Need some advice


Don Juan
Sep 24, 2010
Reaction score
Radharc said:
All that planning means you are probably still thinking too much about this girl. And dont go with a mentality, of "im gonna set the wrongs in her right" and make her see what is just and proper behaviour, it doesnt work out that way, you should do it because it shows unavailability and chicks respond to that, not to try to serve some justice or whatever. Women couldnt care less for justice and logic (unless it suits their particular agenda at the moment).

And dont approach the date with a preset bag of PUA tricks, know the principles, know what works and go from there, but dont get into a too fixed routine. If she comes up with something unexpected for wich you have no "line" you'll be thrown off your game.

Good luck.
Believe me, it's not about justice! I know the way I worded it makes it sound like it is, but it really isn't that way. It's all about unavailability, like you said. People want what they can't have, and now that she knows that she has competition for my attention she will have to step her game up, and I'm sure she knows that too, which is probably why she asked me about the movie. What I did there...well I got her confused. I declared my intentions by asking her out, and then when she didn't respond, I backed off, making her believe I wasn't interested anymore. Now, by saying maybe to her, I am still proving that I am unavailable.
She originally wanted me to go out with her tomorrow (I know, I know a bit too soon considering this only happened today), but I gave her this line:
"I don't like you enough to cancel all my plans for you just yet.", and then she said "How about on Tuesday?", to which I said "I will think about it and let you know if I am not busy, OK?".


Don Juan
Sep 24, 2010
Reaction score
Also, she asked me to call her when I get to school today....should I, or should I "forget" about it?