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  1. S

    I have a pathetic worthless life,my life sucks!

    join the army like your friend did
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    i thought today I was gonna die

    Your friend sounds like hes from an action movie, even while high/drunk enough to drive off the road he still has enough ninja skills to take off seat belt open the door and jump out in less then a second :] and also to land perfect so that he can still run away :O I want to be just like him...
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    Who Would You Rather Hire?

    First guy didn't care about college... Obviously he is going to have same attitude at work. Also probably will have problems with authority, will be coming in late, demanding he do things his way. Second guy sounds solid! He will come in on time and do his job.
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    Do u find this more on the funny side or a little more on the sad side...

    Morphiex, blah blah lets help Africa. But there is no way to help them. Except to wait until they evolve. They have for millions of years been killing each other and hippos. You think sending them some food and technology is going to make them know how to build civilizations? All that our...
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    Taking Pictures...

    Try different angles! Like look to the side and such. Or bow head down. Find position that works and always use it! Could be your model pose.
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    Whats the name of this movie??

    Thats from Malcolm X
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    Do u find this more on the funny side or a little more on the sad side...

    pretty funny especially the first one with huge lips and then the one with big ears. Don't know why we gave africa technology and weapons, if they still only had spears they wouldn't have civil wars and genocides :/ just tribal warfare.
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    What do you guys think?

    for me backround is black and same with font, makes it impossible to read
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    For myspace users:

    Reyalp thanks a lot!!! It works, And same way that the guy is charging $10 for. I owe you a case of beer.
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    Circumcision : Advanced Science proves its BAD !!

    Cool Fact: Before 1940s only jews were circumsized and that was a good way for nazis to identify them! "I'm not jewish i just got a big nose" Then they drop their pants and bam off to the camp. That is why jews pushed so much pro-circumcision propaganda everywhere, so something like that can...
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    1997 Dodge Stratus Won't Start After a Changed Battery

    I am no expert but I had kind of same thing. Sounds like when you removed negative cable the electronic system got reset so you were able to start. Then the battery got drained again :| Recharge the batery and try pulling out the EFI fuse for a few minutes if you have one which resets...
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    I think I'm growing up to be a wife beater

    lol, just punch her in the liver not the face. That way there is no evidence
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    Describe what masculinity means to you?

    being in control of your environment
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    I found out who egged my car!

    cut his brake line, simple
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    i like the selling tokens thing, very mean to mess up the machine :) kind of like here in florida you can go to some free park, and stand outside charge people entrance. Tourists don't know better.
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    I got rejected by a chick who was browsing eharmony, how sad is that??

    she probably was looking for guys on eharmony cause the ones around her suck so she gave up on em. They'd do things like ask for her number by writing it on a piece of paper and other crazyness.
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    i can make confession kinda like "I love Hyori Lee" there is much better way to do the cookie box steal. Have one person go in and put stuff in a backpack etc then few hours later have your buddy go in and buy the backpack and return backpack at another store too, cause they're like $15 if...
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    worst thing i couldve possibly done

    is innet90 the girl you were talking about f*ckiing at one? If yes, hahaha
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    My leather jacket is kinda worn out.

    can also leave it broken and tell girls you got in fight with ninjas and that you're a badboy
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    Awkward date situation

    simple, as soon as she shoots an offer down, take her home