How to not blow it when the right girl comes along!


Don Juan
Jan 10, 2010
Reaction score
Guys, I'm in a situation where I fvcked up, and I think I'm losing the girl I want. I realized I went back to being AFC, and I've made so many mistakes, so much so that I NEVER want this to happen again. :nono:

We read so much about what to do in these situations, and from our experiences as well as the experiences of others, we know what and what not to do.

But it's sooo hard to adhere to it in the moment.

So instead of making a list of reference articles, let's make a guideline based on OUR lives.

So I have an exercise for everyone to do.

Think about every girl you've wanted to be with. Now think about everything you did wrong. Every AFC move, everytime you became needy. If you don't know how to correct this behavior, or how to do it right next time, read sosuave or just ask a member here.

If you could go back in time, what would you do different to get the girl?

As far as I've come with my game, I realized I went so close to the old AFC me, since this girl had me infatuated. It's now a 50/50 chance on whether I blew this one or not.

Looking back, here's what I can do if I could go back and time and fix my mistakes.

1) Don't give her the benefits of a relationship without actually being in one.:flowers: (No more calling a girl "baby or sweetie" if I'm not her boyfriend. That schit is DONE.)
2) No matter how fvcking perfect she seems, don't talk to her all day everyday.
3) Initiate random no contact periods. Keep her guessing.
4) Sometimes, when she calls, don't answer. Sometimes, when she texts, don't respond. Start a new thread later. This includes texts when she asks an irrelevant question or makes an irrelevant statement.
5) Don't sit on the phone for hours! (epic fail, havent done this in 3 years before now)
6) Actively pursue other girls! I know it's hard but do it as a way to get your mind off of "the one"
7) Oh and when she says "We're perfect for each other" Remember that doesn't mean FOREVER. With every action on my part, I have the ability to raise and secure our attraction, or to lower it. I need to make sure I raise it.

I'm currently in last resort mode with this girl, so no contact will either bring her feelings back or it'll backfire, but I need to make sure this NEVER happens again.

So the purpose of this exercise is to have something tangible to read when you meet that next girl who you get goo-goo eyes over; a guide/roadmap based on your life to help you be the Alpha marlin you know you can be and not beta chum.

When you read this, psychologically it will be anchored to the negative feelings you associated with the girl you messed up with, but that's good because it will create more of a need to correct your old behavior, behavior which you realize was not manly!

If you guys would like, post yours here!


Don Juan
Dec 9, 2009
Reaction score
The Great Lakes State
Mine would be:
1. Never let her know how much you're into her, even if she says "I love you" and "We're meant to be", etc. That feeling is fleeting, and taking away the mystery of how you feel just lessens her attraction.
2. Don't do AFC things like take her food at work, try to do everything possible to make her happy, make her life easier. Be a challenge, ALWAYS!
3. Put your foot down at the 1st sign of any slipping or disrespect on her part. Make sure she knows that you'll walk away if you feel disrespected.
4. Have a life other than her( friends, hobbies, etc.)
5. Care less than her, or at least make her think you do. If she pulls away, takes a step back, you take 2!
6. Don't invest so much emotionally into the relationship.


Master Don Juan
Feb 20, 2009
Reaction score
How do you not blow it? By not trying to not blow it.

Just treat her like any other woman and see how things go. The mistake a lot of guys make is being very conservative in case they "make a mistake". It doesn't matter if you "screw up", there are another 3.4 billion women out there.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 30, 2009
Reaction score
underoath777 said:
If you guys would like, post yours here!
Do manly stuff.
Don't do girly stuff.


Don Juan
Jan 12, 2010
Reaction score
1) Take charge more
2) Put yourself above her, especially when you're not dating.
3) **** being cute. Being cute can wait until she's done something deserving of it.
4) Be ready (and do) walk away.


Don Juan
Jan 10, 2010
Reaction score
I just realized I've been doing it right all along, just with other girls!

There's this other girl I fvcked last week, who I talk to not daily, but maybe 2-3 times a week, just texting. We've dated on and off for like 4 months. I don't think about her unless she texts me or I get bored and send her a text. I just don't really care. And it works..but I was so focused on the girl I really want to realize this! The girl I fvcked has a bf, and she's texting me today begging me to see her this week, even making me promise her. The thing is, I could steal her from her bf no prob, just because I am a complete alpha with her.

This is how I need to act with the girl I REALLY want.

So now on I'm either going to have a girl I don't really care about to use as a "control" as to how I should treat the really HB, or I'll tell myself to treat the HB like the girl I didn't care about, since I know for a fact that this is how to do it right.

I'm guessing most guys here who have this problem will be able to relate their experience to a girl they didn't care about who was on their nuts all the time. So just think of her when you meet the HB!

