Simple, to the point, hilarious, and very true. All of the disney fairytale nice girl romance **** has got to go. Most chicks simply just want to be swept away and ****ed. In fact, THEY'RE usually the ones initiating it (after you get the ball rolling) these days. No time for hesitation; you must strike while the iron is hot, and bang them silly while they really want it... in the very beginning.
I used to mess up by thinking with my heart and head, and taking my time, even refusing sex - thinking it's what THEY wanted, and were doing. Please... they were all about the sex - right from the jump. They weren't thinking with their head or heart AT ALL. They were horny, and wanted sex. Every single one of them.
I always got rejected or dumped for waiting too long, acting too friendly, not putting out, over-analyzing, trying to do everything "proper", going on too many dates, acting overly traditional, and really just pedestalizing the idea of women, dating, and relationships. This just complicates things for YOU. It's really just as simple as you think. You don't have to stretch it all out - then hope that maybe you'll get sex down the line, if you do everything according to the books.
Most of these fears and irrational thought patterns are based on what YOU think women want - either based on your upbringing, things you read (ie, nice guy whining, and people's constant failures, rejections, and delusional beliefs that result), or the woman's claims. It's simply not true. Just because other people can't get laid - doesn't mean you can't. And don't listen to losers who tell you that you can't get something - just because THEY can't.
As well, women are not afraid to have sex - you're afraid that they're afraid they want to have sex, and need to know you really well first. This is false. Women aren't scared, delicate, defenseless little angels that you must prove your genuinity to over a long period of time - then make love to once that trust is finally earned. They're independent, assertive, horny, and all that ****. Stop treating them like they're a unique species... they're just people.
That's not to say you jump straight for sex, literally right away. You always get a little acquainted, build a little rapport, and yes, even play the game for a bit. But once the sex talk comes up, and things are escalating, and especially if THEY'RE making passes at you - you go for it. As well as making your intentions known from the beginning.
Do not wait too long or fear sexual interactions, or act too friendly and open. The vibe should be sexual. Women like sex, and don't have to know you really well (though not none at all, either), or even have to particularly like who are as a person to have it. All you need is to acquaintance yourself with them, and give them a feel for who you are, and focus on the sexual. They like that mystery / challenge ****, anyway.
Most chicks are all about the here and now; how you make them feel at any given moment. They don't think in terms of the future, or if you're the right one, or blah blah. That's only how YOU think they might think. Nah, they're all about the lust, passion, excitement, short-term infatuation, etc... at least in the beginning. Sex is a HUGE part of that. You seduce, charm, flirt, and they're all about it.
All of that relationship nonsense comes later, if at all. Don't go against the grain, act too serious or friendly, hold back on or avoid sex, etc.
Again, at least IME, the women were the ones who went down this path, and either initiated or responded to this kind of set up. No trickery or manipulation involved, or any of that. They didn't back away or reject the advances... ****, I was always too shy and passive to make any. They literally threw themselves in this direction, and how they wanted things to be. They only backed away and rejected me when I went away from this, stretched things out too far, avoided sex, etc. All things I THOUGHT were proper, and the right thing to do, and what THEY wanted. Bzzzzt... Wrong. Most would talk sexual over
text, touch and flirt in person, invite me back to their place or try to meet up with the intention of having sex, etc. They're all about it, after the first little while.
This is the reality, and it's very simple. It's even better if you're assertive, fearless, and take the lead. Of course, you don't force them to come with you, or else you bat them over the head with a club like a caveman. But if they're interested, reciprocating, not backing away, accepting your advances, inviting you out, talking sexual, touching you, and giving all these signs - DO SOMETHING.