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  1. M

    Did I just make a bad move? Help me out!

    So I've been talking to this girl on myspace. I do know her in real life but I don't see her often enough to talk to her. Also, I can't ask her out at the moment as I am leaving the country in a week and won't come back for 2 months. Sooooo umm here goes. This is what I said to her Guess that...
  2. M

    Girl I don't know likes me and wants to go to prom with me. HELP!

    Ahh thanks guys, btw, someone rate her looks please
  3. M

    Girl I don't know likes me and wants to go to prom with me. HELP!

    The thing is, I don't really want to go to prom, I didn't go to homecoming and don't regret it. All I'm really missing is dancing, which I completely suck at. And if I really want to get laid I could just do it in college :P And no I don't have a date, but I'm not sure what to do
  4. M

    Girl I don't know likes me and wants to go to prom with me. HELP!

    Ok so my friend's friend some how likes me. I don't know how because I've said like 2 words to her ever since I met her. The one on the right. Now the problem is, her friend thinks I should go to...
  5. M

    I'm through with HS chicks and their bull

    I agree with the TC
  6. M

    People Never Take me Seriously??

    I'm in a simliar boat as you man, I know how that feels. :\
  7. M

    I like to entertain people and make them laugh, but how do I get girls this way?

    Well I'm not really a serious person, even though I may sound like one in my posts sometimes lol. But yeah guys I need to know what to use, I don't have time to read all the books cuz I gotta start getting chicks NOW! Prom is coming up and if I don't get laid I'll have to resort to rape...
  8. M

    I like to entertain people and make them laugh, but how do I get girls this way?

    I like to entertain people and make them laugh and so on. I have a pretty goofy/hyper personality and people call me weird sometimes (in a good funny way) The thing is, I ALWAYS end up being the entertainer for girls, I seem to make them laugh endlessly but I always end up in the friend...
  9. M

    My new year's resolution: COMPLETELY overhaul my attitude when it comes to girls.

    I want to be friends with her because ignoring her makes me seem like an *******. But what if I just start liking her again? I'll be in this loop, that's what I'm worried about.
  10. M

    My new year's resolution: COMPLETELY overhaul my attitude when it comes to girls.

    haha I know, I'm not overanalyzing, I'm just provding updates. Now today something a little more interesting happened... she told me that me ignore her is immature and I said that's ok. Obviously shes trying to stay friends with me but this still doesnt mean she wants me right?
  11. M

    My new year's resolution: COMPLETELY overhaul my attitude when it comes to girls.

    Ok, I didn't text her for like 2 days and today she texted me "Hey whats up?" What should I do? Does this mean theres a chance? Someone tell me what to say
  12. M

    My new year's resolution: COMPLETELY overhaul my attitude when it comes to girls.

    Why do I have a habit of putting commas everywhere too? I need to work on that as well :yes:
  13. M

    My new year's resolution: COMPLETELY overhaul my attitude when it comes to girls.

    Hahahahha that made me laugh actually, 10 LAWL points to you dude. But I don't COMPLETELY lack confidence, I'm to the point where I can comfortably talk to girls and crap, its just most of the stuff past that I suck in, such as staying out of the friend zone haha, really need to work on that.
  14. M

    My new year's resolution: COMPLETELY overhaul my attitude when it comes to girls.

    ahh tripple post O_O guess it lagged. Sorry about that lol, *turns off porn* hahahha jk
  15. M

    My new year's resolution: COMPLETELY overhaul my attitude when it comes to girls.

    I really need to change my name, you saying mayhem 3 times toook up like half the line hahaha. But yeah man, I want you to be honest with me, I don't get offended easily and I mean you can talk **** to me all day, I won't care lol. But yeah, it might be that this girl just brings down my...
  16. M

    My new year's resolution: COMPLETELY overhaul my attitude when it comes to girls.

    I really need to change my name, you saying mayhem 3 times toook up like half the line hahaha. But yeah man, I want you to be honest with me, I don't get offended easily and I mean you can talk **** to me all day, I won't care lol. But yeah, it might be that this girl just brings down my...
  17. M

    My new year's resolution: COMPLETELY overhaul my attitude when it comes to girls.

    I really need to change my name, you saying mayhem 3 times toook up like half the line hahaha. But yeah man, I want you to be honest with me, I don't get offended easily and I mean you can talk **** to me all day, I won't care lol. But yeah, it might be that this girl just brings down my...
  18. M

    I always get massive, beating headaches on the back on my head whenever I do cardio.

    It's so weird because it only happens when I do cardio. I drink lots of water and have no health problems as far as I know. 17 Male and pretty healthy, dont even get sick that much lol. Its hard to explain but just like a beating headache on the back and sides of my head, not the top. Any...
  19. M

    Need advice about my hair. Pics inside :) I'm 17 and my hair is usually the length you see in that pic. But I have no idea about semi long/long hairstyles. I just need something to tell the place where I get my hair cut next time. I...
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    Question about appearance

    I used to get those, its a nice hairstyle but most barbers **** it up and it looks bad, make sure you go to a decent place to get fades, I'm not saying Toni and Guy where they charge you like 70 bucks, but some place that doesn't just say "Barber" with one of the letters missing and graffiti on...