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  1. W

    I Am A Girl?

    I noticed this woman I met recently and when I am talking to her she is always saying stuff like "I am a girl who eats alot" NO she is not fat! anyway she is always saying "I am a girl" who does this or that. I thought I read in the DJ bible once something about woman doing this but can not...
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    I'm a girl

    Here are the rules to allow you to stay here. 1. You must make out with me every morning 2. You have to be at my beck and call for sex anytime any place 3. You have to post a nude pic of yourself daily/
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    No Eye Contact

    I see this woman several times a week. She will not look at me. Like when I go in to her place she is looking and standing straight ahead and I come up from her side and she just reaches out with my container. She will not even turn towards me. Then when I am paying she will not look at me even...
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    I am so sexy wtf

    This site had helped me so damn much. But i have a question. Within the last couple of weeks I have a few woman 1 said I was handsome another said I was sexy and a 3rd said "you look nice tonight" all of which has never been uddered to me before. I just smiled and was really nervous! What...
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    Attention H0's

    Oh my I think I may be a attention h0 myself is this possible? 1. Physical abused as a kid? Me yes her don't know 2. Wanting a relationship really fast? me yep her don't know? 3. Make you jealous ? me yes her didn't ever notice it 4. Cut off communication out of the blue? me No her...
  6. W

    Attention H0's

    What the heII I am about to give up on woman! The more I read about attention H0es the more it kills me. Like ok a attention h0 only wants attention then you read how somebody was having sex and in relationships with attention ho's. Like the girl I may think is a attention H0 only has me as a...
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    Attention H0's

    anybody have anything on this?
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    Attention H0's

    So I was reading this I think I may of been used by a attention H0 but she does not seem to be exactly the way these people describe one. Like they say a attention h0 has...
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    Help me get out of this

    I have no problem telling the guy I rather be dead than work for you. However it is my family I have to trick into thinking I was fired or something. I never start working there yet. If I was allowed to be a man and make my own decisions I would not be here figuring out a way to make my pushy...
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    Help me get out of this

    I need some help quickly. I have a new job that I DON'T under anyway shape or form want to take!!!!!!!!!!! I need somebodys help on how I can get out of going to it or geting fired or some way. I already have a job that I like. I applied for this job thinking it paid more boy was I wrong. My...
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    Is She Interested

    Ok I just found out NOW that this woman did want me, and I blew it ! Everything I wrote about at the begining of this post is it normal for woman to do this kind of behavoir ????
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    How Do I Stop This ?

    Thanks guys. I don't talk to her or even try to talk to her. I KNOW what the problem is. It is that I am Obsessed with trying to figure out if she played me in the first place or not. I just have a NEED to know. That is why I asked everyone that I know what they think. So I guess once I get a...
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    How Do I Stop This ?

    I have been waiting for you to change your name to "Post-Wh0re" once you do that I will change my name to water_boy!!! WTF do you do go out and brag to woman I have over 2800 posts on wanna give me your number? Not to mention the other posts I have seen where you answer the question...
  14. W

    How Do I Stop This ?

    Please Help I am going nuts. I met this woman over 2 years ago. She was not single, but she said she liked me hung around me etc. Well she cut contact with me all together. It has been 1 year since we talked and she even may have played me. So if she may of played me I should hate her right...
  15. W

    Could This Happen ?

    What I meant was she called me and wanted me to come over. I asked her friend why does she want me to come over? She said just to hang out and be friend. I said no thanks I don't need to be friends I want her sexualy or I don't want her at all. Thats what I meant by rejecting her. Yes I am...
  16. W

    Could This Happen ?

    LOL Woman are fuxked up. So how did she thinking flirting and getting me hooked on her was going to make me say I think I want your 400lb friend instead of you? Also why in the heck did she never say You and my friend should hook up or anything like that? Why after I told her that her fat friend...
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    Could This Happen ?

    Which is a hor and what do you mean ?
  18. W

    Could This Happen ?

    Could This Happen? I met a woman at work and she had a boyfriend. We ate together everyday. Then one day she says to me if she didn't have a boyfriend she would have sex with me. After that comment things changed. I started to like her and she started to like me or so she said. She would flirt...
  19. W

    Is She Interested

    So are you all saying that all those odd things she did was just because she is weird, and she has NO interest in me? I want to practice on her and OF course today I find out she is quiting!!! I guess she may be weird. Because her car is COVERED in Scooby Doo stickers.
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    Is She Interested

    I need somebody to tell me if this woman is interested in me or am I crazy. This woman started working where I do about 6 months ago. She is divorced for how long I don't know. She is 30 and when she start working here she told somebody that she doesn't say much until she gets to know people...