I seriously feel enlightened, and like I'm not taking **** from another girl ever again.

The "secret" I've been looking for has been under my nose the whole time!


Don Juan
Nov 19, 2009
Reaction score
complicated relationship with this girl. sophomore year shes all over me and im doing everything right and not even trying, she wants me but due to my insecurities and inexperience i never got any farther than kissing and we w/ her and we never officially were together. she moved like 4 months after i met her and for a year we barely talked, she got a new bf and i "became more experienced" and after she broke up w/ him she invited me over to her house for her b-day and we had a chance to catch up and she basically started "falling" for me again or w/e u wanna call it. we started going out but it sucked cause we didnt go to the same school. she became really clingy and i thought thats what she wanted me to do (call/text everyday, she told me she loved me, missed me and needed me) and I started saying it as well <--MISTAKE. due to my family issues, (my parents getting divorced and my best friend is moving out of state) i became clingy as well which i know was a stupid idea but i needed someone to talk to like all the time and i basically drove her away. I don't blame myself so much because my neediness was situational.

I learned that neediness= bad and don't make a big deal out of the bad things in your life when talking to your girlfriend if you haven't been together for a while or she'll associate you with all those bad/depressed emotions.


Don Juan
Jan 10, 2010
Reaction score
wonderbread said:
she became really clingy and i thought thats what she wanted me to do (call/text everyday, she told me she loved me, missed me and needed me) and I started saying it as well <--MISTAKE.

Dude that was EXACTLY my problem! I thought I could match her intensity. Huge mistake!!! Those are some great rules!

1) Don't tell her you miss her.
2) Don't call/text everyday.
3) Don't tell her negative schit.

Hopefully this no contact thing will allow me to show her the new DJ improved version of myself. This stuff is sooo simple now!


Don Juan
Nov 30, 2009
Reaction score
underoath777 said:
I just realized I've been doing it right all along, just with other girls!

There's this other girl I fvcked last week, who I talk to not daily, but maybe 2-3 times a week, just texting. We've dated on and off for like 4 months. I don't think about her unless she texts me or I get bored and send her a text. I just don't really care. And it works..but I was so focused on the girl I really want to realize this! The girl I fvcked has a bf, and she's texting me today begging me to see her this week, even making me promise her. The thing is, I could steal her from her bf no prob, just because I am a complete alpha with her.

This is how I need to act with the girl I REALLY want.

So now on I'm either going to have a girl I don't really care about to use as a "control" as to how I should treat the really HB, or I'll tell myself to treat the HB like the girl I didn't care about, since I know for a fact that this is how to do it right.

I'm guessing most guys here who have this problem will be able to relate their experience to a girl they didn't care about who was on their nuts all the time. So just think of her when you meet the HB!

I seriously feel enlightened, and like I'm not taking **** from another girl ever again.

The "secret" I've been looking for has been under my nose the whole time!
bump bump bump. this is a sweet thread guys.


Don Juan
Nov 19, 2009
Reaction score
Indeed this is a good thread I enjoy it, I want your guys's opinions on my post I put in this thread. my ex wants me to come over and get my clothes I left at her house and I'm debating on trying to hook up with her again and show/tell her that I'm not as clingy or needy as I made myself out to be,and i know i can do it and make her remember the fun she had with me before, i just dont know if its a good idea. i kinda want another shot but i want opinions and stuff cause making conversation is fun.


Don Juan
Jan 10, 2010
Reaction score
wonderbread said:
Indeed this is a good thread I enjoy it, I want your guys's opinions on my post I put in this thread. my ex wants me to come over and get my clothes I left at her house and I'm debating on trying to hook up with her again and show/tell her that I'm not as clingy or needy as I made myself out to be,and i know i can do it and make her remember the fun she had with me before, i just dont know if its a good idea. i kinda want another shot but i want opinions and stuff cause making conversation is fun.

Definately go for it man, but don't tell her you changed, just show her. I just did 3 days of no contact with the girl I'm after, and finally texted her this morning. Since then she's texted me twice this **** works!

What we need to do is show them how we've changed. Talking to them and telling them is logical, but it doesn't work. You can tell the girl whatever you want, but she's only going to pay attention to your actions.

I'd go over there, and just chill. If you hookup..perfect! Then don't get needy, and be the alpha male this time around :)

Oh another thing, another member added this somewhere on here. Brush her hair out of her face, the way only couples do. This action will be anchored to the time when you two were together and help bring back the feeling of having you as her man.
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Don Juan
Nov 14, 2008
Reaction score
Great advice.

I would add, if a girl starts talking about her dealbreakers just smile and laugh. Do not qualify yourself to her. You will leave her with the feeling that you are confident enough to not have to defend yourself against all her little "rules".