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  1. P

    My planned speach to her.

    Dear God No! NO MAN DO NOT DO THIS!!!!!!! I have made this mistake before, and then she will just say "ok, so all you wanted was to get into my pants" Then what will you say? If you like her A LOT, and think this will eventually lead to sex then keep doing what you are doing--- it...
  2. P

    Live while you can; society gonna plunge in ~30yrs

    Dead Wrong I bet some liberal democrat taught you this ****. Global warming is speculative at best. In 1975 there was a whole uproar about "global cooling", that didnt happen did it? As for peak are DEAD WRONG. There is plenty of oil on this planet to last a long time...
  3. P

    Is there a such thing as a female friend?

    I agree. Female friends.....aint no such thing boys.
  4. P

    Is it possible for me to date a girl whos really into partying?

    I always wondered what it would be like to date a party girl....I think that if you wanted to make sure she would be less likely to cheat you would have to go out all the time with her. This could lead to you having to AMOG some dudes just so you can hold it down (or whatever you want to call...
  5. P

    Should you reveal you are a virgin to a woman?

    The worst case scenerio is she laughs at you, and gets so turned off that she makes fun of you, never talks to you again, and tells all of her friends. With someone in your age group, I can see the woman milking you for favors, ect., because she KNOWS she has you. I think its best to keep...
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    Wow I can't believe you left college because you couldnt handle seeing attractive girls with guys! Holy **** dude, dont cheat yourself out of an education over something this stupid. I can see where your bitterness comes from, but NEVER, I mean NEVER, let it interfere with anything...
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    why is it so hard now?

    Bible_Belt I agree with what you are saying for the most part. Women these days goto college, get a degree, get a professional job, get married, have kids, and either retire or take part-time status. Now not every woman does this of course, but many do. And I do agree that women in the work...
  8. P

    the ULTIMATE question that no one discusses here!!

    B would be awesome, but in today's world (America) I dont think its a possibility. Its too easy to get divorced and it's so common its almost expected. I say **** as many of them as you can, then settle down, if you feel so inclined ,with the girl you can ''trust'' the most (**Snicker***...
  9. P

    prostitution should be legal... shouldn't it?

    Women have priced themselves high, but men are willing to pay for it because there arent many alternatives. Fortunently, I would rather jack off to some hot girl on my computer screen than try to play the women's game of seduction. Make no mistake, we are playing thier game. I dont care what...
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    Girls should be coming to you...not the other way around.

    The realnezz... I understand what you are saying. Most all of my sucesses have been from girls that CAME TO ME. I literally mean it....THEY CAME TO ME@! What if I went to them first? Would it have mattered? I dont think so. I think the main idea is the more girls you approch....the more...
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    greyfox's first date tip #13

    Agreed, but i dont think it ruins you.
  12. P

    Hugging? AFC OR DJ?

    Wow i havent posted in awhile... I think it depends on context, but i also think that a girl won't just hop into bed with a guy she hugs. I think she does it too say "i care about you" or "im really glad too see you and i havent seen you in awhile". Those are either cases of friendship or...
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    Investing and Morgan Stanley

    Exactly, you could end up loosing more money than gaining.
  14. P

    Investing and Morgan Stanley

    I turn 20 this month and ive decided to seriously start investing my money. I meet with an investment banker at my bank, but what made me nervous was besides for the yearly fees associated with starting up an account what motivation does she have to invest my money wisely? Im sure everyone is...
  15. P

    Really...You want my number?

    What up a new member here and ill make a more detailed post of my experiances (or lack thereof ;) ) but i have one quick question... what the hell is the meaning behind that phrase? Ive been getting it at an alarming rate...i guess it could go either ways but i was curious if any...