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  1. R

    why cheating hurts the cheater most

    Ah Cheating Being a cheater is based on your frame. You can get away with it if you are fully committed to not feeling guilty about the other persons feelings. Now for all those that would attack me for saying the truth: I'm not saying whether it's right or wrong. Personally, I've been on...
  2. R

    Possible LTR but said some weird things..

    Don't get me wrong, you like a good guy, so take this advice like a shopping cart, and take anything that could work for you and leave the rest. When she said you were a little boring, she wasn't saying that she wants you to DO anything different, she was saying that she wants you to ACT...
  3. R

    Girlfriend Away on Vacation

    Have you let her know that you want to spend time with her? I know it's a simple question, but sometimes I forget to verbalize what I'm thinking in my head to my girlfriend. The reason I say this is because if you've told her you want to hang out and she turns you down, then you have every...
  4. R

    Emergency Advice Needed

    It all comes down to the fact that (if you're being honest with yourself) you don't want to be her friend. You don't want to just be a friend. You want to be that hot guy that she is chasing after. And she? Women are happiest in a relationship or in courting when they feel like they're...
  5. R

    Just found out she has a B/f

    As long as you're ok with the legal backlash from this thing, here's the basic format for stealing a girl from her boyfriend. 1.) Develop rapport so that it's normal for the two of you to hang out alone together. 2.) Get her constantly laughing by busting her balls 3.) Treat her like a...
  6. R

    Emergency Advice Needed

    I really don't think posting in a blog will make her want you more. I've got nothing wrong with girls that blog, but relationships occur in reality, not online. Posting in a blog just to make her happy is just so passive aggressive. Back to your main reason for posting: you're...
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    Emergency Advice Needed

    Hey Chris, I've got to tell you man, keep doing what you're doing. The other posters are right, don't call all the time and keep your own social life going strong, and you're doing just that, or at least making it seem like that to her. I'm seeing a girl a few hours away from me right...
  8. R

    LDR 1 week in.....NEED HELP!

    Hey buddy, I've been in this situation and I can tell you a little about her thought process right now. First, she'll feel lonely and sad that she was dumped. Eventually, she'll get mad because she was dumped and go and tell all her girlfriends about you and how you're a jerk (I'm not...
  9. R

    Be yourself...

    Being "yourself" is lazy. Really. It's an excuse. If you're not out actively trying to better yourself, then you're falling behind. Success with women, etc, is not residual. If I do less today then what I did yesterday, then I let myself down. Now think about this--repeat what...
  10. R

    The best way to have a chance to get back with an ex?

    Buddy, This is an awesome learning experience for you. Think about it, YOU call her. YOU initiate contact. YOU want to date her...... but that doesn't mean that she wants to date you. In fact, she doesn't even want to be friends, because friends return phone calls and hang out, and...
  11. R

    Advice To Viper Thread

    I feel for you with the social issues because they're initially hard to overcome. But you know what fixes them quick? Personal improvement. My advice--start learning how to be a better and stronger man before you worry about girls, approaching, dating, etc. Then when your self image is...
  12. R

    Being disinterested isn't all it's supposed to be?

    Options Jer, let me ask you this: If you had three girls that you were talking to at the same time, would you really care that much if one didn't want to go out with you? The point is, having more options to work with will keep you less concerned about one individual girl, and that by...