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  1. R

    A 22 year old girl told me something that made me feel really crappy.

    Who cares how many times you've had sex? It's not a race to see who can get the highest number. You're putting too high a value on sex itself, realize that what's more important than people wanting to **** you is liking yourself. Be comfortable with yourself, and don't stress.
  2. R

    A girl drops the "I have a boyfriend line" -- what does that mean?

    To be honest I just ignored it and kept doing what I was doing, I don't think she was lying but it was an obvious name drop. Probably she realized I was flirting and decided to make sure I knew, but that's good. I usually come of as an innocent cute kinda guy so the fact that she noticed I was...
  3. R

    A girl drops the "I have a boyfriend line" -- what does that mean?

    I'm thinking it means she realizes I'm flirting, but she's taken right now so she can't do anything. Not necessarily a bad thing, since I was just practicing and flirting is something that I usually don't think I do enough of.
  4. R

    Ok so do you guys actually get laid? SERIOUSLY??

    I came here because I got dumped and wanted to get back into meeting people. Have I got laid since? No. But I feel better about myself, I'm approaching random people I'd never have talked too and I know if I ever really want I can pull girls. I don't think the idea behind this site is to get...
  5. R

    Okay, stop with the BS... looks matter a whole lot!

    Looks for guys DO matter, but they're not a be-all end-all. Any guy can improve his looks with better clothes, a better physique and a better haircut. There's definitely a ceiling for your looks, however. But let's say you're an ugly dude and the best you can look is a 5. You can still pull...
  6. R

    Right answer

    I'd say to definitely say something like this. Getting married doesn't validate you, how you lived your life did. While other people were out settling down with women they weren't sure about, you were having a good time and holding out for someone truly great. That's not a bad thing.
  7. R

    How would you react to this situation? Am I right to be upset? What's going on here?

    NEVER say you'll never find a girl like that again. That is the ultimate in oneitis, I felt like that for a long time and guess what? I didn't find someone else like her but it didn't matter. You can still be happy with someone else. Not only that, but there's billions of women in the world...
  8. R

    How to not blow it when the right girl comes along!

    Mine: 1) Take charge more 2) Put yourself above her, especially when you're not dating. 3) **** being cute. Being cute can wait until she's done something deserving of it. 4) Be ready (and do) walk away.
  9. R

    Newbie here, get me started

    I'll work on the bootcamp when I get back to school, I haven't been able to get out much at home. I've been reading the Book of Pook, I'll move onto the DJ Bible next, thanks man.
  10. R

    Newbie here, get me started

    Alright, here's to getting started. Cheers! I'm 19, and a freshman in college. At school I met a really cute girl, she was probably an 8 and we dated for a while but we broke up because she cheated. At that point, I recognized a lot of the stuff I was doing was AFC nice guy stuff and that my...