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  1. P

    Lost my Rents trust..and I didn't even do anything. seriously.

    Come down to reality, using drugs does not make one addicted to anything. Hundreds of thousands of people smoke weed or do other drugs without an addiction. If this country would actually start thinking for itself maybe we'd stop putting people in jail for a nonviolent substance.
  2. P

    Girl Next door (the final chapter)

    I only have one thing to say. Weed is good, don't be talking **** unless you know what your talking about. Of course I've done just about everything :-/
  3. P

    Dealing with competition at parties?

    Said it perfectly.
  4. P

    Parents and Prom

    Advice, don't let your parents control you. Show them who's boss.
  5. P

    HELP! gf, prom, another guy

    A girl asked me to go to prom with her and she already has a boyfriend haha
  6. P

    i want to save this chick

    By harder drugs what do you mean? Is she snorting coke up and shooting heroin? If she's dabbling with X, or other hallucigens it's really not that bad. Having used that stuff a few times in the past.. they were wonderful experiences.
  7. P

    Does anybody say stuff behind your back?

    Wrestlers are not ugly, I take offense to that :P Most of my teams pretty good looking lol