What did I do wrong? (Girl at a club)

MayHeM ThEoRy

Don Juan
Dec 31, 2007
Reaction score
So I was at an 80s club with a friend and found a very very hot girl just standing by herself all drunk. I went up to her and said "HEY! Lets dance" she said ok hold on, said something to her friend (girl) and we went off.

I led her to the stage since I wanted her to see that I have balls dancing on the main stage. Anyway, we danced a little bit, lots of griding and dirty rubbing on my **** lol..

Anyway, after a few min I said "Wow you suck at this!"

Her: What? I suck?

At this point she started to walk off the stage, then I called her back saying I was just kidding.

Few more minutes of dancing and I said something along the lines of

"You have to earn me" or something.. idk what she said before that because I was sort of drunk too.

Her: I have to earn it? NO YOU have to earn it! And had that "I'm such a perfect girl; I get what I want" smirk on her face.

As she walked off, I was like "fine, go then!"

She came back after walking a few feet and started dancing with me again.

Then after a few minutes, she said, I'll be back... and never came back lol. I saw her with her other friends dancing with some other dudes :(

What should I have done? I have no idea what to say in situations like this.


Don Juan
Dec 7, 2008
Reaction score
You made the situation. You don't use words to tell her she has to earn you. You use actions. Your words hold little meaning to a girl. its teh thoughts,context and implied meaning behind them.

And you basically implied that you were insecure and a selfish douchebag. Why else would you have felt the need to tell her you "had to be earned." there was no reason to tell her she sucked at dancing either. Negs are not the same as random insults.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 30, 2009
Reaction score
Well, considering you won't likely see her again, (or will you?) I wouldn't worry about it.

I would assume that she got pretty bored, (or distracted) and lost interest in you. Maybe she was just drunk. Starting off with an insult, even jokingly, probably isn't the best method of getting a girl, (although you get points for originality)... :)

It just seems like you were playing "too hard to get" and she wasn't that willing to 'earn' you. Sorry if that came across as harsh, but from your account it doesn't seem like she's into playing games. Try *sincere* compliments next time!


Master Don Juan
Aug 18, 2007
Reaction score
Sir_Turtle said:
You made the situation. You don't use words to tell her she has to earn you. You use actions. Your words hold little meaning to a girl. its teh thoughts,context and implied meaning behind them.

And you basically implied that you were insecure and a selfish douchebag. Why else would you have felt the need to tell her you "had to be earned." there was no reason to tell her she sucked at dancing either. Negs are not the same as random insults.
Exactly ... you are suppose to show that you have higher value than the girl not "tell her" that you are better than her.

You are suppose to show her that you are the prize and have her want to chase you. What you did was say you are the prize without showing her and she was like "yah rite bye" lol.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 27, 2008
Reaction score
You did what I use to do, just use canned lines left right and center. I mean use small talk first and use a better neg hit line something like "my grandma dances better than you." instead of saying "you suck as this"


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
mtlwlu said:
"my grandma dances better than you." instead of saying "you suck as this"
You: "... my grandmother got better moves that this...."
her: "excuse me ...."
You: "you could get a lesson but it comes with a price"
This avenue is better than "you suck at this." Besides, why did you tell her "she has to earn you" knowing well that you're the one after her?

MayHeM ThEoRy

Don Juan
Dec 31, 2007
Reaction score
idk, I just thought it would work as a neg. I'm pretty bad at this I know ;_; why do I fail so much?!?!?


Senior Don Juan
Mar 27, 2006
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Ontario, Canada
MayHeM ThEoRy said:
idk, I just thought it would work as a neg. I'm pretty bad at this I know ;_; why do I fail so much?!?!?
Don't beat yourself up man, you're doing better than a lot of others here. Besides, I get the feeling that you're willing to put the effort into improving, so just keep practicing and it'll all come together. :box:

cool dude

Senior Don Juan
Mar 22, 2009
Reaction score
yea werd dude.With practice it's inevitable that you will improve. I sort of think that it won't matter how much I go out,I will never improve but that's just my negative mind taking control.I am trying to rewire my brain and my outlook on living and seeing life.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 27, 2008
Reaction score
Im naturally good at neg hits and ****y and funny lines, the key isnt always in the words itself but the timing and situation around it too.

Kevin Feng

Senior Don Juan
Oct 6, 2008
Reaction score
"There are a 1,000 ways to say "pass the salt shaker""

That totally applies to this situation here. I wasn't there, but I'm guessing you said this in a tone of a voice that was somewhat reflective that you ACTUALLY meant what you said. It's too early to be push/pulling to that extent.

Remember, she's a hot girl in a club, she knows she's hot and there are 1,000 other guys in that club that will satisfy her needs, so don't challenge her to that.

That's negative reinforcement, she's danced with you and was rubbing her junk and you punished her for it.

The whole "not buying a girl a drink" thing is taken out of context here. I'm guessing you were in set with her for about 30 or so minutes and plus it got sexual, you honestly should have gotten her a drink afterwards.