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  1. P

    Weird Gal

    OK so this gal ive been getting closer too lately, we were always friends but last week or so weve hung out alot more at college and shes texting me alot more she texts me asking how work was and i tell her, so she says "well ill let you relax without me disturbing you" thing is this isnt...
  2. P

    Gonna send this text to the gal i like

    alright i wont then, dont worry!
  3. P

    Gonna send this text to the gal i like

    Stop me if you think i shouldnt "look i like you, if you wanna go with this other guy then fine but i need to know if you like me too, so i can know what to do"
  4. P

    When are we meeting up?

    yes so in answer to my question........
  5. P

    When are we meeting up?

    This gal and i chat all the time online and on the phone, and we flirt all the time! Were really into each other, weve met once but nothing could happen because her friends were with her and altho weve talked about meeting up again alone a lil bit, theres nothing really happening atm thing is...
  6. P

    She gets with another lad

    the thing is, this had made me realise when i talk to her about gals flirting with me at college she probably doesnt wanna hear it! so i dont think ill be doing that again, but what sort of things should i say to her if she mentions him, which she probably wil! Im gonna have to ask what...
  7. P

    She gets with another lad

    Should i just say something like "No offence but i really dont wanna know!" or "What you do with other guys doesnt bother me, i dont care and i dont wanna know, what you do with me does bother me and is definatly something i care about and wanna know about"
  8. P

    She gets with another lad

    Theres this gal i like, more than any of the other gals im currently intrested in. She knows im intrested in her and shes intrested in me back, but because we live quite far away nothing can happen untill we meet up, which hopefully happen in a couple of weeks! Anyway she goes to this party...
  9. P

    The Ashes are coming home!

    Yep but a pretty crap team that hammered you! Haha! Bring it on in 18months!
  10. P

    Telling a lie about your past

    Theres this gal that ive basically lied to about me being a virgin which iam but she thinks im not and she thinks im quite expierenced! i havent denied this and stupidly ive made gals names up and expierences and told her about them! thing is were really into each other and shes coming down...
  11. P

    ONEITIS - Lets Be Honest

    Me and peter are mates, he uses my account sometimes but yes that was him who posted that
  12. P

    Cut the games!

    Because we live so far away, shall i try and arrange her to meet up with me, and if she says no, then ill move on?
  13. P

    ONEITIS - Lets Be Honest

    I have oneitis! Badly! Ive met this gal once, i speak to her all the time on msn/texting! Before we met we were so into each other, she told me "the balls in your court" i couldnt take control (like she said she likes men too) because her friends were always with us (i know wrong thing to...
  14. P

    Cut the games!

    Me and this gal have been playing alot of games, like i told her i like a gal whose a challenge, so shes been playing up to that! Plus i told her (coz im a lil older than her) that me being intrested in her is good for her ego as long as she keeps me intrested! and ill happily withdraw my...
  15. P

    Being a challenge/Not intrested

    Well when i told her i like a gal whose a challenge, i was chatting about this gal whose literally all over me and its so off putting! The gal who i like just said "ooo finding stuff about you here" and "well stop acting so nice to her" when she says shes a challenge, i just say something...
  16. P

    Being a challenge/Not intrested

    Ha ok so ive just been talking to her, shes playing up to being a challenge no doubts about that! She said "i love being a challenge me, its amusing" i replied "yeh its kinda funny for me too tbh" then later on she mentioned something that i said was harsh so i said "no whats harsh is...
  17. P

    Being a challenge/Not intrested

    I know it was a stupid thing to say, and probably the biggest thing i regret ever saying to a girl but ive said it now and i need to deal with it, because i really like this gal! she knows im intrested, shes been playing up to being a challenge at times saying things like "well apparently...
  18. P

    Being a challenge/Not intrested

    Whats the difference? I told this gal i love it when a gal is a challenge, before i told her this (a day after i was hanging out with her) she was all over me, we were really into each other, told each other secrets, fantasies etc etc! then we met, i stupidly mentioned the challenge thing...
  19. P

    Ninja's girls (pics)

    Well i thought he was funny! Plus from the first time i got here it was bloody obvious to me that this guy was mucking about! Good work ninja!
  20. P


    Ha ok sorry Basically i tell this gal i love it when a girl is a challenge, and so this gal that ive told, starts to play hard to get! Fair enough! Then i text her saying that if she is going to be a challenge she wouldnt reply to my message, but i also tell her that being too much of a...