crossing the line cause she didnt want the blame to land on her but still we werent just friends cause I took it further within a short amount of time. Let your intentions be known by your actions not words.


Don Juan
Jul 2, 2008
Reaction score
Touch her butt, grab her around the waist and pull her next to you if you want to show her something, touch her playfully and accidentally. not excessively, but get that contact out there. Contact is very important.

MayHeM ThEoRy

Don Juan
Dec 31, 2007
Reaction score
OTB said:
First off, you asked

Big Fvcking mistake right off the bat buddy! :down:

You're immediately showing neediness, and neediness is an instant repellent to women!
This shows that your inner game is almost non-existent

You may have perfected your David DeAngelo "****y & funny" techniques to their absolute fullest, but if you have weak inner game it will lead you nowhere...:(

Girls can easily sense that you are putting up a front when talking to them just by analyzing your eye contact & body language

And you got LJBF'ed six times in the past year?!

And you've been here longer than I have!

I empathize with you, but I would've guessed you would've been having these problems if you've been reading articles on this site for such a long time......
Maybe you've just been reading posts/threads on here and they've ben going into one ear & out the other.......
You should start taking the goal of improving yourself as a man much more seriously and not just going about it in a half-assed way :eek:

My goal in writing all this was not to rip on you, it was to provide some constructive criticism ;)

No no you're absolutely right, but I don't know WHAT to read. There is simply FAR too much to just "find on my own" because I work a part time job and am a full time college student. I don't have time to find out which stuff is the best, I need it spoon fed to me. Any idea on what I need? Give me everything I need. :]

Oh and, yesterday I talked to the last girl on facebook, and we talked about how she didnt know I liked her and stuff. Then one of my friends who's a really good PUA told me to say things like "I'll find some way to live on" etc etc which got her to symphathize with me, but then she just said "don't worry I'm easy to get over"

Basically that just means "I have no intention of dating you, but you will get over it sooner or later."

I need to get her back! So here are the options I was thinking of.

A.) Call her in person and ask her if she has ever liked me the whole time knowing me, and that if we still have a chance. If she says no, well I'll just let her know that I'm not interested in being her friend, not in a mean way though.

B.) Same as above only on facebook/text.

C.) Ignore her completely so she will come running back.

D.) Ignore her and occasioanlly ask her how's shes been (casual)

E.) Ignore her and occasionally flirt with her (this is only possible on facebook, because calling her would make me seem needy or something)

F.) ???

Which should I go with? I REALLY want to do A because I simply don't want to wait on this girl, already waited the whole summer thinking she liked me :(


Don Juan
Apr 2, 2008
Reaction score
choice F.) Next that b1tch and move on with your life. I hate to be blunt but at this stage the game is lost, not only was it a loss its turning into a blowout if you push it any further. She flat out told you she does not want to date you. In fact she would probably date her brother before she started dating you, and we all know that is not happening. I hate to be so harsh, but its not intended to be mean and to get you sad, its intended to snap you out of the ridiculously gross stage of AFC'ism you are in right now.

Have some self respect and walk away, and whatever you do, do not initiate any contact first. If she calls you, then ignore it at least the first 2 times. After a couple weeks go by with absolutely(AND I MEAN NONE) no contact, then maybe she will start to chase you, but at this point its still like a 95% chance if she even does chase you that it will be as a friend still.

There is nothing you can to make her date you at this point in time. Any explaining or trying to rationalize why you should date, is basically begging will only make your more AFC and therefore more unattractive.



Once you realize that it is actually much easier to get over girls. Each one you get over is easier and easier, because after each one you realize there are so many more girls out there, and right now there may seem like no light at the end of the tunnel, but before you know it you will meet a new girl who is much better.


Master Don Juan
Apr 26, 2008
Reaction score
Dropping bombs on AFC strongholds in the city that
I actually wasn't sure which course of action would be best for you at the situation you are in in present day.....

I read the above post!

PlayToWin summed it up pretty well, just forget about having any kind of relationship with this b!tch for the time being.......
Once you get over her and begin to open your eyes & finally see the truth in the statement of "there are plenty of fish in the sea", you will slowly but gradually increase your changes of meeting new & better women than your previous obsession.
And the ironic part is, once the girl who has previously rejected you sees that you have many new options aside from her (many of which will probably be much better) she will come crawling back to you in order to try to hold on to someone who's love & devotion she always took for granted!!!
(this happens because women are THE MOST jealousy-prone animals on the face of the earth, lmao ;) )


Master Don Juan
Aug 16, 2007
Reaction score
MayHeM ThEoRy said:
Alright, I've been Frienzoned 6 times since Janurary. in the end I get fed up and ask her, "look do you like me or not?" and she replies "as a friend"
"look, do you like me or not" = You better sleep with me soon because I'm running out of material.

How do you expect her to answer to that question? "Yes, I love you. I cannot believe I haven't given in to my basic instinct yet. Lets go back to my place so I can show you how I burn with desire for you." It doesn't work that way and you know it


Mar 8, 2008
Reaction score
I find the easiest way to stay out of the friend zone is to sleep with the girl.


Mar 8, 2008
Reaction score
I'm just lightening the mood up. Stop sippin' haterade.


Don Juan
Jul 31, 2006
Reaction score
Be sexual...

Don't ask her to go to a movie together...
Tell her you find her attractive and you'd like to get to know her better (with the intent of getting closer to her emotionally which implies sexuality as well)..

Be direct... tell her what you want...

and you will get a straight forward answer and stop wasting time!



Senior Don Juan
Jul 14, 2007
Reaction score
You're problem is that you "need to get her back." Being a DJ is about technique, but it is also about your mindset. You won't have a chance with her if you can't let go of her. Plus it'll ruin any chance of picking up new girls. You have to be willing to never talk to this girl for your own sake.

MayHeM ThEoRy

Don Juan
Dec 31, 2007
Reaction score
sorin said:
Be sexual...

Don't ask her to go to a movie together...
Tell her you find her attractive and you'd like to get to know her better (with the intent of getting closer to her emotionally which implies sexuality as well)..

Be direct... tell her what you want...

and you will get a straight forward answer and stop wasting time!

But being direct doesn't work with all girls, how do I be indirect and get the message across?