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  1. T

    "I love you" coming up soon - what is the best response?

    lol most of us r jus messin.
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    Quik question about weight loss.

    lol i duno i jus wanna lose it really.
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    Quik question about weight loss.

    I wanna lose like 25 pounds in the next 2 months. I weigh 188 right now, And im about 5'9. How much should i be doing cardio and how often should i do cardio? Thnx in advance.
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    Ok Ive been wondering....

    Ok that makes sense. Thnx
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    Ok Ive been wondering....

    Why is it taboo to tell a girl you like her? The world wont end will it? I mean i havent done ish like that since middle school, but at the same time ive always wondered why we arent supposed to say it? Just curious. I mean everyone says "dont tell her you like her!"and never a reason.
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    stay friends or not with ex ?

    Depends on how it ended. Really.
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    THE GAME (just finished readin it)

    Haha good. Im glad i joined this forum.
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    "I love you" coming up soon - what is the best response?

    Her: I think Im in love with you You: Well i CAN say that I think Im in "like" with you, love is to strong of a word you know? Her:..........
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    Too Busy

    yet u still ask such a question? If she declines the next offer next her
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    looked at girls ass in front of GF!

    Its an ass and u looked at it. Big deal.
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    SHY=NO WOMEN.....heres why?

    Get good at making people laugh? Humor=confidence.
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    Online dating long distance

    Experience my friend. Dont try extremely hard to push her into something. Rapport=comfort+trust. Just show her u now how to have a good fun time.
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    THE GAME (just finished readin it)

    I thought it was very entertaining and a very good book. Even though while i did enjoy it, I felt as there was a clear difference between the dj's and the pua's. I like the dj's natural feel to dating and getting woman. Not only that but how girls arent just the only thing in a DJ's life style...
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    Is it a good thing to be perceived as a "Nice Guy".

    Sry about the dbl post.
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    Is it a good thing to be perceived as a "Nice Guy".

    Basically im asking cuz this chic im interested in told my sis, that i seemed like a nice guy. So i guess its not that big of a deal.
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    Is it a good thing to be perceived as a "Nice Guy".

    i see wut u mean. i used to do all those things bac in high school. but ive learned a great deal since then.
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    Is it a good thing to be perceived as a "Nice Guy".

    Even if u dont throw out a bunch of compliments, an give things, an all that other **** nice guys do? Cuz im naturally a good natured guy. I just dont throw out compliments, and give presents an stuff that other nice guys do. Is that a bad thing? can one be a dj and at the sametime be seen as...
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    Not All DJ's Have Sex

    seriously, wuts the point of that? Sex isnt exactly a bad thing you kno.....
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    The Secret

    ive seen it. and i havent really used it for THAT particualr purpose. One thing you should note tho. Its really a 4 step process. Ask believe Action recieve u can ask, an believe all you want but if u dont take action u wont get ****.
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    if you are getting Low Interest or have been LJBF'ed, this is for you

    wow bro out of everything ive read in this site. This wuz very inspirational to me. Thnx man.