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  1. L

    Newbie here would appreciate advice

    No im not a troll man..just looking for some feedback. I am well aware she is interested in the other girl,i am just playing dumb with her.Anyways she texted me back.I tried to use a little C/F ME:I use to stay with a filipino family and i had the best adobo chicken(she's half filipino)..I bet...
  2. L

    Newbie here would appreciate advice

    UPDATE I think my plan of not contacted her for almost 12 days worked out ok I sent her a text inviting her to my bday party tonight. HB:Can't make im off work at 3AM(this is true..i was testing her to see if she would call off) LS:Well your gonna have to make it up to me:) HB:LOL LS: I...
  3. L

    Newbie here would appreciate advice

    Tommorow is my bday party..i just have the urge to send her a text to invite her..we met at her bday party 3 weeks ago,so i dont know if she will replicate and come to mine..its also a female coworkers bday too and we are celebrating together..i was thinking of using her as social proof and...
  4. L

    Critique my looks

    So would you say i can pass as a 7 to women?no homo..and if i get buff i can turn into a 8?
  5. L

    Critique my looks

    What do you mean besides not being good enough looking?
  6. L

    Critique my looks

    I guess i should stick with blends in with my introverted/dark persona..I just need to bring it out more and stop trying to be the happy go lucky type outgoing person that people want me to be..
  7. L

    Critique my looks

    I think i am "okay" looking but want to improve..I want to be able to puI am about 5"9 160 started losing my hair at 20 so now i have to buzz it every day.Is there anything i can do to make myself more attractive to 8's and 9's?People tell me that i should smile more but i think i look better...
  8. L

    Newbie here would appreciate advice

    Update alright guys its been about 10 days and i have been radio silent(as i was advised)/ Prior to that after that stupid text, i only tried to call once.She hasn't called me either.Me and one other female coworker have a bday party coming up later this week.Is it ok to send her a text...
  9. L

    Newbie here would appreciate advice

    So for future reference all i had to do was a "Just to let you know, i won't be sleeping with you on the first date(with a grin)" and set the frame that way?
  10. L

    Newbie here would appreciate advice

    No she is not a lesbian she is Bi
  11. L

    Newbie here would appreciate advice

    @Flashpoint No, i never got a rejection from the kiss it was just a im not ready to **** type of deal.Even after she said she won't go back to the room she still continued to kiss me heavy until she left.She was even smiling when i said this too be continued.She has another woman she is...
  12. L

    Newbie here would appreciate advice

    Update I was hoping that maybe she didnt read that text. i called her once today to see if she was waiting for me to call and no answer as i expected..So i dont know if that text by saying i was resisting the temptation to be non needy by calling her so early, actually interpreted in her mind...
  13. L

    Newbie here would appreciate advice

    Guys how long would it take for her to forget about that stupid text i sent 1-2 weeks?
  14. L

    Newbie here would appreciate advice

    You guys my friends are telling me that because of that message i basically told her i am not needy, but my actions were. I also revealed to her that i was playing games and calculating in order to look good.Basically seeking her approval and trying to appear different. Do you guys look at it...
  15. L

    Newbie here would appreciate advice

    So the only way to do this is to dissappear for mysterious and not call her for a week..let her wonder why i stopped chasing..I know a night club where she works at where her supervisor is my coworker and friend and will let me in for free anytime..Maybe i can temporary dissapear and...
  16. L

    Newbie here would appreciate advice

    I did ask her to my room after Heavy kissing that night but she said i am not that easy and that you are gonna have to work for it which means a cpl more dates..i pressed a little then stopped so i wouldnt beg..then she had to go..nonethless I didnt call her later that night to make her feel...
  17. L

    Newbie here would appreciate advice

    She hasn't replied to that last text and i havent spoken to her since that night.So should i hold on calling her or texting her tonight?(even telling her that i had a great time thurs night,which i forgot to tell her so she doesnt feel like a slut)."I was thinking of sending texting her this...
  18. L

    Newbie here would appreciate advice

    I Went to this girls bday party last week Kclosed.Went out on a date with her Kclosed again with deep kissing,got some LMR but not a big deal.This was thursday night and i have not phone her since however last night i wanted to call her but i didn't want to come across as needy or desperate,so i...