Do u find this more on the funny side or a little more on the sad side...


Don Juan
Apr 15, 2006
Reaction score
pretty funny
especially the first one with huge lips and then the one with big ears.

Don't know why we gave africa technology and weapons, if they still only had spears they wouldn't have civil wars and genocides :/ just tribal warfare.


Master Don Juan
Mar 23, 2005
Reaction score
more like creapy

try and imagine one of those chasing you down with a mashetty (sp?)


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
Reaction score
They fycking animals. Slaughtering eachother like animals day in, day out. They're about as worthless as the muslim extremists.


Master Don Juan
Jun 11, 2005
Reaction score
not everyone in africa is slaughtering each other ....
dont start generalizing people from a pretty horrific and paralized continent as all bad just cuz the media occasionally shows you the violence thats heppenin there...

Most kids are forced into joining the so called rebels its either join or be killed and most kids down there are starving, left alone and cold outside then a man comes up to them and says he will give them food and shelter if they fight for him.... These kids are just fuc'ked up in theyr heads an manipulated by misleading words and wishful thinking of a powerhungry man.....

the whole rwanda genocide thing started because after, i believe it was either the dutch or the spanish, people invaded and colonized certain areas like congo and northen afrika , they used the Tootsie people as a police force to enforce theyr rules and regulations into the whole african people , the reason they chose the tootsie was because they were lighter skinned then the other groups , and this has always been an issue among some people i nafrica as they want justice fro the horrible actions the dutch mostly made to the african people , like cutting off hands and more horrific things wich i wont write about..... So some powerhungry dictator uses that anger and need of justice to empower his role in the community , he speaks misleading lies to create a war so that people will follow his rule... and thus a war started....

but what i really cant belive is that we the other nations around africa see whats happening over there , we all know whats happening over there, we all have the idea in the back of our heads , yet we still do nothing , yes we have the occasional red cross tv commercial and we give them ten bucks for aids or sumthing , but then we decide to forget it again... newspapers and tv rather report on a cat stuck in a tree then repeadatly showing articles of the horrific state that continent is in.....
and we can send people to help them but we decide not to , and why is that???..... because we have nothing to gain if we do send forces to help bringing freedom and removing fear from african children women mothers brothers and fathers......
we would rather fight a war to gain control of a nation wich has oil and kill whoever wich stands in the way then destroying an evil wich is going through a continent as a deciese..........


Master Don Juan
Feb 16, 2005
Reaction score
Davie, FL
So Many Ways said:
Yeah, hilarious, especially the racist comments by italostud and others. I just thought that was hysterical. I'm dying of laughter here.
Here we go again... Racist comments? ROFL. Should I complain everytime you post a link to European violence at the FIFA, and call you racist? Get off the race card, and better your life.


Don Juan
Apr 15, 2006
Reaction score
Morphiex, blah blah lets help Africa. But there is no way to help them. Except to wait until they evolve.

They have for millions of years been killing each other and hippos. You think sending them some food and technology is going to make them know how to build civilizations?

All that our foreign technology is going to do is give them new ways to kill each other and to be in misery.

Example: For thousands of years they walked all over diamonds and didn't care and were happy. Now DeBeers is mining their diamonds using africans as laborers!! They die by hundreds, and have to do cavity search everytime they go out, to make sure they're not stealing diamonds. They were happier and richer before this Industry.

They are better off without western intervention and probably don't want it.
Good neighbors after all are neighbors that don't bother each other.

For example I don't want africans to force upon me their home remedies against stuff.. like putting cowmanure into my hair. Or humanitarian aid in form of nose bones.

They don't want me to push unto them my beliefs or aid either. All its going to do is screw up their culture.

Kind of like the movie "the gods must be crazy"


Master Don Juan
Jun 11, 2005
Reaction score
svarog said:
Morphiex, blah blah lets help Africa. But there is no way to help them. Except to wait until they evolve.

They have for millions of years been killing each other and hippos. You think sending them some food and technology is going to make them know how to build civilizations?

All that our foreign technology is going to do is give them new ways to kill each other and to be in misery.

Example: For thousands of years they walked all over diamonds and didn't care and were happy. Now DeBeers is mining their diamonds using africans as laborers!! They die by hundreds, and have to do cavity search everytime they go out, to make sure they're not stealing diamonds. They were happier and richer before this Industry.

They are better off without western intervention and probably don't want it.
Good neighbors after all are neighbors that don't bother each other.

For example I don't want africans to force upon me their home remedies against stuff.. like putting cowmanure into my hair. Or humanitarian aid in form of nose bones.

They don't want me to push unto them my beliefs or aid either. All its going to do is screw up their culture.

Kind of like the movie "the gods must be crazy"
where the hell did i say that we should help them by sending them food and
technology .... .???
technology is the last thing they need , to become another westernized continent striving for each individual weatlh......
Im not talking about fixing theyr food and shelter problems by just sending them money.....
that is exactly what i dont want to do ... its like the saying: give a man a fish you feed him for a day... teach a man to fish you feed him for life.....

If you read the last few lines of my post , you would see what im talking about is getting rid of the powerhungry dictators over there by military force.... its the only way we the people who live like kings can help them who are in constant fear .... for fu'ck sake girls over there get raped and cut up and no ones does anything about it , they the girls themself dont do anything about it , they blame themself for being raped....
like ten years ago or so rebels were cutting up females of a certain clan/group so that they would live but never be able to have children or feed children....they did horrific things to their bodys and let them live so they could feel the pain....
should people have to live like that ? NO! and we the countries with so much military power combined , can go and help them all out in a yearspan or so ... but rather then doing that we are fighting in a war wich the american president says is for freedom but is truly for economical benefit.....
next time read what i say twice rather then taking everything out of context and emplying wrongfully what i say....