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  1. Y

    Issues with pictures

    Ok, recently I was on my computer at home and I see a file folder that contained some pictures. I open it and it's my wife in a whole bunch of pictues with guys, girls, whatever. I casually ask, did you date any of these guys? And she says, no, which I knew was BS, because some of the poses (a...
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    Inter-racial relationships/flings/hook ups in the US

    I think a good place to start is not call us "colored". It's not 1935. Anyway, my wife looks white and I don't have any problems. I live in the Northeast though. I'm originally from the South, and believe me it's prevalent there. Just a matter of geographic location. But, I always know deep down...
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    Best friends ex-wife

    Sorry if i missed this, but why did he leave her? And, as his best friend wouldn't you know why? It must be something you can tolerate. A guy who is thinking about dating his best friend's wife? I wish you were my best friend!
  4. Y

    do i text her?

    And, why the movies? You can't mack on them there. What about a lounge or bar?
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    I know I shouldnt but I might end up doing it

    Number 1, I'm not sure what you are exactly trying to get across here. Number 2, I think you if you have to spend all this time speculating, maybe she doesn't want to.
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    Talking with an American woman about American women

    I'll add this, I'm married to a Brazilian, and my meals are cooked, my clothes are washed, and my house gets cleaned. All without one complaint. I in no way think of her as a servant, in fact, I'm pretty lucky. So, to summarize, in my opinion, foreign women are the way to go. They don't get...
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    Relationship coming to an end??

    Let her "talk". Then, do what you want anyway!
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    How do I go about getting an easy cushy government job?

    Do you live in DC? Then, you're in business!
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    Too fast, don't last!

    Keep going until she says STOP. Then it's cold shower time.
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    Myspace chick hits on me...

    Your thinking is narrow minded. You're being a challenge to a girl you've haven't closed the deal with yet. As far as she knows, you're nothing.
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    Myspace chick hits on me...

    By posting here and not being in-between those thighs right now?
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    Myspace chick hits on me...

    Your pride and being a dj is sickening. If she wants it, give it. I don't understand the advice you're after, to not sleep with a girl, when she clearly wants you?
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    Myspace chick hits on me...

    I would invest more of being a challenge to the girls who need that attittude. If she wants you, go for it. Making her wait means the next guy takes your place.
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    Time Limit

    There is no rule. Depends on how good your game is.
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    Myspace chick hits on me...

    Again, that's why she is on MySpace.
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    Myspace chick hits on me...

    I think that's about as serious as you should take this situation.
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    Myspace chick hits on me...

    If she was on MySpace in the first place she won't be eating out of your hand.
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    gf getting to be really good friends with guy at work

    So what dude? You're 42 and worried about this? Let her do what she wants.
  19. Y

    How to deal with this?

    "......was in control of his relationship with this woman, that's more than I can say for you". That is the only part I agree with. She's going to do what she wants anyway, why not live your own life? I live with a girl already, and I have no time to care about what she's doing.
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    How should I go about this?

    There is no need to ask a question about this. You only met her once. Hit it, then be concerned.