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  1. M

    SHUT THE F*CK UP... obey your d*ck

    What if you thought like a woman, and you confessed to her before she had a chance to slap you across the face? Any way to recover from that monumental ****-up? I want to **** this ***** so bad, but I over-thought it all, and I wasted almost 5 months of my time trying to make her into my...
  2. M

    Need some advice

    Also, she asked me to call her when I get to school today....should I, or should I "forget" about it?
  3. M

    Need some advice

    Believe me, it's not about justice! I know the way I worded it makes it sound like it is, but it really isn't that way. It's all about unavailability, like you said. People want what they can't have, and now that she knows that she has competition for my attention she will have to step her game...
  4. M

    Need some advice

    What do you mean ask for the digits early?? I got them on the very first day of classes for crying out loud! LOL Anyways, Here's an update, and I promise this one is worth the read. Remember how she said maybe, and I decided to never bring it up again after she missed my calls. Well, she...
  5. M

    Need some advice

    Especially if she deliberately leads you on. I understand I fvcked up when I didn't take charge and take her out to lunch that one day. That's more than likely the thing that sealed my fate with her. That's why I'm moving on. Thanks for your advice guys. Besides, maybe if I cut her off she...
  6. M

    Need some advice

    So I ended up calling her, but she didn't pick up (as expected). What I'm going to do now is try and focus my energy elsewhere. I made myself way too available for her, from helping her with schoolwork when needed, to keeping her company when she was lonely. Now I will pull back, and start...
  7. M

    Need some advice

    I just found out both my grandparents have been hospitalized...and they are in Europe (I live in Canada). So to be honest this chick is the last thought on my mind right now. I'm not even going to call her and pretend like I forgot, and since I have a very good reason too, it should seem...
  8. M

    When girls play hard to get

    NC = No Contact? What's the deal here? Anywho...I'm in a similar situation right now. I have gotten a whole crapload of signals from this girl, and when I asked her out she said "maybe, if I'm not busy." I think she is playing hard to get to be honest, but it could be that she lost all...
  9. M

    Need some advice

    I told her I would give her a call on Sunday OR Monday, whenever I find time. So I was thinking I will call her on Monday night, after all, I don't want to seem desperate or like I'm waiting on her decision (which I am, although I think I know where this is going already). My buddy suggested...
  10. M

    Need some advice

    She had to cancel because of family obligations, which actually is understandable because it is Thanksgiving weekend, so I asked her out to the movies instead for sometime next week. She said maybe, that she has to check her schedule...I'm thinking that's a big fat NO, but I'm not going to dwell...
  11. M

    Need some advice

    Well, the hard part seems to be over. I invited her to come apple picking with me this weekend. It's going to be a lot of fun, so much that I can hardly wait! :) I really like this girl (it all started when I noticed she was interested in me), and I don't want to fvck this up. It's been a VERY...
  12. M

    Need some advice

    You know're right man! I will just ask her to go out for lunch with me on tuesday (since we have a short class anyway). Hopefully all will go well. I will ask her tomorrow to arrange it for tuesday because that way it shows that I'm not desperate and want to do it right away...
  13. M

    Need some advice

    Also, I'm VERY close to just calling her and getting it overwith on the phone, or I could just wait til tomorrow (which I do think is/could be better anyway). What do you think?
  14. M

    Need some advice

    Alright...first off I'm so mad that I don't know where to begin right now. Here is why... I finally worked up the balls to go for it and ask her out, and just when I was about to do it, I get ****blocked by the fattest dude in our class. I can clearly tell that this chick likes me, but he keeps...
  15. M

    Need some advice

    That's a good point Iceberg. By the way, I tried it. I told her I might stick around after lecture to finish my homework for next class, and that if she wanted to join me, she was more than welcome to stay. Well, needless to say, it ended up raining like crazy, and that other dude I was...
  16. M

    Need some advice

    Ok...I'm not going crazy. Yesterday a buddy of mine told me "man, you should go for that. I noticed she always laughs at nearly all your jokes, even the ones that aren't funny at all." I always took that as a huge IOI, if not a dead giveaway that a girl likes me and this time is no different...
  17. M

    Need some advice

    Also, on Tuesday, I promissed to her that I would help her out with a project. We met up in class right before the lecture started. Now, she could have just as easily asked any one else in the class, but she actually wanted me to help her. What I'm wondering is if she waited for me because she...
  18. M

    Need some advice

    I don't know if I mentioned this, but the other day I promissed her I would help her with a project since she was struggling with it. Now, she could have asked any other guy from our class, since they all know their $hit when it comes to computers, so to speak, but she waited for me to get there...
  19. M

    Need some advice

    Well, she's not here today. She texted me before class and said she won't be coming in today because she had a bad day and that she doesnt feel like coming to class. I wished her a happy birthday, and a good weekend saying I would see her on monday. How should I "ease into this" so to speak. I...
  20. M

    Need some advice

    Actually she IS the only attractive girl in my class. I'm taking computer engineering, and all the rest of the chicks in the class are either from India, or not even worth a look at. There's 4 Indian chicks, and this other white girl that I wouldn't touch with a 50 foot pole. By the way, I...